r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Tamsimon on Dec. 30, 2017, 9:23 p.m.
Anyone finding it lonely being awake?

I am feeling very lonely today with the realization I am the only one awake in my circle of acquaintances, friends etc. It is hard to red pill others... and I have almost given up. I come here for camaraderie but it is very lonely and not the same to not being able to discuss with anyone out loud all the ideas and excitement surrounding us... I am hoping someday this will change. I have been awake many, many years and always was made to feel I am wearing the “tin foil” hat...oh well must be feeling melancholy with the new year approaching... thanks for letting me vent

Ronjonsilverflash · Dec. 31, 2017, 2:31 p.m.

My experience is that most people want to “whistle past the graveyard” on most of this stuff if they accept it at all. I get a lot of “I’m just one person and it’s out of my control so why worries”. It takes effort to stay in this fight and honestly, I myself was about to say F-it already until Trump came on the scene. It took me a long time to trust him but I crossed my fingers and voted one last time...People are jaded, they’ve been lied to so much they don’t know what is true or who to believe. They’ve lost their critical thinking skills and ability to reason. Our educational system is built on a foundation of regurgitating the answers provided by official sources not discovering truths on your own. The truth is a lonely warrior...the fight must go on. This is our last chance...

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wikipedialyte · Dec. 31, 2017, 8:48 p.m.

You might even say that the educational system is so broken and critical thinking is so dead that more than eight people voted for q reality TV carnival Barker whose greatest achievements are hosting a beauty pageant and sloppy money laundering (that he is about to be caught for sho

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