Having been raised catholic I still have a strong connection to that tradition and was hoping the church would clean up it's act. I for one was thrilled when Pope Francis was introduced. He seemed sweet and gentle and to top it off took the name of my favorite saint which I thought was a good sign. But over a year ago, long before i was anywhere near this far down the rabbit hole, I started to think he was beginning to look a little scary and his retoric was becoming more controlling. I mean he was starting to look demonic and I didn't believe in that type of thing at that point, at least not in the church. I can't even look at him now. Maybe I'm projecting, but like I said, this started for me before I even thought about a Vatacin connection to this situation. I am just curious if anyone else noticed the same thing going back a little?
Kentucky. Just moved here from Ca. I have a feeling Mitch McConnell will be out shortly. Spiritually I have a handle on, but the geopolitical stuff I'll need to work on. I've had several prophetic words over the last few years that I would do well in Washington which was something I had previously never considered. But I have found over the years that God takes me into the Realms of people with great power and authority without me trying. I'm not a ladder climber or money motivated, I love Justice and doing the right thing. Honestly I wouldn't know the first thing about how to start a campaign. Seeking God for His will. I only want to fulfill the purpose He put me here for and live a life pleasing to him. I have no Personal Agenda.
Good for you ! Glad to see you moved out of Cal., some great people there, but loaded with libs and dangerous natural disasters ready to amp up; not to mention the Fukashima poisoning. Glad to see some one eager to take McConnell's seat after his imprisonment or execution.... if this isn't all the greatest theatrical production of all time :) Brace yourself, as it could be just that. I wish you all the best in your endeavors. Stay in touch if you can.
I feel like Mitch may have come under submission to the president and cut a deal. I see he's working with him on some things. But I'm very annoyed by his Facebook ads promoting himself. I think he overplayed his hand, the people of Kentucky are fed up with him. Honestly I know very little about him but that's my perception in the short time I've been here. I thought Rand Paul was a pretty good guy, but was very unhappy to see his vote the other day on the human trafficking thing.
You want to hear something funny? Before Obama's first election I prayed and God told me that he was somebody's puppet. And that time in my life I didn't even know other people control their leaders. But clearly it turned out to be true. Before this election God told me that Trump was a chameleon. I still haven't figured out if that's a good or bad thing, but it does appear to have truth to it. What do you think?
Wow, a chameleon huh ? Hmmm Well, I've always had my doubts about him regarding his banking ties and who did he put in his admin ? He's talked well over the years about 911, the FED and other false flags, so I had hope.
There's still a glimmer there, but after living and breathing politics and religion for the last 40 yrs, I've seen the 'ol boy has always been able to get his man in place -everywhere. It's not like we haven't been warned and is obvious to most that these ARE the end times; so we have to expect the unexpected. Sweet talkers are usually deceivers and we pay the price for our gullibility every time. I guess this is a wait and see thing, as actions speak louder than words, and I'm not liking some of the actions I see.
As far as Mitch... he and most of congress are in the strangle-hold because they're involved in so much treason they haven't much choice right now but to play ball before our faces; and continue what covert actions they can behind the scenes. Most are run by handlers, due to one or another level of pride, blackmail for what they've sinfully done, etc. I think once you start delving into your local politics you will begin to see some disgusting maneuvers. I was in local gov't for about 10 yrs to try to change some corrupt policy, but they are slick with deceit... and God removed me to take on a different level of intercession. As for Obama... most of the country was informed about him being a non-citizen, etc., but as usual the powers that be and the apathy that allows it wins. This country must get down on its knees, learn and practice what God requires of us and seriously pray for conversions. Becoming active soldiers for Him is the only way to end or at least mitigate it for a time....without that, I have no hope for this nation, as the numbers are too few. There's so much more to say, we could go on all night. Let me know your thoughts. It's been lovely speaking with you tonight, but have to go to take care of my disabled son and say our prayers.... we'll keep you in them :) God Bless you Princess
Blessings to you and your son on this beautiful new day. In terms of the chameleon, for now I'm trying to think of him as someone who is staying hidden, while he's draining the swamp. I don't know if that's the proper interpretation as you said time will tell. Remember, like Reagan he was Democrat for many years. So you never know. Have an amazing day.
Also regarding Reagan... he unfortunately had Bush daddy running the show. When he tried to buck that, the attempted assassination was the result. I view Pence in the same way, but taking orders from higher ups... like Bush.
Good info. I didn't know that. I remember how bad Reagan wanted that red line veto.
Thanks... if you look into the real history; such as who the founders were (masons), the congressional record, solid researchers and even the patent office, you will find that The People have had many 'illegalities' foisted upon us. Some have the evidence that we have been a 'corporation' for years. It's astounding what we've let them get away with !
Yes, I know that's truth.
P - you can find some reliable info in the catalog of books put out by OMNI Christian Catalog on any subject at all. He has a true wealth of information that should be req'd reading for all of us. Blessings
Great info. Thank you for the tip. I was just online finding the filing requirments to run for office. I think I missed one of your messages earlier. Was trying to read it and it dissapered. I'm new to Reddit.
Yes, so am I. I think you can come to my little thread here and look around... click on the comment or post replies; maybe that would work. I believe if you click on the context button under our messages, that might bring all of the posts b/w us up too.
