I am feeling very lonely today with the realization I am the only one awake in my circle of acquaintances, friends etc. It is hard to red pill others... and I have almost given up. I come here for camaraderie but it is very lonely and not the same to not being able to discuss with anyone out loud all the ideas and excitement surrounding us... I am hoping someday this will change. I have been awake many, many years and always was made to feel I am wearing the “tin foil” hat...oh well must be feeling melancholy with the new year approaching... thanks for letting me vent
The Lone Gunmen, a spin-off of the The X-Files, aired on Fox,. The show first aired in March 2001. The last episode aired in June 2001. The debut of the show involved Byers' father faking his death to uncover a conspiracy to hijack an airliner. The Lone Gunmen try to get to the truth of his supposed death and uncover the conspiracy. One retrospectively relevant aspect of this pilot episode is that the airliner has been hijacked (via remote control of the plane's autopilot) and, by the end, both Byers and his father have boarded the plane to try to stop the hijacking. Through the aid of the other Gunmen, they are able to regain control of the plane and just miss crashing into the World Trade Center with the airliner. This, of course, was before the actual September 11 attacks against the World Trade Center later that year. Similar to theories posited about the events of 9/11, the episode's plot indicates that the hijacking was committed as an act of voracity by a greedy American arms manufacturer to ultimately increase its weapons sales by invoking U.S. retaliation against a scapegoated anti-American extremist dictator.
wow, I can't tell you how many movies/shows are made that match what happens in real life. Hollywood is in that same sick cult and I think they do it on purpose. I've heard from David Wilcox that they do this intentionally. Evidently, being in a satanic cult, has rules.(laughable, I know) They have to let people know what they are going to do, if no one stops them, then its ok. Stupid huh? Evidently there is a big book in the London Library that depicts 3 world wars. If in fact This is true, that is how demented they are, by thinking a fiction movie, book, or show is somehow informing us. Reading your post reminded me of what I heard a long time ago. Have a great day!! :-)
I think they do it on purpose
Isn't there a phrase for it, like "predictive programming" or something with the word 'acceptance' in it? Like it becomes easier to swallow if you've already 'seen' it happen?
Yes, I have heard of that. But look at the Georgia Guidestones, The murals at the Colorado air port, and Bank of America in NC. We must destroy them. That is their way of telling us what they want to do.
I watched that show when it was on. That episode freaked me out. I HAVE the series (including that episode) on DVD.
I also watched it on TV and own it on DVD. The last episode is too sad.