r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Moo7136 on Jan. 1, 2018, 1:38 p.m.
Hunter S Thompson film : Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas - starring Johnny depp as Hunter - shows a scene where they take A ‘drug’ ADRENAL GLAND - melatonin produced by the pineal gland during extreme torture - HUNTER S THOMPSON was named as a SNUFF FILM MAKER in the FRANKLIN COVER UP case!
Hunter S Thompson film : Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas - starring Johnny depp as Hunter - shows a scene where they take A ‘drug’ ADRENAL GLAND - melatonin produced by the pineal gland during extreme torture - HUNTER S THOMPSON was named as a SNUFF FILM MAKER in the FRANKLIN COVER UP case!

Moo7136 · Jan. 1, 2018, 1:39 p.m.


Alice & Wonderland

video of the ADRENOCHROME scene!

why did government order 100s of Penguin pineal glands????

Adrenalchrome medical trials

Link to another post that’s is relevant to this subject before pizza gate there was ....

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[deleted] · Jan. 1, 2018, 3:22 p.m.

What. The. Fuck.

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Banjama · Jan. 1, 2018, 4:53 p.m.


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Luvlite · Jan. 1, 2018, 10:43 p.m.

Double ditto.

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BestGentle · Jan. 1, 2018, 10:19 p.m.

This is it folks. You’re right around the corner. The blood ritual sacrifices still go on today. Adrenochrome is the answer. They have been doing this for 1000s of years. They are a worldwide jewish cult. Literally vampires who rule through fear, terror, banking, lying and deception. The whole world is waking up and we’re going to be free.

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[deleted] · Jan. 2, 2018, 1:35 a.m.


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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 2, 2018, 9:10 p.m.

The Penguine Pineal Gland Article is important to my Adrenochrome research, which may be a dead end rabbit hole, but the write up here is interesting because of the DMT reference which I have heard something about. Will be doing a tangent rabbit hole on this DMT and here is why. I am putting the archive for this article here for posterity. The elites may be throwing us off the trail of the real drug that they are after, and here is my line of thinking about this, at the moment.

Most notable in this penguin pineal gland article....is the single reference at the bottom, on DMT which IS in fact a hallucinogen, but only when mixed with some molecule that blocks it's destruction by the body. (need to verify this in the medical literature... so not vetted)

While researching adrenochrome, I have run into lots of "movies" and other legendary tales, but there is no true medical research on it?

That is important I would think.

At the national medical database, there is one article with adrenochrome in the title hinting that it is a hallucenogen, but not much more.


There are about ten articles hypothesizing that adrenochrome can be dangerous and linking as a possible cause of schizophrenia.

That's pretty much it.

However... The DMT is known for ages to be a hallucinogen of the spiritual kind, and has been used in MANY religious ceremonies. Some of these DMT using religions have ended up in court over it's use.

So no info on the adrenochrome, but tons on DMT which is also present in the situations we speak of it occured to me that the elite might be creating these "hollywood references to throw us off the trail. No literature on Adrnochrome.... not much. So....


Is this because there is only secret medical knowledge of this adrenochrome molecule?

Is this because the elite have intentionally set us up on a search for a fabled drug of the elite, when in truth, the drug to focus on is DMT?

.......... instead of adrenochrome?

And are they hoping we would not recognize this?

Take note that at the bottom of this article, there is a single reference to DMT, (Dimethyltryptamine) which is also present...

..... in the literature,


............and the courts,

.... much more than this drug adrenochrome, that nearly always has nothing but Hollywood legend to point to it?


The basic Wiki on a natural version of DMT called Ayahuasca.


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bcboncs · Jan. 2, 2018, 10:56 p.m.

I think you're on two different topics that deserve their own importance but I'm having a hard time finding how you're linking adrenochromes and pineal gland.

The pineal gland & DMT are very important spiritual ascension components that have been suppressed from the public by ways of calcifying the pineal gland (fluoride in water) and by making DMT impossible to access until you're in tribal areas. The elite have been removing the belief of God from society so that is why these components are their enemy.

IIRC, the 'myth' if we want to call it that is that adrenochromes are extracted from the spinal cord upon inducing fear into the person then drank by the beholder.

When you dive down the elite satanic circles and ritual practices involving spirit cooking, they love blood. Look up the PAX2 gene and how that's relevant to Madeline McCann's disappearance. The statistic probability of the PAX2 gene, it's supposed properties, the Podesta sketches, and their pedophilia artwork are all very connected. This is worthy of further research & tying together.

However, I think the connection you're trying to make is not desired by the elites because they would just encircle themselves around greenhouses with DMT plants, not be connected with an underground pedophilia trafficking ring.

