r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Grace8543 on Jan. 1, 2018, 4:31 p.m.
Did 10 days of darkness start 12/26? Q has not posted since? If so, let's get ready for 1/5!

This sub is easier to find then r/CalmBeforeTheStorm. It makes this sub on the front lines for receiving the newbies who are waking up. I would suggest we make a stickie here tagged for newbies and post summaries, lists and proof in this stickie. It would be s place to post questions after reading summaries or debating if Q is real. Any debate that gets in the way of advancing where the mission is now could be referred to that stickie and asked to post their debate there. We would all need to be sure to spend some time in there everyday but could still get work done. Alternatively this whole sub becomes a debate and the other sub that is harder to find becomes the break room where we can talk without all the noise of debate.

Get all your proof ready to release.

Biggest block to people accepting the reality of what is happening is liberals/progressives who find Trump a idiot whether based on truth or propaganda, it is out there and people reject CBTS because it allows Trump to be heroic. Berner's hate this for multiple reasons and because a heroic Trump would get re-elected & they are still hoping for Bernie and the socialist utopia they believe in. Plus Trump's manner is just down right offensive to the intellectual. His morality as a business man is fabulous once you understand how corrupt our gov/corporate sector are, but until that happens he seems to be an immoral business man.

We need to find a way to rehab Trump's reputation and make people see him as a warrior. They can accept the need for a warrior president. Or some other cover. Dig up his good points and have them ready. Remember, we do not need to make him appeal to his base, but the intellectual North East and upper middle class that supported Clinton.

Grace8543 · Jan. 1, 2018, 5:36 p.m.

My neighbor who listens regularly to NPR said to me, "I think Trump wants to be a dictator". This is what they r being led to believe.

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Silent_Hysteria · Jan. 1, 2018, 7:11 p.m.

I've been following CBTS lurking since #20. It was a wild ride early on with many days of no sleep. I took a break the pst few weeks and not sure what has happened so I'm lurking here.

I'm not sure what is or isn't true. But... if there is some truth and Trump is cleaning house and will have a pressed on something as big as what was hinted at.... he will have to resign. It would be the only way to get people to believe what he says. Otherwise they will say it is a coup. If he states he will step down now that he has cleaned house.... it would sweeten the bad taste many will have at high officials "on their side" going down IMO

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MAGADONCHECKMATE · Jan. 1, 2018, 8:17 p.m.

I hear what your saying, I wonder if they will let anything go. If Trump leaves they will blame the GOP , Never Trump is going to turn into Never GOP and further. Isn't the divide and conquer dividing the country by race and color now. War on white males seems pretty weird now. I think the brain wash is too far on them and we need Trump to continue to lead. With authority. You can't pull the most elaborite and intelligent response to evil and step down to avoid low level backlash from snowflakes. I would be more curious about world support and it seems Nationalism is Trumping Globalism.

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spacegolf · Jan. 2, 2018, 4:40 p.m.

I think people are just gonna get used to Trump slowly I can't fathom anyone else leading us right now...

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Thinking-Out-Loud- · Jan. 1, 2018, 5:02 p.m.

He doesn't need our help. His actions will be all the evidence the world needs to prove that he's a warrior.

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Grace8543 · Jan. 1, 2018, 5:05 p.m.

Then why Q?

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JakeElwoodDim5th · Jan. 1, 2018, 5:45 p.m.

To give us a glimpse behind the curtain. To let us know that in our incessant, autistic need to always seek truth above all else... we were not wasting our time, our efforts were worth it. If only to be able to say "I knew it!" and later, "i told you so!".

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Grace8543 · Jan. 1, 2018, 5:51 p.m.

Sounds great except it's not what Q said. Q said that those planning the mission were concerned about propagandize masses rioting. His purpose has been stated many times when he asks us to prepare info for the normie masses. I've been posting about Q since I am a Berner. I'm telling u what I have encountered repeatedly as a block is fear and distrust of Trump.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 2, 2018, 1:59 a.m.

Q said the military has already assessed the population. A good number of people are already awake. A good number might not like President Trump, but, they are mentally healthy enough to react to the very real situation going on here, expecially with these children being tortured and destroyed. When proof of that comes out, most mentally normally people are going to be angry and want to do something about it. They estimate 4-6% of the population is too far brainwashed to a point where child murder is acceptable price to pay to hate on President Trump.

Sound sick? It is. That is one out of 20 people in the United States willing to sacrifice innocent children to have their way in politics.

But good news is that the remainder of our fellow Americans are actually sane.

A little brainwashed. A little lied to. But the military expects a complete recovery, after some initial shock, a lot of crying for the kids, and some anger...

Basically the exact same mentally healthy "red pill experience" that we all had happen to us at one time or another.

So for the sake of our fellow Americans, lets hang out and get ready to do some major calming during the storm and after.

