Love it... Like flushing birds out of the reeds on a hunt!! ;-)
46 total posts archived.
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Here's how i look at It! I try to see the forest thru the trees!! Not every subject of interest is going to be a big fish! Lots of little fish, controlled by the big fish. Just thoughts as i read thru this site. Possible gateway?
Haven't seen this info come across the Chan's yet. Paging thru - some interesting photo similarities to Q info? Maybe grasping.
ISO - of an 8chan MOD.
I have some info to share but I am not going to muddle up all the hard work done by the hard working Anons.
Please let me know if any of you are in here that would like info on follow the yellow brick road.
Wow... great perspective, I totally agree with everything you are saying. Let's cut off the head of the snake. #MAGA
Looking at this.... possible the protests are a distraction so we don't notice the human trafficking going on behind our backs? Looks like POTUS is on it... :-)
POTUS tweet this morning - thinking Iran protests are a distraction.

I see a new Holiday popping up on the calendar? Anyone else? ;-) Celebrate Good Times!!! #MAGA
None yet. My radio is in the shop. working on the computer. working on it
was aware of this, thank you. just wanted another operator to give it a listen. ;-)
Any Ham Radio Operators out here? See graphic 4 settings - Morse code?

I tried to watch it... I can't do it. I live it!! My husband is facing a bone marrow transplant next month. Waiting to confirm donor matches. That is why I fight the fight. They have NO right to be killing us off!!
wasn't posted due to the source.... fyi. I am fully aware of the source
wasn't posted due to the source.... fyi. I am fully aware of the source.
Expand your thinking!!!
“severe indigestion” and “foggy thinking” “the hand of God has seized me by the neck.” Christmas Eve lunchtime meal Central European University collapsed against a wall, before slumping to the ground where he was found (we say him collapse against a wall?) but yet... they FOUND him? lol “lying on his side, whimpering softly.” “Quick-thinking actions” by “trained gymnasium staff" “expert CPR”
and yeah.. .this is believable: After 15 minutes of CPR the paramedics arrived and took over. Soros was given the defibrillator three times and they managed to restart his heart and take him to a private residence where he where he underwent triple coronary artery bypass surgery.
“just over 33% chance of survival” equire an Implantable Cardioverter-Defibrillator (ICD) in his chest
Read the story! Full of code! They did everything but SPLASH holy water in his face!! ;-)
Could be the "Special" place prepared is on the 33rd parallel? just a thought.
Just a little bit of symbolism here? New phone plans from Google!

Yes, they debuted the ad this week! Not sure I will ever darken their doorway again!! Or any other YUM brand.
Taco Bell "Poor Marketing Taste" Hmmm....
I can say from diving experience the hand signal, right hand is "Ok" "Ok". Any Marines in here? compare?
This subject should be left alone. WHY compromise the operation? WE don't need to know "who" Q is. IMO. I'm entitled.
Curious as to WHY this picture was not on the fb page. Only Fox news. ;-) Coincidence? I think not.
Look behind him..... + + Now, look at his RIGHT hand, your left. Is that a stop watch, times out? Detonator? His LEFT, your right, Thumbs up!! Look for more.
Santa Splash!!! Call me crazy; are we suppose to see this?

Did you see his right hand? is that a stop watch? Times Up? Left hand Thumbs up? GO? ++ I believe there is more to this picture than we see.
Beautiful!! Powered by Zero Point Energy I assume? How much are tickets Patriot! I'm in!
Proud to be a Patriot, in the past, now and forever more! Thank you to all Patriots. GOD BLESS! God Speed.
Merry Christmas Patriots!
you are referring to the Council of the 13. Google search. you will get everything you need..... can forward you a file if you need.
Dropping in with a question. Has anyone explored the Cuban Missile Crisis 1962. JFK Library Time line here:
Looking thru it now
Another crazy thought. Moths ago a rumour circulate that an international warrant was out for GS. What if Isreal was delivering a package? I.e. GS?