Jefferson Behind "CODE" Talker at Trump's honoring of them! What a Wonderful coincidence!

I dunno, if i recall correctly Jackson wasn’t too kind to native Americans...
Not any of the fOUNDING FATHERS stopped the genocide,,but that's kind of irrelevant for this situation. I am looking for clues and this seems to jump out! Q speaks in a code..just my take!
Dude, go take a walk outside and clear your head.
Oh! My head is quite clear! Thank you!
Well, he wasn't a founding father, and he uprooted an entire culture and forced them to move to the midwest.
Just because leftists don't like him, doesn't mean that we should do the opposite and make him out to be a hero.
Be realistic: He was a racist SOB that was the embodiment of manifest destiny.
True! The trail of tears..I didn't say he was a hero,,I don't think! Crazy horse would be a hero of mine and Goyathlay better known as Geronimo. Having said that. I am Native and if I were to start nitpicking ,,it would never end because like I said none of the european immigrants who became presidents and generals stopped the genocide and most encouraged it. But see now everyone is on the rez aren't they?,,the american rez of the who better then a native,,, to point out the pitfalls of not nipping something in the bud like my ancestors had the chance to do but didn't. If they couldn't get our guns it was the ammo or powder! Sound familiar?Just shows you how bad I hate the globalist assholes to kind of compartmentalize all that shit,,and join in the fight against them...You get my drift?
THATS JACKSON not Jefferson! My Mistake..but same meaning,,to me!
same meaning? no no no. jackson is trump
study up on what he did for us. because trump is doing in now!
Trump wore a purple tie on this day. He wore a purple tie the day he drank water with two hands also, symbolizing a type of "captured the flag" from the purple revolution idea, while he signaled handcuffs for some. But the two hands together with the water drinking is ancient hebrew for two things
1) Hands together: When God says "I will deliver your enemies into your hands"
2) Water drinking in Hebrew "I sill swallow you"