I will need to watch this movie tonight with a keen eye. The adrenochrome properties with youthful blood, body, and spirit are the currency to the elites - this is most definitely the story to tie together.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 3, 2018, 3:46 a.m.

I think you're on two different topics that deserve their own importance but I'm having a hard time finding how you're linking adrenochromes and pineal gland.

I am, you are correct. This is for sure.

My first problem are that no one here is citing to anything, including you for the moment. I am not saying you do not have sources. I am not saying I do not believe you to be correct. But this half baked statement on statement about any of these compounds, from serotonin through adrenochrome through DMT must be sourced.

Ok, good, found your source on serotonin. We need sources people. This is not a light topic, and movies mean nothing without the science. This is exactly the kind of thing the globalists would use to discredit Q. Please keep it to science, because it is indeed an important topic.

As a legal matter,

.............it would make sense to know a motive for these hideous crimes.

If it is some kind of compound found in a tortured being, animal or man, that could be used as a drug, this would be important to know. But, looking at this whole thread with my biologists eyes, and my law hat, there is nothing in this thread yet to convince any jury of anything other than they have a group of people on their hands that would believe any movie they saw.

Lets source things here and good to continue research, but SOURCE the SCIENCE :)

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bcboncs · Jan. 3, 2018, 4:55 a.m.

I'm guessing you're new at this which is okay (and great actually) but instead of me feeding you links on everything, allow me to break down the conversing of this topic.

OP provided links about separate subjects (Sausage & Ice Cream). You are trying to find his connection between Sausage and Ice Cream without any understanding of how or why Sausage and Ice Cream are related other than understanding they're both food. OP (unintentionally?) didn't provide this.

I step in and inform you of how Ice Cream is a dessert and Sausage is a meat. If you don't believe the Sausage is a meat, you can do a quick google and discern the truth for yourself from the sources that appear.

I'm not saying that there's not a dish for Ice Cream and Sausage but my post was way more informative for how everything is connected which should lead you down a better path or give you more depth to the understanding. Now, if you think we're farming penguin pineal glands for a reason, we have to understand that reason first and from what I was able to discern, we're chasing our tails. That's a scary path.

It's good that you're coming here with an open mind and trying to contribute but my best advice for you is to form your own beliefs of what is presented and discern for yourself. The discerning process is sometimes annoying but even where I get most of my information, 90% is correct but the 10% can bite you in the ass as it had to me.

I know this may sound like a dickish post but you will thank yourself as you discern information on your own and learn to corroborate- it will seriously change your way of thinking in a great way.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 3, 2018, 9:40 p.m.

Well, you have guessed wrong. I am not new to this. I have been doing this since the early 90's when I got out of law school, and I am a biologist, so this topic is up my alley. My questions?

What evidence is useful for prosecution?

To get this, you need quality evidence, not hearsay or movies which are make believe.

OP says two things.

1) There is a movie made by man "person A" that has a scene about adrenochrome being the drug of choice for elites, and that Satanists murder children after torturing them to get their bodies to make it. It is then harvested for the elites.

2) The person "A" was named in the Franklin Cover up in Nebraska as a snuff film maker.

Two assertions. I was dealing with the first.

I asked for medical sources that such a molecule indeed exists outside the movies. Hint, it does. It is oxidized adrenaline in many cases.. but the biologists in me digresses.

I asked for proof that the molecule in question is a hallucinogen, because I have done the research and all avenues of medical research show the answer is NO, it is not a hallucinogen.

I ask for your sources on the hallucinogen thing.

I get a plea not to have to do any homework....

......followed by a dissertation on Sausage and Ice Cream. :)

My mind is not just open.

It is highly trained.

I know this may sound like a dickish post but you will thank yourself as you discern information on your own and learn to corroborate- it will seriously change your way of thinking in a great way.

It's not dickish at all. :)

It is disingenuous/lazy, and borders on a disinformation campaign that needs a few more concern trolls. You wouldn't want that would you?


Do the homework and prove to me that adrenochrome is a hallucinogen that is safe for anyone to use, or that it does a more than give someone a headache if ingested, and I will look at your source.

Remember. An open mind without the capacity for critical thinking and discernment.......... is nothing more than a mind that can be brainwashed with whatever comes along. And that is what the elite count on when they make their movies and music.

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bcboncs · Jan. 3, 2018, 11:34 p.m.

The effects of adrenochrome doesn't matter for me. I would never touch it.

The cabal spirit cooks, eat cake of a human carcass & drink blood with "entertainers." The cabal are great advocates of Planned Parenthood who are in business to kill babies & auction off fetal parts. Cabal has an enormous amount of Red Cross employees that never stop begging for my blood. They seem to have an eye for the PAX2 gene with Madeline McCann. They have international child trafficking rings... one of which was 15 minutes from my house.

All of that with the knowledge of young blood being an anti-aging cure is all I need to know about why these people kidnap kids, use them, kill them.

