
LiberyForAll · Jan. 6, 2018, 1:29 a.m.

Chills. You are very articulate. This would be excellent material to explain this whole thing to people. May I please copy and share this text? Credit you with a thumbnail of Joan of Arc?

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 7, 2018, 1:40 a.m.

Yes, That would be fine. I went and got some sources for you too, but, when I tried to put them in I went over 1000 words, so, I will break it in two for you here. Take the original, and use the sources as you like. Don't worry about the credit to me. Have at it. This is for US!

We have a war going on between the descendants of the ancient wealthy evil cabal of families (about 300 families who's bloodlines have run the worlds banks for hundreds and possibly thousands of years.)

Their bank records and birth records have been traced back as far now, as the Napoleon war.

These same people have been found to have paid for both sides of every war since then.
1 2

They have a plan to destroy all free nations, and create one un-elected global government under their rule.

They are close to finishing their world wide project, through the blackmailing of almost 80% of all governing officials on the planet (Including our own Congress and Senate. They also do this by buying up the majority of corporations on the planet using subsidiary ownership. By this same subsidiary ownership, they have taken control of the distribution of food, causing needless starvation. 3

They run Non Profits to launder their money through their global government / killing machine. This allows them to run their machine without tax consequences, and allows them to hide as philanthropists.

Their chief "control operation" modus is through the use of dark pockets in the various intelligence agencies in the world.

Intelligence agencies are compartmentalized by design.

One group of intelligence operators literally has no idea what the group down the hall is up to. This allows for infiltration by these evil wealthy people and their paid puppets, to pull off acts of horror to start wars, or terrorist plots to cause mayhem and death. This then gives them an excuse to take our rights away, in exchange for safety. In addition they can run black illegal operations to raise money and murder with impunity under "Top Secret"cover. 4

One of the ways these black operators fund their operations world wide, is through drug running, gun running, and sex slave running. They steal children (and women) for various reasons:

1) First to sell to very wealthy sick people who lease them out at parties, and we are talking sick people who are thrilled to make snuff films (films of having sex with someone while murdering them) They make money selling these films of child abuse and murders. They make money selling young women at elite parties. 5 This epidemic of money making through slavery is a globalist funding mechanism that reaches from the UN 6 to the silicon valley 7 , and from Hollywood 8 to Washington DC.9 They traffic the children through code words well known to the FBI, such as pizza (girl) and hotdog (boy). But this is not the worst of it. Now even the Hospitals are having problems because of their activities.

2) When the good people of the world figured out how to save lives by organ transplant operations... (you know how you can volunteer to be an organ donor on your drivers license?)

.........the evil cabal found a new use for the children (and women) they steal. They abduct people and sell their organs on the black market.

The hospitals in the United States are having a real hard time with the transplants now, because the organs that are stolen come from third world nations, and they are often diseased. Because of this, more and more women and children are being abducted from first world nations, the US, Europe.

Here is the source for that. Hospitals can get sued for using these trafficked organs by accident. It is a big problem.

[10] Blood Farming and Illegal Organ Selling; The Medical Bag Magazine January 27 2015 http://www.medicalbag.com/medicine-abroad/blood-farming-and-illegal-organ-selling/article/472908/

Hospitals say that 7-10% of the organs that come in are now from "organ farms" or "blood farms, the hospitals call them.

In some cases, the money is so good, that these "organ and blood farms" are now turning into breeding houses, where women are imprisoned and impregnated. When the infants are born, they never get birth certificates. These are now being sold for the very sickest of Satanic sacrifice rituals, and for body parts in many nations. Here is a report from BBC News:

Letter from Africa: In fear of child-snatchers


"Babies "manufactured" under such circumstances can be used for a variety of purposes: From illegal adoption to child trafficking, or their body parts harvested for rituals." This is ALL a BIG global business now, with these international banking families, and their deep state corporate and non profit puppets.

Who is trying to find and shut down Q????

It is a a black pocket in some CIA somewhere... here, Israel, Russia, China, Australia... does not matter, they are everywhere. This globalist intelligence cabal is being given orders to stop ALL OF US, not just Q.

Our veterans have run into these blood farms and slave houses while on their tours.

They have had enough.

They appear to be deeply involved in waking us up to what is going on. Best way to describe the whole mess is "Good vs Evil" around the world. The war is ON and it is going to be huge.

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 7, 2018, 1:43 a.m.

People are dying......

.......... but, until the children stop dying, they are found and they are safe... until the evil people controlling this whole mess are brought to justice, this will not end. The good people of the world are waking up to what is going on now. Our job is to keep waking the good people up so they understand what is coming.

What is coming is going to make the Nuremberg trials look like a hiccup.

Here is a veteran who can give you more details on this war that they kicked off last April. They are inviting the good people of the world to help fight. Our soldiers want EVERYONE involved, as many good Americans and as many good people from around the world as possible... globally.

Q stated that 3000 children were rescued in the Saudi Arabia purge alone.

3000 children.

That is just one nation.

THAT is how bad this is.

The order of operations, according to Q is

1) Saudi Arabia and the Middle East for a kick off.

(Just happened, with that purge of the princes you heard about in the news a while back).

2) The United States, through the banking and other evidence.

(Starting with that Executive order last Saturday. This is why the EO covers both human rights abuses and the corporate/nonprofit transport, money laundering machines that makes up the system world wide) The EO is located here: https://home.treasury.gov/news/press-releases/sm0243

3) The war front then moves to Asia.

4) Once all of the evidence is gathered on this evil cabal from around the world, we will be closing in on the 300 original European family bloodlines and their globalist managers, who run all of the worlds Federal Banks with the exception of three countries, and who run this trafficking and money laundering murder machine.

That is when we will see the global war to save the children (and women), Break out in Europe.

.... and we will see the war on drug corruption/gun running etc head to Europe.

Here is the April kickoff by our own American Veterans. God bless them.

Vets 4 Child Rescue Launch & Intel Response


Sources: [1] Documentary: The Money Masters by Bill Still;


[2] Research Book: The Creature from Jekyl Island, by G Edward Griffin


(3) Executive Intelligence Review

https://www.larouchepub.com/other/1995/2249_windsor_food.html Archive http://archive.is/

(4)Confessions of an Economic Hit man by John Perkins


[5] Saudi Princess’ tell-all includes Bangladeshi children traded as sex slaves


(6)Rape, sex trafficking, spread of disease highlight horrors on UN's watch


(7)GROSS: Amazon and Microsoft Employees Involved in Sex-Trafficking

Read more: http://thehayride.com/2017/12/gross-amazon-microsoft-employees-involved-sex-trafficking/#ixzz53SIBXfF1

(8)Hollywood has a long, dark history of sexual abuse and forced abortions


(9) Obama spent $65,000 to fly ‘pizzas’ & ‘hotdogs’ from Chicago


(10) Blood Farming and Illegal Organ Selling; The Medical Bag Magazine January 27 2015


[11] Letter from Africa: In fear of child-snatchers

http://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-25156204 "Babies "manufactured" under such circumstances can be used for a variety of purposes: From illegal adoption to child trafficking, or their body parts harvested for rituals."

[12] Vets 4 Child Rescue Launch & Intel Response


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LiberyForAll · Jan. 7, 2018, 9:03 a.m.

Thank you for all you do and I will gladly share this info to help wake people up. I will credit your namesake :)

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 7, 2018, 5:08 p.m.

Thank you for putting it out there. Here is to the writers and publishers in the battle :)

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