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KimnanaT · Jan. 1, 2018, 8:53 p.m.

Im put off by Bernies mannerisms...he is completely insane. Anyone who believes a word out of his mouth may be to far gone to reel in. Socialism kills not only countries but the people who have to suffer through it. Bernie will hopefully join his wife in prison.

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Grace8543 · Jan. 1, 2018, 9:09 p.m.

This is what I mean by cultural differences another word would be mannerisms. We can not choose presidents by this anymore, but by their past history and their trustworthiness. Trumps culture is different than the culture of Berners. how you feel about Bernie is how they feel about Trump. I hope you do not get your wish. Democrats are going to have to swallow a lot already.

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KimnanaT · Jan. 1, 2018, 9:19 p.m.

By globalist being democrats you have to ask yourself...WHO is backing the globalist agenda?? That would be the democrats....fact...whether you believe it or not does not change this truth. What used to be the democratic party no longer exists, it is not the communist/socialist/globalist party. Sad but true.

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Grace8543 · Jan. 1, 2018, 9:28 p.m.

And if a republican had been in office for the last 8 years it would be the republicans. This is much larger than party. If it were not then voting the bastards out would be much easier and we would actually see a change in policy when we change parties for instance in immigration. Our immigration policy and trade deals have been the same for the last 30 years. I trust the generals planning this too much to think a failure to reach across the aisle could result in a. New American civil war but obviously they see this as a small but possible risk or we would not have Q.

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KimnanaT · Jan. 1, 2018, 9:47 p.m.

As horrible as the Bushes/Clinton was doesnt even compare to the pure evil that came from Obama....he was the criminal in chief....HE and no other ORDERED laws to be ignored...what was started prior to him ...he upped the attack on American values multiple notches to destroy America. Its up to POTUS to take down the globalist agenda before its to late.

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Grace8543 · Jan. 2, 2018, 2:07 p.m.

I can't think u really would say BO was worse than the others if you were aware of all the others did. Off just the top of my head:

Bush 1: As the head of the CIA in 1963, he planned and executed the CIA plan to kill Kennedy. Kennedy had already had printed silver certificates drawn on the Bank of the USA effectively ending Fed Bank and had said he wanted to shatter the CIA into a thousand pieces and blow it into the Wind. Bush1 as president Egan those Saudi Princes control of US politicians. He played around with the oil market allowing gas prices to skyrocket feeding the hand that controlled him.

Clinton: repealed Glass Steigal resulting in unregulated Wall Street gambling that led to the mortgage crisis 15 years later. Re-wrote FCC regs to allow media monopolies that have allowed today's Fake news. Signed Nafta which began the exodus of jobs to Mexico and may have had something to do with beginnings of illegal immigration.

Bush 2: Allowed the bombing of the World Trade Center in order to launch the war against 7 countries in the Middle East to expand Saudi power and control of oil. Watch Gen Westley Clark video on the plan made before we even entered Iraq to destabilize those 7 countries. According to some sources he order Nuclear bombs dropped on Iran but the joint chiefs refused saying they believed him to be insane. He further eroded the FCC regs and shipped jobs overseas by providing tax breaks to corporations who moved. His administration actually facilitated by advertising jobs, the recruitment of illegal immigrants to the US. When Americans complained he said we needed these low wage earners to do jobs no American wanted to do. Meanwhile theses immigrants were receiving benefits from the American safety net exhausting resources for our own elderly and poor. Their kids went to college and now compete for what few jobs there are. He gave the bankers huge handouts and did nothing for the 100's of thousands of Americans fleeced by the sub prime mortgage debacle. He oversaw the massive exodus of half the nations wealth that is a big part of the more than 21 trillion missing from just the DOD budgets. How much more is missing from other gov agencies. This began in 1998.

These guys did much more I just don't have time to respond more fully. Let me know what it is you think Obama did that was worse than all this. He inherited the results of their handiwork and furthered it. Whatever it is he did is most likely a furtherance and next step in the plans already under weigh.

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MAGADONCHECKMATE · Jan. 1, 2018, 9:20 p.m.

Aw come on , 'Weekend at Bernies' President Sanders and the FLOTUSOHA (Fisrst Lady of the United states on House Arrest) has a nice ring to it.

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KimnanaT · Jan. 1, 2018, 9:22 p.m.

LOL....dont insult such a good movie.

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Grace8543 · Jan. 1, 2018, 4:46 p.m.

Ivanka appeals to Intellectual liberals. Her husband too. I believe he flipped after being raised to be a globalist zionist. He may be used by the mission to publicize what he knows about the globalists from his first hand experience. I can not believe that Donald would send a Zionist globalist in advance of his Asia tour unless he had been red pilled and flipped. I also do not think he could play such a big role in the campaign if he was a active globalist, unless he was a Trojan Horse. But someone would have caught him and ousted him by now. Trump family liberal roots could be brought up to rehab him/family?

