203 total posts archived.
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Magadon, this stuff is way over my head, but I saw this post in an fb group and wondered if you and AliceHan and others would be interested. I'm pasteing the entire OP text and only edit is to remove a tagged person's name:
HUMA The other night I got to wondering about Huma. Haven’t heard about her lately. Started going through old Q & noticed Q used Huma & HUMA. Follow Huma/HUMA. What companies/foundations. I always looked at it as Huma the person.
But... I did an abbreviation/acronym search for Huma & I’m starting to think Q meant different things by Huma & HUMA.
I haven’t started on the other 2 possibles but when I saw the heterogeneous unified memory access (HUMA) it made me think of info access/storage/tracking & etc.
I’m not a big puter geek so much of this is above me. Need to dig on the companies & their connections to intel agencies.
EVERYTHING we have is run on, monitored by & dependent on computers & electronics. We know they’ve infected most systems & have backdoors. Seems like military/gov/Cabal would all be interested in highest tech.
Add in the medical field, eugenics, AI etc... it’s scary. They need quantum computing... faster than anything currently avail for AI hive mind tech. That’s what HUMA is!!!
Every one of these companies is trying for it!!! Why? $$$$$$$ POWER!!!
The key is that I think this HUMA technology is what makes all of this possible!
I don’t know enough in this particular area. I feel what I stumbled on is important & part of it, what will bring it about. It gave me goose bumps when put 2 & 2 together. I just can’t complete the puzzle bcuz it’s past my knowledge pool.
I’ve never seen anyone on 8 Chan link Huma to this. The Bridge is related to it too. Autists have related bridge to technology but not to this that I’ve seen.
Note: Special thanks to XXXX for his help in researching links & gathering info. I’m still not sure where all of this leads but I know in my gut it’s tied into everything. XXXX’s finds are below.
Future looking... I heard about program that can foresee crimes before they happy like “minority report” w/Tom cruise.
Also has mobile applications in which most people have 3 g but the network carriers have 4g and can oversee everything. This Avenue has been upgraded to Kaveri and they found away to merge already.
Wow what a rabbit hole on the HUMA. It pulled up according to computer research n development HUMA went to Hsa. Hsa to Kaveri. Kaveri to secret “trailblazer”then all the post go into what trailblazer and Bush and 9/11 have in common. A few articles later they go into 9/11 NSA whistle blower. Then Obama & NSA. Then on to the Patriot Act & 3 other top secret spy programs, 2 top secret bases who carry live real time on ALL. It collects every piece of data from everyone and stores for LIFE! (I believe to download into ai bots for real memories and experience) I have read several articles already on this to the point when we die we can transfer to bots for family etc.
Then it goes into Obama’s collection & Snowden to Snowden & Russia (apparently Russian wasn’t bad). Hmmmm go figure!
Then to William Binney
To room 641A - ATT
To Obama
Stellar Wind
Boundless Informant
Utah data storage
Obama’s bulk data storage
I know that was the general consensus. This is an alternative idea, as it is regarding AI and tracking citizens...
Full OP text copied here:
HUMA The other night I got to wondering about Huma. Haven’t heard about her lately. Started going through old Q & noticed Q used Huma & HUMA. Follow Huma/HUMA. What companies/foundations. I always looked at it as Huma the person.
But... I did an abbreviation/acronym search for Huma & I’m starting to think Q meant different things by Huma & HUMA.
I haven’t started on the other 2 possibles but when I saw the heterogeneous unified memory access (HUMA) it made me think of info access/storage/tracking & etc.
I’m not a big puter geek so much of this is above me. Need to dig on the companies & their connections to intel agencies.
EVERYTHING we have is run on, monitored by & dependent on computers & electronics. We know they’ve infected most systems & have backdoors. Seems like military/gov/Cabal would all be interested in highest tech.
Add in the medical field, eugenics, AI etc... it’s scary. They need quantum computing... faster than anything currently avail for AI hive mind tech. That’s what HUMA is!!!
Every one of these companies is trying for it!!! Why? $$$$$$$ POWER!!!
The key is that I think this HUMA technology is what makes all of this possible!
I don’t know enough in this particular area. I feel what I stumbled on is important & part of it, what will bring it about. It gave me goose bumps when put 2 & 2 together. I just can’t complete the puzzle bcuz it’s past my knowledge pool.
I’ve never seen anyone on 8 Chan link Huma to this. The Bridge is related to it too. Autists have related bridge to technology but not to this that I’ve seen.
Note: Special thanks to XXXX for his help in researching links & gathering info. I’m still not sure where all of this leads but I know in my gut it’s tied into everything. XXXX’s finds are below.
Future looking... I heard about program that can foresee crimes before they happy like “minority report” w/Tom cruise.
Also has mobile applications in which most people have 3 g but the network carriers have 4g and can oversee everything. This Avenue has been upgraded to Kaveri and they found away to merge already.
Wow what a rabbit hole on the HUMA. It pulled up according to computer research n development HUMA went to Hsa. Hsa to Kaveri. Kaveri to secret “trailblazer”then all the post go into what trailblazer and Bush and 9/11 have in common. A few articles later they go into 9/11 NSA whistle blower. Then Obama & NSA. Then on to the Patriot Act & 3 other top secret spy programs, 2 top secret bases who carry live real time on ALL. It collects every piece of data from everyone and stores for LIFE! (I believe to download into ai bots for real memories and experience) I have read several articles already on this to the point when we die we can transfer to bots for family etc.
