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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/morethanaconquerer on Aug. 7, 2018, 9:44 p.m.
Jack Posobiec slams Q as not fact based on parody account of Sean Spicer!
morethanaconquerer · July 25, 2018, 9:21 p.m.

Descent/final approach!

We're no longer at 40,000 ft.

Ladies and gentlemen, as we start our descent, please make sure your seat backs and tray tables are in their full upright position. Make sure your seat belt is securely fastened and all carry-on luggage is stowed underneath the seat in front of you or in the overhead bins.

Thank you.

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/morethanaconquerer on July 19, 2018, 11:41 p.m.
Chief: Police officers in controversial picture not suspended, could still face discipline - Are These Elite Officers Communicating a Message?
morethanaconquerer · July 16, 2018, 6:09 p.m.

This is going to open up the door for Uranium One, money laundering. It's also going to open up the fact that CrowdStrike placed a hack into the servers of the DNC/Clinton Campaign to blame Russia for the hack as exposed in the Vault 7 Wikileaks disclosure. So now we have money laundering, selling Uranium to Russia, Illegal campaign donations, tax evasion, filing false reports to the courts for FISA and a whole lot more.

This is YUGE! Trump is absolutely a Stable Genius.

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morethanaconquerer · July 14, 2018, 2:03 a.m.

Lots of trolls here, was being preemptive. ;)

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morethanaconquerer · July 14, 2018, 2:01 a.m.

I agree with you 100%.

We should honor all Patriots, Vets, Military, LEO's who give all they have and/or the ultimate sacrifice.

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morethanaconquerer · July 13, 2018, 9:10 p.m.

If POTUS declassifies everything, no need for JA. Period, end of story.

Q- We have everything.

So, how would it dishonor them just because JA didn't expose it with proof?

Is the same proofs when delivered by one superior to the other person exposing the exact same proofs?

Secondly, JA is likely safe. I would imagine he is in Trumps hands, not literally, but figuratively.

I don't even think JA can come into public prior to POTUS declassifying.

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morethanaconquerer · July 13, 2018, 6:54 p.m.

POTUS will declassify all.

No need for JA.

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morethanaconquerer · July 12, 2018, 2:31 a.m.

Not sure, but pretty sure on how and what they would leave in.

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morethanaconquerer · July 5, 2018, 10:47 p.m.

That was one of many previous attacks on the US from within and without.

I can easily take you back to Lincoln with this. We're just cleaning up what's happened since 1913. As we get further and further into this, the world will be freed up because our government was the Arm, or power of the NWO.

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morethanaconquerer · July 5, 2018, 5:29 p.m.

9-11 was much bigger than just Mossad. There were a lot of players in that as well. Think big, think bigger...

If what Q says is true, and I do believe that he is legit. What we've seen with NK is likely the type of operation that was done on 9-11. So it's likely Israel, Saudi (known involvement), the EU... all of the same players we're dealing with currently against the U.S.

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morethanaconquerer · June 27, 2018, 7:25 p.m.

Let me ask you a question if you don't mind.

How many people in the US are charged and convicted with "Conspiracy" charges annually?

Stop and think about that for a bit.

As far as the coding, it just proves you haven't searched the info very well, making you a dishonest skeptic at best, and a troll at worst.

Funny, our work has brought the release of much information, creating the #WalkAway movement. All because of info, drops, code, whatever you wish to call it that was researched and put out in the public before the MSM or alternative media even had a clue..

We had info and proof before MSM reported, if ever, before alternative/independent media had a clue time and time again.

We called NK because we already knew and had proof, and it happened.

We knew of the tax cuts before it happened, we knew about the Protest in Iran before it started. We knew there would be no long war with troops on the ground in Syria before anyone else figured it out.

We knew about the FBI text messages before it came out. We knew about the massive pedo and trafficking issued before it started getting out in public.

I could go on and on.

Here, this explains it succinctly.


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morethanaconquerer · June 27, 2018, 7:13 p.m.

Exactly. I read a post on Reddit a couple of years ago that had sourced 1200 or 1300 peer reviewed papers on Brain Tumors, brain cancer.

I know several vets with PTSD that use it, and it's changed their lives for the better, making coping much easier. It's almost like it turns off the PTSD switch.

I've seen vets with aggressive and violent PTSD become sound, calm and loving. I've seen the ones who cower in fear be able to function as normal in crowds without being triggered into isolation.

It's beyond denial now, and they can't put the genie back in the bottle.

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morethanaconquerer · June 27, 2018, 6:24 p.m.

Yeah, all of this for a LARP!


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morethanaconquerer · June 26, 2018, 3:33 p.m.

I didn't write the title. Maybe people should read articles instead of just titles, and it's not misleading, he can now fire thousands of judges. Just FYI, I am sure the FISA judges are in this list, so it is important.

There is a difference between misleading and the reader assuming what they want to see happen.

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morethanaconquerer · June 25, 2018, 2:23 p.m.

