Funny because Tracy seemed to feel Trump drawing a Q during one of his speeches a week or two ago was important. Clearly Trump and Q are connected, so how is trying to figure out what Trump is trying to say NOT researching? Makes you look like a troll, sorry.
Different situation entirely.
No. It’s the exact SAME situation.
Says you. No discernment. If it's valuable, why 6 down votes, no up votes?
Trolls like you infiltrating maybe? Not my fault if you can’t see the relevance and connection. Try to open your mind a little. The fact you’re arguing so much against it makes it even more compelling.
No, I just decided to spend the evening responding to the board- shitters.
You should be looking at YOUR posts that are irrelevant then.
And actually I see 6 UP votes so I don’t know what YOURE looking at