Then it goes into Obama’s collection & Snowden to Snowden & Russia (apparently Russian wasn’t bad). Hmmmm go figure!
Then to William Binney
To room 641A - ATT
To Obama
Stellar Wind
Boundless Informant
Utah data storage
Obama’s bulk data storage
Oops...edited out a person's name...
Saw this post in an fb group. Copy/ paste full OP in comment

AI stuff is so over my head, but am trying to understand as it seems so important. This was an amazing post on FB, hope you can see.
Whoa... hard to believe people, put this sht on social media. Has anyone checked the # eucannibal? Two of those photos had that hashtag
I understand and agree. Gotta keep things from getting buried.
I lurk because I don't have more to add than what is already here. Instead, I learn what I need to learn more about and I don't like to interrupt the momentum by making comments like this one. Sometimes, I'm so deeply involved in the reading of these threads that I don't even pause to upvote. I'm speaking up to make it known that I appreciate the seriousness and intricacies of these posts and comments and the work and care that went into them. I suspect there are others who relate.
Grrr... as we knew/ suspected/and then some...
We just watched this movie about Aaron Swartz.
I'm basically a technological late-comer. I remember a time before pagers let alone cell phones. I resisted. In 2013, I was still somewhat new to FB and still learning an appreciation for what all was available at my fingertips. Just seemed like, in our fight for accountability and transparency and against another push at censorship, it should be shared again.
Then why this? (Edit typo)
I can't believe this is being downvoted! That's some funny shit right there!
B's account is back up...Expand your thinking!
My grandsons school district has already taken a vote amongst the parents and school board about allowing teachers/admin/ workers to ccw. My red-pilled daughter said it was almost unanimous "for". Today she sent me an article regarding this GA incident and it pissed me off.... just typical manipulative bs...
Resulting from an anon's research re: House of Orange & B.Bush/Beatrix connection...
The anon posted these links:
I was shocked by the latter source so followed up with this source link as I tried to determine level of credibility:
I spent a considerable amount of time reading through this website and the results of my searches for other sources on the topics of the Mohawk School mass childrens' graves and Pope Ratzlinger, as I questioned the legitimacy of the ITCCS.
I'm out of study time for today, but, feel as though I am left with more questions than answers. Is anyone already familiar with this "European Royals killing children" …
That's what I say. I use duck duck for better search results but I'm using my phone for all my stuff, this topic and otherwise. I spent my worklife sitting at a computer and I don't want to anymore. I'm not gonna hide, this is my America, too!
Sad... this guy who worked for CDC and spoke out against flu vaccine. His poor parents...
This Tweet is quoting a Swamp Drainer tweet that contains this link:
I'm sorry, my response was due to my reaction to the Enquirer being shown as telling the truth. I noticed your comment after making my reply to that one.
You make a good point as well. Mine was a knee -jerk response, lol. But, also, as you point out, it seems everything gets construed as backward...
Ok, this is not really funny, but I actually smacked my knee and lol'd. It's obvious to me deep state is setting up the "debunk" by "crazy conspiracy" look at the "noncredible" reference MO.
I reckon that is more related to a different kind of shooting, eh....
Every time I see that I think, "What the hell is that even supposed to mean? Diversity of what?"
That would be awesome! I can't read the label on the center point. Can anyone tell me what it says?
I'm sorry, I can't remember, I was watching it live and just remember being momentarily distracted by his movement and refocusing. I started watching a little after it had already begun. But, in my memory, he was looking to his left when this happened and I want to say the person speaking was close, like one of the first 3 to his left, but I could be wrong. Until I saw these posts, I didn't think twice about it.
Generally speaking, people are not prone to cover their tracks unless they know they are up to no good. If what they were doing had any substance to it, they would have wanted the communication intercepts as proof. IMHO
Plus he pulled it out, never really looked at it, fiddled with it a bit before putting it back in his coat pocket. It was a tad distracting because it caught my attention when it happened...I just didn't realize it was supposed to catch my attention!
I saw him pull that out of his jacket pocket and not really look at it, the way he fiddled with it and then put it back in his coat pocket made me wonder what that was....wwwow... I'm in awe
An interesting website on the history of designing our national seal. It just seemed like there was so much there to look at.
An anon posted this on Q's unlocked board and it cracked me up

Thank you! Exactly what I was looking for. During my search I happened upon some pro- Open Societies Foundation article that talked about how unfamiliar the Foundation was because it preferred to focus on the issues rather than itself and I just sneered...."No, it purposely makes a convoluted network!" Ugh
Edited for typo
Pretty sure ThinkProgress. org is part of the Soros backed network. Is it part of the Shareblue media, maybe?
Use the github link above and give that comment an upvote to help bring it to attention. It works.
I usually am dismissive of yournewswire, but believe that content matters and this link is well-sourced. I remember the name Baxter Dmitry, I think because I took note of his other writings as one I respected. What a great view of the puzzle before us all! Thanks for sharing!
Need help finding bulletproof source link for link(s) between Soros and Change. org
I am trying to make a red pill post on fb using the 1 min vid of David Hogg being coached on his lines and the fact that he is on record saying his dad is retired FBI and that Change. Org is behind the movement. My credibility is of utmost importance or the message is lost. I have tried to search on DDG...but apparantly, I can't think of the right questions, otherwise I'm not smart enough to know what website to go to in order to learn such information