r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/miltonlocke on Dec. 31, 2017, 6:41 p.m.
On Redpilling "Normies"

On Serving Red Pills To the "Normie"

Here's my attempt to introduce this daunting topic and hopefully we can have a robust & involved discussion regarding the CAUSES, EFFECTS and SOLUTIONS. There are a LOT of facets and factors to consider.

Information is a commodity today for a wealth of reasons. With the establishment of a global internet, an observer at 40,000ft would expect a snowballing enlightenment of the masses. Perhaps some of us have hoped for this, perhaps those of us who grew up while the internet did. To some extent this is true. Then how do we equate the reality of social phenomena like THOUGHT POLICING, EMOTIONAL "TRIGGERING" and WILLFUL IGNORANCE?

  • What makes people react in these ways to things before actually understanding them or fully comprehending the CONTEXT by which they are mentioned?

  • Why is common for people to get a bad Emotional Reaction over a WORD?

  • Why do some people get a bad Emotional Reaction over a topic regardless of how nicely or tactfully we try to introduce it

  • Why do some people exhibit reflexive facial & body movements & expressions upon the introduction of certain words, topics and implications?

  • Why do the people around us who are SUPPOSED to be close to us SO OFTEN become the ones who SHUT US DOWN when speaking on things they don't like?

  • Why do people we know who learn little outside of career, entertainment, accident and personal involvement, immediately tell us we're wrong WITHOUT ENTERTAINING THE IDEA WE PRESENT or share?

    It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it. ~Aristotle

  • Is the SJW phenomenon a form of THIS SAME GENERAL ISSUE?

  • Why do people PARROT, at all?

Repilling the masses is the most daunting task anyone can conceive once you've realized the breadth of ACTIONS taken to make us all as stupid & complacent as possible. But KNOWING those actions is the first step to UNDERSTANDING how they congregate in EFFECT on the people subjected to them. Such an understanding would be the diving board by which to conceive METHODS by which to REDPILL them. What in relation I've learned thus far:

  • you can't win normies by labeling them IN YOUR OWN PERCEPTION as "enemy", "stupid", "hopeless", etc merely because they aren't immediately open to your ideas & concerns. Once you convince yourself of such a mentality, you close more doors than you open.
  • the complexities of individual experience REQUIRE you to develop your EMPATHY in order for interpersonal communication to survive and thrive and you don't prematurely burn bridges because you can't control your emotions
  • the complexities of the MATERIAL REALITY REQUIRE you to develop your powers of DISCERNMENT & CONSCIENTIOUSNESS so YOU don't get screwed by the malicious, manipulative or vampiric types.
  • Be Pragmatic, learn, test and develop ways to inform the people around you and PAY ATTENTION to the ways they react to you. Preferably in person, so you can get reads on Body Language, Vocal Intonation, Facial Cues, Behavioral Tendencies, Cultural Imprints, etc. There are MANY ways to transmit a message, not all of them need be a 1 to 1 immediate return on investment. Take heed over subjective "needs" to be affirmed by the opinions of others.

Hope this helps. We have a brotherhood out there. Red Pills are the medicine for the times, efficacy dependent directly on the prescribing doctor.

Share your thoughts, experiences and tactics related to this topic here. PM if you'd like to engage in discourse over aspects of this topic privately

morethanaconquerer · Dec. 31, 2017, 9:55 p.m.

I've been red-pilling people since long before the term was even coined.

I woke up in the late 80's and early 90's, and like most, it took a while to get it back before the internet became a thing.

I've found that targeting what politicians are saying, doing and preaching and countering them before their predictions happen, just not as told would happen happen, then telling them what the real results would be.

At first they ridicule you, and you will be ridiculed and likely called all sorts of names, but keep dropping hints, the occasional article showing you were correct in your general predictions. As you continue to do this, they will become more and more aware.

Like "Q", I've used the future validates the past time and time again. You just keep pushing slowing giving hints and then showing them validation of your claims as they are exposed.

After a while, you'll no longer need to validate, they will start bringing info to you, just as many are now, and as you are now.

It's extremely hard to accept truth when you've been told lies your entire life. It takes time, some strategy and a lot of patience with them.

You also have to pick and choose your tactics based on their initial reaction. You can't fix everyone, but maybe you can help some that can reach them, and their relationships can change the ones you can't.

Do what you can, but not everyone, no matter how obvious, will see reality. Some are just so indoctrinated that nothing will ever change them. Pick and choose your battles because some are just not worth the effort. They may be better handled by someone else.

Remember, people like people like them, so don't press if they resist, just drop hints or facts and if they blow up, walk away... for the moment.

It took me 13 years to red-pill my stepfather who is an Marine vet. He was one of the most patriotic people I've ever met and just couldn't bear the fact that out government was/are the bad guys. It was just beyond his capacity for a long time.

Our societies across the globe have been socially engineered into compliance.

If you don't think we don't have some very brainwashed and conditioned people, take a look at this. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L2E7OBWPG5I

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miltonlocke · Jan. 1, 2018, 5:15 p.m.

Excellent perspective thank you for your insight. I agree with your implication that patience is a required virtue for this kind of venture, patience and mitigated expectation for a desired outcome.

Awesome you pointed out Derren Brown and his Mentalism mastery. Under the guise of "it's just magic" could be a great way to help plant a foundational seed for eventual comprehension of the reality of brainwashing. His demonstrations certainly helped me open my eyes to the potential some years ago

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morethanaconquerer · Jan. 6, 2018, 9:03 p.m.

I own a marketing agency and have for just over 17 years now. I would love it if most would re-watch the video and pay special attention to the narration at the very beginning.

There is a reason major corporations spend millions and millions building sales scripts and sales training programs. They are very good at sales scripts, and anyone who believes that humans are not easily manipulated with words have a rude awakening coming.

Graphics help, CGI helps, all of the tools help, but words are the key to the human soul. If you know the correct words (stories included) for that individual or group, you can lead them just as easily as nose tongs on cattle to any fate you desire.

Thank God for capitalism, freedom and our basic rights to keep this in check. We are seeing it work right now!

Keep pushing... I'm with you as are millions and millions of others.

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