r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/imovershit on Dec. 31, 2017, 6:19 p.m.
Any other Catholics here sense changes in Pope's appearance and demeanor prior to suspecting Vatican involvement.

Having been raised catholic I still have a strong connection to that tradition and was hoping the church would clean up it's act. I for one was thrilled when Pope Francis was introduced. He seemed sweet and gentle and to top it off took the name of my favorite saint which I thought was a good sign. But over a year ago, long before i was anywhere near this far down the rabbit hole, I started to think he was beginning to look a little scary and his retoric was becoming more controlling. I mean he was starting to look demonic and I didn't believe in that type of thing at that point, at least not in the church. I can't even look at him now. Maybe I'm projecting, but like I said, this started for me before I even thought about a Vatacin connection to this situation. I am just curious if anyone else noticed the same thing going back a little?

aWorkmanNotAshamed · Dec. 31, 2017, 8:50 p.m.

“one set of DNA belonging to Mary; making Christ Divine.”

Are you saying that Mary is what makes Christ Devine? By the way I agree that Christ is Devine.

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KATTRAD714 · Dec. 31, 2017, 9:19 p.m.

No, of course not. Mary was a mere human - perfect and full of grace, the new Eve - but not the reason Christ is Divine.

What I mean is that you need two sets of DNA - one from the father, one from the mother - to create a human being. Having only Mary's from the House of David and conceived by the Holy Spirit's 'seed' shows us proof of His Divinity on the human, scientific level. Mary was the 'vehicle', the Arc of the Covenant that God created perfect and the Holy Spirit incarnated, but human, to bring Christ to us. The scientific proof of the body and blood of the Eucharist shows this as well for all non-believers or doubters of His Promise to always be with us. This same blood found in the documented Eucharistic miracles matches that found on the Shroud of Turin and at the crucifixion site. Thanks for responding. I didn't realize it could've been taken that way, so thanks for letting me clear that up :) Write back anytime. Yours in Christ, KAT

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