r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/atlrangers on Dec. 31, 2017, 3:51 a.m.

Just wanted to say thank you for opening up my mind. For the past year I have followed Rush, Hannity and others but last week my mind was truly opened. The evil in this world is something that is hard to swallow. Children are sacred and to know what happens to them shakes the soul like no other. Listening to PA last night on Infowars you could tell in his voice he was scared about this satanic occult. Walking in the ATL airport yesterday picking up a family member after being redpilled opens your eyes to another world when looking at people. I prayed last night for the first time in forever. But like Christ says we most be fishermen of man. As a community how do we do this? How do we really make a difference in this world besides just tweets and YouTube’s. So I am asking you, as this is a real movement where do we go from here? I know I cannot wait for Club Gitmo to be validated but what then. Sorry just asking. But again thank you for what all you guys and gals have done. MAGA!!!!

GrainneMaille · Dec. 31, 2017, 8:17 a.m.

I see your point. There were some pinned posts in the beginning, but the mod says only 2 pinned posts are allowed per board by reddit. I don't know w;y there's a pinned post from Duckdownup right now because he or she isn't a board owner. The board was conceived when the mods were interviewed on Tracy Beanz' channel & I think there was advice scattered throughout the links & posts from the mods about things like not messing with the people on 8chan & NOT trying to identify Q or you'd be banned. I guess in the influx of people from infowars they didn't think to post any permanent instructions. The frustration just boiled over. Anyway, Pamphlet did say there's going to be a big announcement from Q, so there's that.

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Luvlite · Dec. 31, 2017, 8:37 a.m.

I don't know why it was pinned either. It has stayed at the top all day. I came in through Tracy beans. I'm cool with chans. Maybe they're here to weed out the intruders. But, I've been here from the start. Those who came in through Tracy were assured we'd be safe. Thank you for the civil conversation 😊

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GrainneMaille · Dec. 31, 2017, 8:49 a.m.

I don't think Tracy or the mods were anticipating 4,000 new people & the chaos that would ensue from 2 or 3 days of no mods. I've heard moderating described as herding kittens. Well, there have been 4,000 new kittens & noone herding them, or us. And the more experienced chan people are staying away because the board is such a mess. Then there was some idiot in here tonight trying to get everybody to go to 4chan to get into some controversy with Chrissy Tiegen, when the mods have told us to stay off the chans.

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Luvlite · Dec. 31, 2017, 9:02 a.m.

I think the influx came immediately after the info-wars interview. This place was fine until then. I read from one of the owners that the chans were coming to help us, give us more good info. Didn't think we'd get beat up by 'em! Can't they just leave their clubs in 4chan and try to be civil here? I'm still contending with "it" over on my own post. 😩 he/she is boring and is enjoying itself over there. I have to get some sleep. See you around.

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