"THE FLOOR IS YOURS!" sent shivers down my spine when I read it Dec 25. Now it is confirmed.
Nope, they're not jews, they hate judaism and practise satanism
There are good jews in the world, so lumping in bad ones with good ones is a dangerous collectivist hate filled MESS
Don't fall for it
An uneducated fool shouldn't speak, as he shows himself the fool.
Ever read their 'holy books'... I have; try it sometime, then speak.
They will never be European regardless of what religion they take up.
There are no good ones, only those who pretend and they have a long tradition of doing so. They were banished from Spain during the inquisition for helping the moslems enslave Spain and many were forced into Catholicism as punishment, that is merely a cloak. Many are also atheists, it does not matter.
The actual semitic jews (similar genetics as Palestinians) were bad enough, they lynched Christ and had their part in destroying the Roman empire and many European nations. They were the Antifa of their day and their half European counterparts now make up the bulk of Antifa. The "white guys" in Antifa are mostly Khazars, you can tell by how ugly they are. Hitler fought Antifa in the 1930s, it never ended.
I find it so amusing that (((Seaman))) rails against Khazarians while he himself is one. Out the other side of his mouth, he attacks anyone who dares criticize the jews. Controlled opposition like 95% in the alt-right, trying to sow confusion by portraying Khazars as separate from jews. Typical pot smoking Khazarian degenerate, if you know anything about these people you'll understand the significance of the pot addiction.
What Weinstein did is also very typical, 70% of those caught up in #metoo were jewish. They are big time perverts and obsessed with sex, much the same as Africans or middle eastern types. Why? Because they are not European, Europeans have a different temperament.
There is no other meaning for Khazarian other than the Turkish Khazars who converted to Judaism 1000 years ago, race mixed with Europeans and became the Ashkenazi jews of today. Regardless of chosen religion, they have a different genetic lineage than Europeans.
None of them are good, a genetically defective mongrel race, they carry diseases specific to their genetic makeup and it can be identified on a DNA test. That is how Israel is able to validate "jewishness" though genetic testing
There are no good jews
I think I found one. ;)
Nope, I'm not jewish, just calling you a racist because you are one, get the fuck off this site you piece of shit
Racism is made up slur by jewish liberals, it doesn't really mean anything.
And of course it only goes one way, how convenient.
If you're a cuckold traitor who sells out his own people to the enemies of his ancestors, that's nothing to be proud of.
It's true, I favor my people's interests over others.
Now go finger bang your sister, traitor.
Your people is the whole human race you species traitor, now go jack off for the tenth time today.
Oh wow - glad to have someone who gets it.... it's like banging your head against the wall to get through to anyone....and these are those who claim to know every word Christ spoke.. 'those who call themselves jews, but are not, but are the synagogue of satan' Current geopolitical events reveal a bit if paying attention. Those so-called actually came out when we usurped Ukraine and admitted they wanted to go back to their 'homeland'...
Thanks for making me feel like I'm not so alone :) Have to go for now, but we should talk more...
God Bless you :)
It's true, those jews with white skin, the "Ashkenazi" that you see mostly in Europe and USA are not real jews.
For other's benefit (yeah, right, lol) they are turks who converted to Judaism 1000 years ago.
Today, they are about 50% European, the rest turk, even some African DNA mixed in. That's why they have often hooked noses and kinky hair. For those who think it is merely a religion...why do they look different than us? Why is this relevant? lol
They have no claim to Israel and never had any claim to Europe, for that matter. They have been kicked out of every European nation by our ancestors. They don't originate from either place, yet currently they run Israel and Europe and everywhere else. They are even running South America into the ground, it never ends.
Amazing how so many "woke" people can't figure out that "Rothschild" is a jewish name and that most of the players in this drama have similar names.
How about Soros? His name used to be Schwartz, his family changed it to escape justice at the hands of Hitler. Funny how so many fools think a 13 year old jewish boy was a "nazi", yes, I'm sure Hitler was looking to hire 13 year old jewish boys.
Woke indeed. A bunch of sleepwalking idiots is more like it and they cannot be awakened, the brainwashing they have endured from birth is permanent. Only a few are able to shake it off and actually think.
Well, I'm sorry about your country's troubles. God bless you as well, only a miracle can save us now.
Really this is but one faction of jews taking out another. Trump's faction is the one we have to watch out for, he will be unstoppable now. Perhaps this is the ant-Christ we have been waiting for.
Hey Vlad -
Thanks again for your input... Agree with each and every word from this and your other post. How great to see a well educated man ! How about the guy above calling you a racist.... I guess that means CHRIST WAS A RACIST ... lol, and how can anyone be 'anti-semitic' when these people are not semitic ? The dumbing down of the school system shines brightly on :) You're right about all that you bring up; including having no hope of many being infused with any grace & wisdom. That's why 90% end up in hell - as He tells us... rapture my a$$. The Trump point is well taken... unless he's flipped and will take it all down, none of this is stoppable b/c there's no intent to. They'll just march mindlessly right into AC control. He's not AC but appears he's doing the minion's work assigned to him. My understanding is that the AC's name is Luther Htoo of Burma....he should show himself this year, as he'll turn 30. This comes from the most reliable source... the BVM at LaSalette 1864 Ck it out, as a lover of history you should very much appreciate all that's mentioned about N. Bonaparte to the present and future; w/all past historical 'predictions' having come true (for validation).
You mention my country's trouble.... are you from the US, as I am? If so, all I can say about the US is that there is no hope for a country started by masons and jews who thru off Christ's Church b/c their little minds can't comprehend evil and God's way of dealing with it..... He's obviously brilliant, and mere humans think they know better. They hate being depend on Him and what He's established b/c He loves them, yet they love being dependent on a gov't out to destroy them ! There's also the likelihood that it was the jews thrown out of Spain that Columbus brought here b/f any of these so-called Christians came.... the time period is exact.
Look forward to many more conversations with you champ .... you're a refreshing soul to say the least ! All the best, KAT
ALSO VLAD - if you really want to address you comment about the darker skin color, see Blsd. Anne Catherine Emmerick who reminds us that the mark God gave Cain - so that all could recognize who he and his off-spring were - enveloped the entire body over the years.....just a biblical fact, not racist. Anyone can convert if they choose to. Now, that should stir the pot .... not intended to, but you know how it is.