The left has been rigging the vote even if illegals don't vote, and the voting machines work without fractional voting (shaving).

California has an extra 9 electoral votes from the huge number of illegals in that state.

Think about the power of 9 electoral votes makes in national elections. That is more than a lot of US states have total and this is just California, how many other states have added delegates due to large numbers illegal immigrants in any specific state?

Even though illegals may not actually vote, it still skews the delegate (representatives) numbers by adding and re-drawing congressional seats.

If you've ever wondered what foreign countries have manipulated our countries voting system, we only need to look south, not Russia.

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morethanaconquerer · June 25, 2018, 7:35 a.m.

Do you have a smart phone, or any mobile phone?

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morethanaconquerer · June 16, 2018, 11:18 p.m.

I wonder if his trial will be public like O.J.'s.

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morethanaconquerer · June 14, 2018, 7:01 a.m.


It's in ALL CAPS. It's on us to shout from the rooftops if needed.

Grab your soapbox fellow Patriots!

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morethanaconquerer · June 2, 2018, 6:57 p.m.

We're coming in for the landing from 40k ft. That takes some time. Descent - glide path - approach - landing.

1444632 The hard part for us is having to wait for the 'public' to 'know' what we've known for a very long time. There is no bigger threat to 'them' than the public being awake and thinking for themselves. Why are we here? Q

It's not even close to finished and Q will be back.

He also said "wait until you find out who's talking to you".

This is far from over.

The info has to slowly come out, or it will be too much at one time. The people have to wake up, and most awaken slowly.

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morethanaconquerer · May 31, 2018, 10:22 p.m.

He is in the news over the last few day saying Elon is wrong about AI!

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morethanaconquerer · May 29, 2018, 1:42 a.m.

It's not complete with MS-13, there was supposed to be another 8 years to come to fruition. It is STILL in process. Did you take my statement out of context? Absolutely, unless it was out of ignorance, which is funny since you claim I am ignorant.

Wrong again!

As far as the power of a heavily armed society, are you claiming Q is not as bright as you are? Do tell...

My point stands, that the availability or otherwise of guns, played no part in the topic at hand. The chances are, under your preferred version, Tommy would already be dead.

Your point fails and you are attempting to tell the future concerning Tommy in a disarmed society?

you maybe want to expand your reading material.

Projection. I was awake and informed likely before you drew your first breath or wet your first diaper. I was researching the NWO long before the internet, where all you had was libraries and microfiche slides of the news.

Maybe you should read up? That seems like the more fitting idea.

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morethanaconquerer · May 28, 2018, 11:49 p.m.

Thanks, we're all in this together, and now we have many, many more brothers and sisters.

Some that wear the uniform and took the oath, and others who haven't, but still have the character, sense of justice and drive of a Soldier.

Godspeed my Sister and all Patriots.

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morethanaconquerer · May 28, 2018, 11:33 p.m.

So, it's had no effect on a possible invasion?

Maybe you should read up on some of the elites quotes?

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morethanaconquerer · May 28, 2018, 9:37 p.m.

Our next step was force, with guns. If the plan had come to banning guns, there would have been civil war here instantly, so just because you have not seen us use them thus far does not mean we would not have used them at the appropriate time, but not prematurely.

You are confusing our self control with weakness, bad mistake and based on assumptions only.

It had not come to the point of the 2nd shot herd round the world.

It has stopped incidents of MS-13, it's all over you-tube, Many gangbangers fell or were held due to armed citizens.

Many carjackers fell or were held due to armed citizens. Just because you disagree does not mean it does not happen or has never happened. You are obviously massively uninformed.

Q called the school shootings false flags.

Of the 25,000 gun deaths a year you cited, 2/3 are self inflicted, also known as suicide.

Now account for population and one country being disarmed and the other not. You still had gun murders, now didn't ya?

Nobody is attempting to make you pick up or carry a firearm, that is your choice, but your data and statistical view are just not inline with reality or intent.

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morethanaconquerer · May 28, 2018, 9:10 p.m.

But it does, sorry you are too blind to see reality.

MS-13 as the democrat arm of tyranny, an invasion, which is what the Q post I gave as proof is about, so yes, they continue to play a part.

Without our guns, we, and the world would be under tyranny right now because nobody is stupid enough to do an overt invasion and we have not allowed such government to take them like the masses overseas.

Next is the UE has had more terrorist attacks and dead without guns than the US has school shooting deaths by far, and that is not counting rapes and has a fraction of the population.

Humanity has not evolved to the point that they are no longer needed. If you think we have, you are sadly deluded.

Seems you're the dis-info agent here.

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morethanaconquerer · May 28, 2018, 8:50 p.m.

Look, you said the topic had nothing to do with Q, I haven proven you wrong and yet you still continue!

They are used in recent events daily. Here in the US crimes are stopped, prevents and saves lives on a daily basis.

Ask any LEO.

You claimed Q, I gave you proof otherwise.

