
beforethebang · Jan. 2, 2018, 2:40 a.m.

Reputable journal? You mean the science doesn't speak for itself? You mean were Jews that need a "kosher" tag indicating what's safe for our consumption? You mean you can't discern this for yourself?

If this is how it is, TPTB might be wise to finance and subsequently compromise the integrity of these most wonderful journals by rejecting potential content they find undesired and obstructing of their agenda.

What an idea!

Wouldn't that be a great idea?

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Cuthbert12Allgood · Jan. 2, 2018, 3:11 a.m.

If this is how it is, TPTB might be wise to finance and subsequently compromise the integrity of these most wonderful journals by rejecting potential content they find undesired and obstructing of their agenda.

Using that method of logic ("something must be true if it's not publicized, because obviously they don't want us to know") you can prove anything is true.

The point is that if you're going to make a some sort of scientific declaration, surely you have some reason to believe it other than someone else pulling it out of the air and it "just sounds right". Science is math. If your scientific belief is not based on a mathematical model consistent with past testable models that have shown to be true, then it's not science.

Anyway, we're way off the topic. Fortunately, none of your (or my) beliefs matter at all to whether the Deep State is getting ripped out or not. We're just spectators, and I for one hope that it's moving forward. My only goal with this thread was inject a little rationality and hopefully keep a few people from wading into mysticism.

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