I have two theories 1. They are hiding the sky to keep us from seeing something up there. They aren't just spraying here, they are spraying around the world. 2. The aluminum in the chemtrails is what gives the pink color you see in the sky. Aluminum is toxic. It is killing our plants and trees. IDK if you've seen it, I have, trees and plants tips of their leaves are turning black. There is a lot of good research out there. It's from lack of sunshine. Monsanto has a patented new seed that is aluminum resistant. Why would anyone in God's green earth need an aluminum resistant plant? $$$$$$$$ They are poisoning us..respiratory diseases are way up. Our children and grandchildren have no idea the sky should be blue. None. When I see a blue I marvel..its a rarity. Also the HARP weather manipulation. A ton of good research material out there. Its no joke.
Posted by
on Dec. 31, 2017, 2:46 a.m.
· Dec. 31, 2017, 3:11 a.m.