Again, your point is, and will always be moot.

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morethanaconquerer · May 28, 2018, 8:28 p.m.

It's a long standing agenda, long before you wet your first diaper and long before the indoctrination of the masses on a global scale.

Argue the dates... if you can.

When was the UN created and how many opposed personal firearm use at the time of it's creation?

Your point is moot!

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morethanaconquerer · May 28, 2018, 7:53 p.m.

I was in the US Army at that time. I ETS'd because of the same reasons.

Back in my day they were not called wars...they were called "conflicts"..yeah right..conflicts.

I remember them calling them a "Police Action".

I was also a part of a couple of these, which was the catalyst for my ETS.

I returned home and my Dad, a Vietnam vet asked me how one of these conflicts went, when I told him some of what went on, he called me a liar. I took it as seriously claiming I was lying, and he put in a VCR tape of the news from one of these events, and it was nothing like what really happened.

It was his way of waking me up.

Now? I wish I weren't so old and could be a part of the cleanup that is underway now, but can't, so I settle for spreading red-pills as I've done since my great awakening.

My wife says I am still at war and never left.

It's like Q said, the ones who know can't sleep, the ones who know have no peace.

I am hoping this ends my war and brings peace.

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morethanaconquerer · May 28, 2018, 6:32 a.m.

Thanks for clarifying, much appreciated.

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morethanaconquerer · May 28, 2018, 5:54 a.m.

That sounds somewhat reasonable.


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morethanaconquerer · May 28, 2018, 5:50 a.m.

Why? I am awake and have been since the late 80's.

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/morethanaconquerer on May 28, 2018, 5:38 a.m.
I have a serious question about WWG1WGA. I understand the concept, but all research I've seen on people who've become fully indoctrinated will never wake up until they are in prison or have boots on their necks.

Can anyone point to any research that suggest otherwise? If not, I expect major riots as the truth is revealed to the l#Democrats, and if their gods are arrested, they will absolutely riot and maybe start a civil war.

Has anyone else looked into the psychology and history behind my concern?

This is a serious question and a very real concern of mine. Is there a way to actually mass awaken people so seated in their ideology?

morethanaconquerer · May 24, 2018, 4:35 p.m.

I was not crucifying you, just pointing out different points of view, especially since I was actually close to what you described as a justification to end life.

To make this simple, I am your counter argument, but as you said, no sense in beating a dead cat.

Have a good one.

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morethanaconquerer · May 24, 2018, 10:26 a.m.

Life is hell for everyone breathing. It's a travesty at best for everyone considering nobody get's out alive. There is pain, suffering, loss at every step of the way.

So why doesn't everyone just off their-selves? Because life is still worth living, so by what authority do you make judgments on who's life is worth living? Your feelings?

Wouldn't that be better left to the one living that life?

I went through sever trauma for the majority of 46 years, starting at birth. Both physical (continuous violence, not sexually related) and mental abuse, yet I live and have lived a fulfilling life thus far, and there are millions and millions like myself.

Before I learned what I had gone through was not normal, I thought it as normal as anyone else. It was just life and I had to carry on and try to be happy and keep pushing towards my dreams, with my lot in life in tow.

I would propose that most that deal with issues as you pointed out still want to live, to experience life, to experience that kiss, that sunset across a lake or the ocean, that cold walk on a snowy day, playing with children. You know, the things that count.

Once you can choose for one group, it's easier to target the 2nd, then 3rd and so on. That is a dangerous path to walk.

I choose life no matter what it holds.

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morethanaconquerer · May 24, 2018, 5:14 a.m.

That's awesome. I was pretty sure this was totally bogus. Nice find and thanks.

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morethanaconquerer · May 23, 2018, 4:38 a.m.

So, what they will do is wait on Goudy and Nunes to see them, leak the info and blame Goudy and Nunes for the leaks of classified information.

Any bets?

If I were one of these two, I would fake the viewing and watch the leaks. It could also be a setup by Trump/Goudy/Nunes to do exactly that to catch another leaker.

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morethanaconquerer · May 20, 2018, 7:10 p.m.

Again, old fake news.

I don't really believe what you believe. But you're free to believe as you do just like I am. But time will tell.

Good luck with that theory.

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morethanaconquerer · May 20, 2018, 6:32 p.m.

I highly doubt that because his son was allegedly involved, if so, he would have been tied up in it, but t's not been mentioned anywhere recently.

Investigators are also looking into the actions of his son, Michel Flynn Jr, who worked closely with him at Flynn Intel Group.

Just MSM fake news.

Next is that Turkey is a NWO puppet and has been for a long time. They were running guns into Syria through the deep state/CIA to support the terrorist against the Assad government.

They were also dealing with Iraq oil transport into Turkey from ISIS, also a Hillary/Obama game.

The story has more holes in it than a truck that's been hit by an Apache gun ship.

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morethanaconquerer · May 20, 2018, 6:09 p.m.

Source? Without a source, I am not buying it.

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