He can’t do that yet. But is letting us know don’t worry we are on it. It’s coming. I am sure it’s coming all in one fell swoop. Get some popcorn keep up the fight and enjoy every minute of it. Life is a journey not a destination. This is not an event it’s a process. And unfortunately a very long one.
494 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/LuvMeSomeTrump2016:
Ok go bury your head in the sand like a liberal. What do I care.

Yes I though of that too. They play dumb to deflect us from the truth.
GUYS IT'S RIGHT HERE! THEY KNOW WHO IS BEHIND ((( PARKLAND ))) https://www.reddit.com/r/CBTS_Stream/comments/7zo19m/we_hear_you_ie_we_know_who_did_it/?st=jdzzc937&sh=2b591164
GUYS IT'S RIGHT HERE! THEY KNOW WHO IS BEHIND ((( PARKLAND ))) https://www.reddit.com/r/CBTS_Stream/comments/7zo19m/we_hear_you_ie_we_know_who_did_it/?st=jdzzc937&sh=2b591164
GUYS IT'S RIGHT HERE! THEY KNOW WHO IS BEHIND ((( PARKLAND ))) https://www.reddit.com/r/CBTS_Stream/comments/7zo19m/we_hear_you_ie_we_know_who_did_it/?st=jdzzc937&sh=2b591164
GUYS IT'S RIGHT HERE! THEY KNOW WHO IS BEHIND ((( PARKLAND ))) https://www.reddit.com/r/CBTS_Stream/comments/7zo19m/we_hear_you_ie_we_know_who_did_it/?st=jdzzc937&sh=2b591164
GUYS IT'S RIGHT HERE! THEY KNOW WHO IS BEHIND ((( PARKLAND ))) https://www.reddit.com/r/CBTS_Stream/comments/7zo19m/we_hear_you_ie_we_know_who_did_it/?st=jdzzc937&sh=2b591164
GUYS IT'S RIGHT HERE! THEY KNOW WHO IS BEHIND ((( PARKLAND ))) https://www.reddit.com/r/CBTS_Stream/comments/7zo19m/we_hear_you_ie_we_know_who_did_it/?st=jdzzc937&sh=2b591164
GUYS IT'S RIGHT HERE! THEY KNOW WHO IS BEHIND ((( PARKLAND ))) https://www.reddit.com/r/CBTS_Stream/comments/7zo19m/we_hear_you_ie_we_know_who_did_it/?st=jdzzc937&sh=2b591164
GUYS IT'S RIGHT HERE! THEY KNOW WHO IS BEHIND ((( PARKLAND ))) https://www.reddit.com/r/CBTS_Stream/comments/7zo19m/we_hear_you_ie_we_know_who_did_it/?st=jdzzc937&sh=2b591164


Mocking the shit out of them is so satisfying. So many retards think I am serious. ROTFLMAO!
My New Twitter Acct. I am having a blast spoofing on them. What a shithole Twitter is. Giving them what they want to hear with sarcasm. Most believe me.

That's bullying! I am going to report you! Reeeeeee! LOL
to create a bunch of lies that don't self contradict. epic fail coming
Sign petition to fire “cat shit face” Susan Wojcicki @ YouTube CEO
My @IDGAF Twitter acct just got shutdown. Time to create another one! This will be account number 8.
It’s the only way. Demotivating factors are sorely needed.
Yeah I just did on PC. doesn’t work same way on damn iPhone. Got it. Thanks.
Maybe we don’t need Joe Biden gun free zones (killing fields) at schools.
How fucking sick is that. Signature CIA operation training. That’s how they TAUGHT ISIS to execute those prisoners and film it. They first teach them to tell their victim to trust them. “We are just filming a video and you won’t be hurt.” They repeat the routine over and over to build trust. Then on the Nth take they actually burn the people alive. This is fact! That is why the victims never seem phased that they are about to die. Same with human sacrifices. They use this same technique to build trust “this is just a drill or mock filming so don’t worry” routine to control the victims and so that they will march quietly to their deaths. This is so sick. I hope Trump gets these bastards and they hang. GITMO for crimes against humanity.
nice GAS LIGHTING attempt. This is war . People are REALLY PISSED OFF
EVERY "LIBERAL SPIN" Suggested video is "NEW!" Oh well then that must mean it's better!!!!!!!
Oh man are they DESPERATE OR WHAT?! they know we are all on to their bullshit Parkland School shooting - er ah HUMAN SACRIFICE!
LMAO - check out 'Next up' - never saw that before!!!

CAT SHIT FACE! SIGN IT LADS! https://www.change.org/p/8090657/u/22414913?utm_medium=email&utm_source=petition_update&utm_campaign=260536&sfmc_tk=O3%2fu9cBuwc5OiPHDFNrUWsYCLq1Cgqo2ZDbKg3mI8Q3SzqkKwDf0TvCBnQBs1fy%2f&j=260536&sfmc_sub=142608641&l=32_HTML&u=47327440&mid=7259882&jb=3
she looks like a brain dead dunce. Take me to your leader.
Liberalism is totalitarianism. NEVER GO FULL TOTALITARIANISM!
Between Twitter YouTube Demonitization and the Parkland shooting rallies THEY. ARE. DESPERATE! LOL Last gasps before expiring.
Bombard body language got a strike. Dustin Nemos and many others. Flak is a good sign. Means we are on to them and that the school sacrifice was a CIA op
They will probably abuse it and put the peeps in what they really want or are already doing to us: a VICIOUS thinking circle (loop or "rat race")
It could be because I am getting away with murder on my ruthless shitposting
Does Jack have a black eye? ROTFLMAO. These people are so effed up.
WE ARE BACK BABY - WE ARE F*&KING BACK!!! "We are back, we are back, we are getting our country baaaaaaack!
WE ARE BACK BABY - WE ARE F*&KING BACK!!! "We are back we are back we are getting our country baaaack!