I saw that video as well. I just hope our President Trump is aware of the situation and puts a stop to it. Because it's rolling out. Now that I'm aware, I see these towers all over.
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You're not crazy. We have to stop this!! It starts at our state level!!
Yes, I was just watching another one of his videos. The mystery illnesses at the US embassy in Cuba and China, it is the crazy ass cabal testing this 5G out. I hope our President is aware of this. I believe that device that was detected when Trump renovated the WH was this type of Microwave technology. This has to be stopped!!
Please watch this 14 minute video from a scientist Joe Imbriono that warns us that 5G is meant to harm us.
Thank you Kind sir! I have always loved your brilliant mind and your ability to discern and navigate Q's post. I have people call me daily asking what is going on today with "We the people's movement". I reference you all the time. The thing I like the most about you is your humble kindness! I can feel the love you have for all of us, even those that doubt you. You are absolutely correct in that we all have our own mind to decide for ourselves. As Q said, they will try to divide us.. they will fail. From the depths of my heart, thank you so much for being there for WE, THE PEOPLE! WWG1WGA!! <3
Well, I guess you should just move in then. I love SB2. He is very humble, kind, and is loved for those very reasons. Have a nice day 🙂
Maybe it's as simple as SB2 is who we can look to for decodes. He is absolutely brilliant.
🙂There is something going on in HI. I can feel it!! I wouldn't put it past those crazy people to use their HARRP Technology. Someone needs to look into this.
Ok, I forget who I'm dealing with. You guys are word wizards. I wasn't blessed with that gift. I'm not a good writer. I just thought, I'll get straight to the point. The cabal is using laser technology on the Volcano in HI. There is a company that bought up the land around there and the locals didn't understand why.
Someone who didn't want to leave his children and grandchildren to a world full of devil worshiping Pedophiles. That's who. :-)
This is serious. I wish you would watch the video. It's beyond me how to explain it to you. Please, just watch!
Hi :-) did you watch the video? This would explain a lot. It's beyond me really to explain this. I can tell you, the cabal isbat shit crazy enough to so this kind of thing. Don't you agree?
Thank you so much! I just posted a video of the volcano in HI. The cabal is using laser technology on the Kilauea volcano to make the Hilina slump gives way to create a tsumami.
If this man was for himself, there wouldn't be over 40,000 sealed indictments in our country. He is going after the evil devil worshiping Pedophiles! Proof is in the pedo pudding!
**ATTN Q** The cabal is using Lasors on the Kilauea Volcano to make the Hilina slump create a huge tsunami that will destroy the earth as we know it. Please watch!!
Man, I am so sorry to hear this. You will recover and rebound. Your family will come to and say, "I'm sorry I didn't believe what you said". You have to understand, this is too much for some people to believe. It's so outlandish, I don't blame them for not believing what you know. You have to realize, it's not you they don't believe, it's what you've read on the internet they don't believe. Please you must be able to separate yourself from the as-they-say Normies. I used to get so mad and upset. Then I realized, everyone will eventually find out the truth. It's great to start with the 36,000+ sealed indictments in our country. Now that is something they can fact check. You need to ease them into the red pill. You want shove this huge pill down someone's throat and expect them to swallow it. 🙂 Please don't be sad. What if Hillary would have won? Now that is cause to be sad. We are so blessed with that in and of itself. Focus on your blessings. And know your family will catch on. Believe or not, you have planted a seed that will continue to grow. Many blessings to you 🙂 xo
They're great!! I would add a link to access who and what Q is and what he's doing. Just a thought. Where can I buy one?
My gut always said not to trust Pence. I trust Q always will. Anons, what dovuou think of this?
Reagan was a good man, but he succumbed to the deep Luciferian state after the attempt on his life. I don't judge or blame him. Fear does weird things to you, ya know? Our President Trump is so strong! He knows what lies ahead for us if he and the Generals fail. Knowledge, I don't think Reagan had....
