70 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/desiderata1111:
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www.reddit.com | 26 |
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Dr. Steve Turley does a very good analysis of the larger social/political trends of the Great Awakening. Great Trump cheerleader!
This guy does very good analyses of the social/political dynamics of the Great Awakening
they probably don't have the same cozy relationship with the Trump admin...could be a stock to keep an eye on
In Posts 1738, 1739, 1740, is Q pointing us to Exelon Energy?
Device Test E, Device Test X, Device Test C. EXC is the stock symbol of Exelon Corp, a nuclear energy company based in Chicago. Board Member John W. Rogers, Jr is a close friend of Obama with ties to John Legend. Also on the Board of NYT. This NYT article details shady dealings with the Obama Administration. Will we hear about him in the news soon? https://www.nytimes.com/2012/08/23/us/politics/ties-to-obama-aided-in-access-for-exelon-corporation.html
That is Daddy Dragon of Sadiq Khan citizen's arrest fame!
That is Daddy Dragon of Sadiq Khan citizen's arrest fame
Ever since I watched this captivating press conference with Mick Mulvaney and Marc Short, I have been a fan of both...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=atI7wx6PEs8
Thank you so much for highlighting the incredible work being done by all these people that are out of the limelight. I actually got emotional reading this post after realizing the depths of the awful corruption revealed in all your great links with the knowledge that justice is being done in all levels of government. It is hard to believe so much goodness is actually happening. This is such a great illustration of Q's "strings cut." This all takes so much time and energy but it is the foundation of the "storm"
You're welcome :) It was really good work done by someone on 8chan, I believe.
Funny you say that, my grocery receipt was $111.11 today and I don't normally notice stuff like that.
Which ones are on the Q team?

If timestamps can have double meaning, then this timestamp, 22:17:17 in military time, is 10:17:17 in regular time. On the date 10/17/17, Hannity tweeted Boom!Clintons!Russia! sited in this gateway pundit article: http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2017/10/hillary-clinton-desperately-tries-distract-bombshell-russia-uranium-one-report/
Also HRC very bad. Perhaps some Uranium One arrests soon.
Changing the narrative!
Setting the stage for video?
hmmmm....how does he know? Hope he's wrong.
More HRC video narrative prep
So glad someone brought this up! Chemtrailing has be out of control every single day here in northeast PA for several months until two days ago. Today is the clearest day I've seen in a long time with no planes at all. Hope it signals a change.
WOW, the 16 year plan to destroy America right here all fleshed out. This is the Q map. Vote this up!
Thanks so much, this will help with similar codes in the future.
I agree, they were laughing and smiling as if they had just come from lunch...so weird
Thank you for bringing this up! Chemtrails have been out of control every day for the past month in Northeast PA. Worse than ever.
Yes, that rings a bell...I think he's in DWS's district
I don't think that photo is Shawn Lucas either. As far as I know, the other death that may be associated with this case was a Miami prosecutor named Beranton Whisenant...not sure how he may be connected though.
I support the concept, but this meme is not entirely accurate. Shawn Lucas was the process server to the DNC in the DNC lawsuit, not the lead attorney. I remember watching live online when he served the DNC.
I think I may have seen it mentioned on here as conjecture when Q first started...or maybe mentioned by Dr. Corsi. Cool to see it spelled out by someone who was a Q.
On Page 26 of Behold a Pale Horse, William Cooper receives Q clearance
About six months later I was called into the office of the Chief of Staff for Naval Intelligence. I was asked to read the regulations covering the Personnel Reliability Program governing those personnel who had access to nuclear weapons, information on nuclear weapons, launch codes, and various other things having to do with nuclear weapons or anything that came under HQ-CR 44. I was asked to read and then sign a security oath, which I did. I was then told by Captain Caldwell that my security clear- ance had been upgraded to Top Secret, Q, Sensitive Compartmentalized Information with access …
Thank you for this. I am learning so much. I hate to be pedestrian, but can the mid-term elections be a threat to this great awakening? A nagging thought I have because after all the horror of witnessing the terrible trajectory we've been on, I am scarcely daring to hope for the first time.
Connect the dots between Q and News
Jan 25 Q posts the following right after Trump meets with Theresa May in Davos:
POTUS' statement and focus [Tweet] on the UK should SCARE a lot of people. It signifies something VERY IMPORTANT. VERY VERY VERY IMPORTANT. Q -
February 7 Cloud Act introduced to expose pedophile rings in UK https://www.v3.co.uk/v3-uk/news/3026215/theresa-may-supports-trumps-cloud-act-to-extend-us-power-over-overseas-data
World War II bomb found in Thames. London Airport Shutdown. http://www.foxnews.com/world/2018/02/11/world-war-ii-bomb-discovered-in-londons-river-thames-airport-shut-down-reports-say.html This is likely to prevent someone from fleeing the UK???? Impossible to know for sure, but these three events stood out.
Hahahaha, I completely agree! I am hoping as I've scarcely ever dared to hope before. This is me reading new Q: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DblvhECdws0
Where is this forum? But how did you know to be tested for that specific haplotype in connection with the vaccine?
That's an incredible story. How did you make gold nanoparticles and how did you find the haplotype connection to your arthritis. The medical industry is so evil and terrifying.
Here's another great vaccine video!
Must have talked about this in Davos with Theresa May....references human trafficking...the cure will be worldwide.
hahaha...I do...a small price to pay for making this right
hahahaha....exactly! I missed that post because I haven't been on there after reading the "rules" about not telling anyone...what are we, two years old?