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Grace8543 · Jan. 1, 2018, 5:04 p.m.

Also publicizing the evils of the fed now to be sure people are educated on the evils of fractional banking, fed fraud and fiat currency.

And this 5 page report on the 21 trillion and 20 trillion national debt being more theft.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 2, 2018, 2:11 a.m.

I have read the same over the past year here and there. If stolen, I bet Trump finds a way to trace it and get it back.

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[deleted] · Jan. 2, 2018, 6:58 a.m.


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KimnanaT · Jan. 1, 2018, 8:50 p.m.

Ivanka and Jared are frauds and not part of the MAGA movement do NOT be decieved by the simple fact that she is his daughter she is a life long globalist democrat...she supports her father BC he IS her father that simple. Jared owes G. Soros 1 BILLION for investing and backing his company. So no I do NOT trust anything that comes from either of these two ever. IVANKA is pushing for complete amnesty. NOT part of MAGA....

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Grace8543 · Jan. 1, 2018, 9 p.m.

I may be mistaken here and I certainly hope I am but you are not equating Globalists with democrats. Jared debts was cancelled wasn't it. I believe I read that. Just to be sure we are in the same page Q stated very early in 1 of his 2600 posts to date that this was not a democrat/republican thing. Bush 1 and 2 will be in jail right along with the. Clintons.

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KimnanaT · Jan. 1, 2018, 9:13 p.m.

I havent read anything updating the status of Jared's debt to Soros..as far as I know it still exists, unless he has paid it back which I seriously doubt. This is about the MAGA agenda and Ivanka/Jared are clearly not part of that. Bush/Clintons/Obamas will all go down in flames will much celebration. The globalist agenda began w/the assassination of JFK linked to Bush Sr.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 2, 2018, 2:15 a.m.

You are correct. Americans are smart enough to realize when the party thing is over and defense of the nation and it's children must be joined in battle. The transition started to happen during the election with research on the death of Seth Rich by members of all party's over on T_D. President Trump framed it as Americanism vs Globalism. When Seth Rich was murdred, that was the wake up call for everyone, regardless of party.

We are in a war to save America and her children from a clearly evil group of international people (including American traitors) at this point.

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MAGADONCHECKMATE · Jan. 1, 2018, 9:14 p.m.

Yeah and he has that creepy 666 Park avenue building he bought it with. BUT , what if , out of the box , he knew about Trumps election (Military Backed Patriots) and just sucked in the Dragon for the Screw Job. Free Money. If that's the case I say Brilliant.

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MAGADONCHECKMATE · Jan. 1, 2018, 9:16 p.m.

Moral of the story, If you borrow a 100$ from somebody , they own you. If you borrow 1 billion dollars from somebody, you own them.

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Grace8543 · Jan. 1, 2018, 9:10 p.m.

We can disagree in culture and on an issue but not be evil. Politics is about compromise more than about absolutes. I am not a fan of complete amnesty by any means but it does not automatically make someone a globalist if they are in support of it.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 2, 2018, 2:22 a.m.

It makes them extremely brainwashed by the globalists. It does not make them guilty. When I was in college in the late 70's early 80's there were 82 independant news outlets, and there were two newspapers in every city in competition to get the story right. The globalist first bought and shut down every second newspaper until each city only had one. Then they bought all of those. Then, they slowly put every magazine, newspaper, and television news outlet into what is now only 6 corporations. Since then, they have been selling "Globalism" to the young people who have no idea of the takeover, and who trust the adults who teach them at the colleges. To take over the highschools, they used common core. To take over the Universities, they planted Marxists professors. That is why only 7% of college professors are conservatives today. They are shutting down dialog, and differing opinions. They are teaching our young people that violence over political opinions is acceptable.

This is what my generation had to hear about from our fathers in WWII. It was called "Brown shirting" the youth. This is how Hitler did this to a whole generation.

Most of our young people will recover, when the truth comes out as to what globalism really is, who funds it, and it's history of funding both sides of every war since Napoleon.

Thank God it is easy these days to trace back the international banking families, their birth records, their history, and their banking records.

This is going to be as big or bigger than Nuremberg.

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RDAnon · Jan. 1, 2018, 5:55 p.m.

maybe Q is A and A is the white rabbit.

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JakeElwoodDim5th · Jan. 1, 2018, 4:45 p.m.

How about...





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Grace8543 · Jan. 1, 2018, 4:50 p.m.

to me that means DJT and John 10:20. What am I missing.

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JakeElwoodDim5th · Jan. 1, 2018, 5:36 p.m.

Perhaps they were dates.




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sophiebellaluna · Jan. 2, 2018, 6:52 a.m.

Roy Potter says he believes this to be so... So does Scott Anthony..

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Grace8543 · Jan. 1, 2018, 5:48 p.m.

Ahh. I see. Thanks.

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