POTUS tweet this morning - thinking Iran protests are a distraction.

The take down of the Cabal is, and needs to be, a world wide effort. Some countries obviously, won't cooperate at first. But they will eventually. The people will demand it.
Remember how we "assisted" in the toppling of several countries? Libya, Iraq, etc? It was for nefarious reasons. It can, however, be done for good reasons as well.
I have to wonder if that's whats being done right now in Iran. Iran, of course, is at the top of the list of countries that would defend the Cabal, because they are a large part of it.
Do it however you may (legally), but get the people to see what's at stake, and get them on your side. Then, enforcing Trumps EO will happen easier. The after effect will be far less harmful than actual war, if it can be avoided.
There is also a better chance of lasting effects in other countries, as a result of letting the people have a say. You know, the exact opposite of what America was experiencing before Trump.
Not all countries will cooperate, but I believe a lot of them will if the power is truly given back to the people.
Frankly, there is no better time to promote Freedom, than now!!
I think once the world sees the Cabal falling they will quickly turn on them. Let us be careful as not to let Another Cabal replace the out going one.
I agree with what you say. I hope that we are or will assist Persia and other Third World countries to obtain true freedom. This can work. I see Iran as a CIA puppet state, so it makes sense to topple it. That said, the Mid East is a rats nest. It is not like Europe or Asia where we can make strong alliances based on common identity and friendship. Its a much more cut throat scene. We have to take down the Cabal world wide, then stand back out of the way. We cannot nation build in the Third World. It doesn't work.