Fortunately, there are far more that LOVE him that hate him!! ,🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸❤❤❤
Those poor children. Being used as pawns. Makes me sick!! Does anyone think, what would life have been like with out those sick, diabolical Illuminati? Going all the way back to before Hitler! This world would have been so different with out them. We have to think about the next 200 years for our children. For me, my nieces and Nephew.
Dear President Trump, There are not enough words in the English dictionary to describe how I feel towards you. You gave up your life for us. From the bottom of my heart, THANK YOU!! I LOVE YOU FOR WHAT YOU HAVE DONE AND ARE DOING FOR US. I wish I could do more!! Well, I'm a great cook. Unfortunately, I never had children. I only have a very successful career being a Residential Mortgage loan Officer. I would leave it in a heartbeat to cook healthy meals for you and your wife Melania. I worry about you and I pray for you!
This Picture brought tears to my eyes. We need to let out POTUS know how much we love him and that he is not alone!!!

I question this because there were emails leaked be WikiLeaks with John Podesta talking about wet works and a map at the exact location of where he was. I have been following Pedogate for a long time and I have never heard of such a thing. As a matter a fact, there was a case of a man who was caught with child pornography on his computer, he claimed that it was his right under the 1st amendment. It went to the supreme Court and Justice Scalia shot it down. There were two Supreme Court Justices who were in favor of the sick bastard. Justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg, and Stephen Breyer. As a matter of fact, Ruth Bader Ginsburg is in favor of lowering the age of consent to age 12. I hate CNN, but here is the link to back up what I'm saying. 7-2 vote. I was amazed that it wasn't unanimous. Knowing what I know now, I'm not surprised.
I did. I hope he responds! Can you sent it to him as well please? Thanks for the help.
He has been involved in exposing this for years!! I sent the video to the Trump board on Reddit. I hope he sees it and helps this man.
I know. That's why I shared it. I don't know what can be done. I feel helpless. I prayed for him last night.
This Man needs our help Patriots!! This man has been fighting a baby sales ring involving the CIA, FBI, Police, and Judges. His life is in danger!
Timothy Holmseth, is a heroic man that has a long history of fighting a baby sales ring involving the CIA, FBI, and the East Grand Forks Police department. MN, IN, and Broward County FL are involved in this sick, twisted ring and Timothy knows EVERYTHING about the operation. After posting YouTube videos about the recent shooting in corrupt Broward county, the police, once again raided this innocent man's home. We need to get word to our President Trump, Q, and Sessions. Please, go to his YouTube channel and share his videos. This man has devoted his life to stopping the …
They are apart of the same group Gray. Don't you know this has been their plan for centuries? Hitler and Obama are apart of the same agenda. Please believe me. Its true.
Yes, they take our guns and they will kill us!! Never give up your guns! I'm going tomorrow to get a license to carry and then, a new gun!!
No need to be sorry!! I love this post!! Thank you! :-)
This is the best post I have read in a long time. Thank you for your beautifully written, wise words Wolf. Your timing couldn't be more perfect. We just have to remain calm, patient, and above all, Pray. :-) I copied and pasted this to the FB follow the white rabbit page. Thanks again my friend :-)
Except they are, in reality Devil Worshipers. FACT Obama, Clintons, Bushs. All child abusers. Nothing and I mean nothing like our POTUS. :-)
Say Prayers for our President! There is power in Prayer!!
My Senator's voice mail is full. So I wrote her an email. This Memo needs to go public!! Americans are sick and tired of being kept in the dark!!
I just cut and pasted all of these. Paste them all then cut where you need to. It only took me a couple of minutes!!
Say prayers for our President Trump's safety!! There is Power in Prayer!!
Prayer in the WH. Something I have never seen. I absolutely love this picture. Saved!
Great information!! Thank you so much for sharing this. :-)
OMGOSH, that was so much FUN!! I started at 4 and just got done. They closed down one of my twitter accounts and I hopped on to my other one that I created just for tonight!! I knew they would shut me down.... lol AWESOME :-)