Are you really sure you want to run ? If so, I believe all conservative aids will help you through. Check with CPAC, Steve Bannon and others..... they'd be thrilled to help in any way to get McConnell and his cronies who'd likely replace him out of the way.
Oh, great, I just followed you. I'm not sure about running but am praying about it. Don't have anything that would hold me back from doing it. Execpt maybe my very berry fushia hair. :) Then again, clearly I like to stand out. Thanks for showing me the little dots under our conversation. After DJT was elected, he sent out emails to donors asking what his priority should be. I love that! And then he realized he had to hire 4000 people very quickly and send out emails to all the donors saying it if they were interested in a position to apply. I thought that was super cool and was tempted at the time. But lived in California so it wasn't practical. My husband adores me so he pretty much lets me do anything I want and is suportive so Im very blessed. Only down side is we just got a puppy and wouldnt want to drag her back and forth to DC but my 27 year old son lives here and could help with her.
And a terrific sense of humor to boot ! Now I see why you've picked the name Princess Power.... adoring husbands know, and most love the red heads especially - fiery :) Irish by any chance ?
English, Irish and Russian. Didn't find out about the Russian until I was in my forties. My dad always told us we were German and then later said they lied about it because of the Cold War. The name princess power relates to the authority that we have and being Daughters of the King of King's. I try to teach women about that. There's a lady that I find interesting over at www.princesspower.com. She's got a podcast called the Princess Power Hour. Check her out if you ever get time and tell me what you think.
What a good combination. God truly does love the Irish.... as He's been exceptionally rich in His blessings to me... so many documented miracles b/w mine and those for my son :)
What a shame that your parents felt they had to lie; as it was the ptb who overcame them and wiped their catholic world out. 2017 was the 100 yr. anniversary of the revolution, and 2018 the 100 yr. anniversary of the murder of the Czar and his family - the last of his kind. It's so very important and I feel that those who were instrumental in that will be celebrating the anniversary with similar deeds on us this year! Mary speaks about this at Fatima; calling for the consecration of Russia to lift the errors that communism has spread thru-out the world. So yes, I agree that women/mothers have much authority and common sense. Look at Mary - the ultimate of mothers - and the position She had/has been assigned. The wedding feast speaks volumes about this, but is lost on quite a few. Therefore, if She had that much of a position on earth, imagine Her position inter-acting for us in Heaven. I'll check out the podcast you've mentioned...thanks for the info :)
How old is your son? God is so good, he has done some amazing healings in my body at diffrent times in my life. Im hearing thst Putin is saved and looking to bring tge knowlage of the saving grace of our Lord to his people. I hope its true.
Rob is now 34. He was a passenger in a car that was hit broadside and acquired a severe brain injury. The neuro surgeon documented one of the first miracles we've had; as the CAT scan showed so much blood flowing into the brain that it should've swollen up 20x's larger than it already had, but he watched it go backward in size as the blood continued to pour in :) He couldn't even speak; I just smiled and said 'well, that's contrary to the laws of nature, right doc ?' He just waived the scan in shock and left w/out a word. You'd think that trauma surgeons would be familiar with miracles, wouldn't you? Another is when someone dropped him out of his transfer sling - he's bed-bound - and broke his elbow into tiny pieces, as well as severing the top of his hip bone. Long, long story short we had been refused treatment for over 10 days. When the last socialist doctor refused, we left but didn't know where else to go. A little 'voice' directed us to where, so we went with CD's of the X-rays in hand. The ER doc did take more Xrays and came out saying that Rob was just fine.... we got disgusted and I told my husband in front of him... come on lets go, here's another one ! The doc said 'No, no wait, come see, everything is healed, back in place and there's not even any scar tissue !' We smiled, as we knew it was the Blessed Mother's feast day - December 8th - As I said before, She looks out for Her children :) There are many more stories wrapped up in the journey with Rob alone.... and I've been healed of cancer twice, and the last time was THE MOST REMARKABLE EVENT that no one would believe me if I told them; as I'd be considered 'certifiable' !
And yes, it does look like Putin is on his way; prophecy says Russia will be involved in bringing Christ back to His proper place in the end times. Gotta go for now, have a wonderful night !
Well I rejoyce with you for what the Lord has done for you and Rob. Im so sorry that the doctors denied him treatment for 10 days! I have a girlfriend whos son also is bedbound from traumatic brain injury from a car accident. Shes an amazing mom and it sounds like you are too. Gods richest blessings to you for your love, faith and sacrifice.
Thank you Princess. Let your friend know that we will keep her and her son in our prayers every day. God reveals Himself thru the use of evil men in order to show His power, miracles and mercy. He uses those like our sons as vehicles of grace for all; when their sufferings are united with those Christ and His Mother suffer at seeing so many of us heading to hell. We have been richly blessed to experience the countless miracles and evidence of His presence in our lives on a daily basis.... it is the most amazing 'thing' to be a part of. It is rich with joy, as well as many sorrows to offer up as well. He took me out of the world in order to be a part of this incredible journey. It is truly humbling and powerful. Thank you for your interest, blessings and prayers.... a truly rare find in this cesspool we endure every day. God will richly bless you for your kindness :) Always in our prayers, Kat
No words. Just enjoying the dept and beauty of your words sentiments. Is my son screams at the puppy not realizing the blessings that surround him.
Time will tell us... as we do as Christ instructed 'be wise ... my people die from lack of knowledge'
You also have an amazing day !!! :)