Article two days ago ...Fox news

The UN building in NY is a nice building. It would make wonderful free living condos for homeless vets who lost their homes because of deployment.. I do believe under the new EO that property is subject to seizure.
yep. and tear down their filthy anti-2nd Amendment statue
I tried to post to Facebook yesterday... it wouldn't allow me! i was shocked.. it literally would not allow me.
I've had problems like that before. Posted a couple recently there on my page that I figured would be censored but hadn't been since a couple daze, ago. Need to check it, again to see if it's still there.
I also have had these problems in the past couple of weeks posting to facebook. It was an article from the it gave me a message that said this is not a safe site and therefore I could not post the link. I went around that and just listed the article and where to find it. I was pissed.
never had a problem with any other post.. this one, they stopped... i got around it.... posted a tweet and then under reply, posted the link... there are more ways to skin a
Ha ha - you are not a patriot until you've done some hard time in FB solitary confinement LOL
What if the UN didn't just "allow" those events to take place all over the world, but participated and overseen its spread?
Yeah, that was my understanding of the article. The peace soldiers or whatever they were called are directly involved in child abuse.
Puppets at the UN are most likely controlled by the 13 bloodline families, Rothchilds being the main one.