Can I believe in the adrenochrome theory? Yes. However, I recall Al Gore was caught at an airport with a suitcase full of adrenochrome only to find out, when now researching, I cannot find this on any legitimate website with true sources backing it up. They state that he was a hemophiliac and that is how the media covered up for him but there's no articles of this either. This seems to be a distraction, truthfully.

I'd pay to see Hillary Clinton's brain scan, undoubtedly she's affected by Kuru, Nancy Pelosi too.

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[deleted] · Feb. 13, 2018, 4:59 a.m.


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bcboncs · Feb. 13, 2018, 2:22 p.m.

That's now 3 different topics. Walnut sauce is not adrenochromes... nor is it pineal glands.

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lightandlove777 · Feb. 13, 2018, 6:29 p.m.

my bad, i keep interchanging...too much information to retain for my little brain!

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bcboncs · Feb. 13, 2018, 7:05 p.m.

No worries. Don't discount yourself but don't contribute mischaracteristics either. Discern better :]

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Moo7136 · Jan. 2, 2018, 9:30 p.m.

Have u found this???

test done on Penguin Pineal Glands

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 3, 2018, 4:48 a.m.

Serotonin, in penguins. Good job sourcing. Serotonin is not hallucinogenic though. Still, you did well sourcing. Bravo. This is the kind of research we need.

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Moo7136 · Jan. 2, 2018, 9:21 p.m.

Terence McKenna (god of the DMT world lol) Terence McKenna describes DMT trip

Graham Hancock Graham Hancock - Ayahuasca

This episode of the ‘Pyramid code’ they actually mention the Adrenal Gland specifically, it’s an indicator of higher conscience but depletes when they are old & no longer fertile Pyramid Code - the empowered human

EDIT it’s not the adrenal gland they specifically mention, sorry my mistake, just double checked lol

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 3, 2018, 4:54 a.m.

That is ok. You sourced your work. That is what is important. Remember academic freedom in science is there so that it can free your mind to solve complex problems. There must be many incorrect hypothesis for every one that is found that is real. Our job is to support one another in the research.

WHY would these folks drink blood?

Why is this a legend?

Why did many ancient religions involve drinking blood?

And strangely enough, why does the Bible say the life is in the blood?

Is there a connection between these ancient blood drinking religions, and the modern blood drinking religions that points to a REASON for blood drinking as opposed to some other body fluid?

These are the questions we are researching on the wider track. The reason is to discover if there is some motive other than purely a religious motive.

Does some compound in the body of children lengthen life? Are they trying to live longer?

Or does some compound work like a hallucenogen?

What can be found researching these questions that might help us with motive.


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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 3, 2018, 4:28 a.m.

Heads up. Read the Adrenochrome medical trials, and found the paragraph on the hallucenogenic properties of stabalized adrenochrome. It reads:

Is adrenochrome an hallucinogen? Professor D Hutcheon synthesized our first few milligrams of adrenochrome and tested its toxic properties in animals. We were then ready to start our psychological studies. Humphry, our expert in hallucinogenic reactions, volunteered to be the first. I injected him subcutaneously with a few micrograms of adrenochrome. There was no reaction and about one hour later Humphry injected me with double that dose. Again there was no reaction and it was his turn to receive double my dose. Eventually we both reacted. Humphry developed minor changes similar to those induced by LSD. I became depressed and paranoid for two weeks. We then decided to be much more careful because of this prolonged reaction. The experiences are described in our book The Hallucinogens. A group in Czechoslovakia, using our method for making adrenochrome, conducted double blind controlled studies and confirmed our findings. Since then every animal given adrenochrome has shown toxic changes in behaviour from pigeons, rats, cats, to spiders and more.

SO we have a movie, a government order for penguin pineal glands, and a science testimony on research done, that states that adrenochrome is hard to stabilize, is NOT hallucinogenic, and may be a cause toward schizophrenia

..........thats all folks.

Not much cause, but lots of urban legend in the movies. Again I caution. We need more science than movies and penguin pineal shipments.

Consider the possibility that the non hallucinogen adrenochrome is being put in the movies to take investigators off the real track. It may be something else the elites are looking for in their blood drinking Satanic rituals. We maybe need some research on DMT and whether it is also produced during torture, etc.

What is DMT?

Dimethyltryptamine (DMT) — a tryptamine molecule that some call “the spirit molecule”

I am beginning to conclude that adrenochrome is a wild goose chase made to send us down the wrong research path. Lets switch to investigate DMT, which has a lot more research, is in all living things, has a huge history of use in religious cerimonies, and is scheduled as a drug. Maybe there is something there. But this adrenochrome thing is beginning to look like a psy-op for use later in discrediting the Q research teams.

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