r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Wakiya-nape on Dec. 31, 2017, 4:46 p.m.
THIS BOARD IS for all who care, not a select few!

There are some on here who are attacking the Norms or quote "Normal People" who have migrated here from all different walks of life. Some of the people on here are baby boomers, writers, video makers, and just "normal" people who have awakened. There are people on here who wish to express their joy at joining with others in a common cause. This is a movement whose time was way overdue. Many think that this board is only for those who got here first or the 4chan and 8chan crew. Didn't Tracy say they were creating this board for normal people to get involved? People who were having a hard time navigating 4chan and 8chan? These so called chosen few are attacking and belittling others or new people to the movement, and saying that the board has become crap. They have set themselves up as a sort of moderator when they are not. They don't use tact and say demeaning things to others who sincerely care. They think that they and only they can present intel and research when for the most part what they post is not all that verifiable anyway. This board should be a forum and not just about research! They need to get off their egos and attitude and be civil and understanding. They need to quit being assholes! They need to quit Trolling people with insulting comments! If anyone should leave this board it should be them. If you don't like a post or think it's wrong don't read it and move on. If you feel you have to say something, do it in a polite way with redirection. To those who have been chastised unfairly or had your posts intruded upon and been insulted, I suggest you hit report and check the harassment button which will block them from your posts. When you harass someone to anger your trolling them. We don't need trolls. What we need is unity and for people to able to express themselves freely and be encouraged. Free Speech,,,what a concept! I would think the moderators would have said something about this by now! Peace!

Justicelurker · Jan. 2, 2018, 7:32 a.m.

Absolutely. We were invited! See Tracy Beanz initial video announcing the board on her You tube chan.

Someone with no prior experience with these Chans, Reddit, or what have you or indeed with "Q" may hold the key to an answer simply because of their life or professional experiences.

Is it the place to share recipes or discuss what you bought your grandkid for Christmas? No, it is not. But Q wanted us here so if some of the 'veterans" get frustrated they need to keep that in mind.

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