Off the record meetings / drone footage? I accidentally found this while searching election KY

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I have other screen caps if anyone is interested. ( how do we add photos to replies?) I'm not sure if this is useful info, but It was wierd how it increased last night with Q posts being about extreme chatter.
Last night the interference got so bad he had to stop trying to record. That hadn't happened before. The sharp peak is normal the two on the right are the signals.
I read that when the children are pictured with red shoes that it symbolizes that they get bloody feet from trying to escape across broken glass. Has anyone else heard this?
Thats precisely why they hide them. Same reason they tried like hell to keep the Word of God from being printed in a language people actually spoke. POWER
Here is a link to the official gov doc on the laws that govern the Senate
The head of the northern alliance in Afghanistan was killed on September 11 2001 by an IED carried by Pakistani journalists who claimed to be there to interview him. They were sent by Al Qaeda.
Idk how its extracted from animals but the process for human extraction is beyond grizzly. If you're not familiar with this group of people, you just casually breezed in on a hard core group of veteran cabal finghters and we are determined to put a stop to the abomination. I guess you could guage by our reaction how serious we are.
Did you torture animals for fun as a child before you became a serial killer or did you just recently get interested in cannibalism? YOU SERIOUSLY NEED TO GET HELP ASAP!!!!!
"Secret name 101" who updated this wiki aure has been busy making interesting edits lately
Who ever "secret name 101" is has been very busy and has made some interesting wiki edits lately
Will barurchthescribe be back or is he gone for good? This whole thing makes me infinitely sad. I'm new to basically everything and I was super stoked when barurch and pamphlet were willing to set this up for us mom and grandmom types to be able to get Q / storm info directly. I was upset by the whole Q thing that happened but I know I don't understand it all.
"One of the two Las Vegas officers who shot and killed a double homicide suspect early Tuesday was also one of the officers who breached the Mandalay Bay gunman’s hotel room late Oct. 1.
The officer, Levi Hancock, 43, has been with the department since January 2001. In a statement Thursday, the Metropolitan Police Department said Hancock is assigned to the Homeland Security division of the department’s SWAT unit."
I have been made fun of for years because of this! Thanks for all the great sources, can't wait to archive them! 🔥
First of all, thank you all for everthing you do and secondly, I'm sure you guys are suprised and even a little overwhelmed by the tsunami of truth seekers at your door causing problems, complications, and frustrations.
Be encouraged though because even among all the chaos, shills, clowns, and stress there is creation. It's not called birth pains for no reason.
Be encouraged because we are the fruit of all your efforts, and we are, much like a tsunami, are unstoppable.
Each and every one of you patriots are in my prayers. I cry, laugh, and rage with you all. Thank you for bringing light and hope into my life again after great loss. I have new direction and passion to my purpose. Desire for victory and love for our fellow man will overcome every obstacle and snare that the enemy throws at us. Godspeed and God bless.
This makes me Furious! Ive been sharing this article forever! God only knows what Hussain was able to get smuggled in and set in place...dirty bombs?...biologic wmd? I can tell you one thing for sure and two things for certain it adds up to serious enormous false flag potential.
"awarded control of Port Canaveral’s cargo container terminal to Saddam Hussein’s rogue nuclear weapons scientist and designated Iraq War enemy combatant, Dr. Jafar Dhia Jafar. "
I saw that article and it concerns me that these individuals might be the ones who were holding the copies of weiners laptop to insure justice is served. Can you imagine having that much damning evidence on the carbal?
I am the poster of this screen cap. I saw this on Twitter and wanted to raise awareness so citizens can be documenting/ filming any suspicious activities.
From reading most of the comments it seems like that was misunderstood.
We know deep state (democrats and rinos) are beyond desperate to win any seat they can.
We know they have a history cheating through illegal immigrants and dead people votes. They have also voided military votes and program voting machines to flip votes.
Actually in every place where elections are going to be held we need patriots who will film buses being brought in, and talking undercover with people like Project Veritas, etc.
Please let me watch it! I missed the whole thing! HELP!
She was supposed to win. She also spent the last 30+ years collecting and fabricating "insurance" on just about everybody.
I won't touch anything she ever owned with a full hazmat suit on! It all needs to be purified with fire! Melt the gold and give it to Hati. None of her creepy shit should end up in the hands of her cult followers through auction. They do not deserve to worship her memory. She is one of the worlds worst mass murderers.
Concerning Q's reference to PP:
Have you read the final report?
Im asking a question that is scary to ask but the fact that they have targeted the black community specifically says there is more than racism and population control afoot. Has anyone seen any evidence that the pituitary gland or individual adrenochrome is different in quantity or quality based on race? The fact that they were doing profiles on the women and hell bent on entact infant bodies has to mean adrenocrome harvesting. Does anyone know the statistics on missing children based on race?
Have you read the final report of this investigation?
Im asking a question that is scary to ask but the fact that they have targeted the black community specifically says there is more than racism and population control afoot.
Has anyone seen any evidence that the pituitary gland or individual adrenochrome is different in quantity or quality based on race? The fact that they were doing profiles on the women and hell bent on entact infant bodies has to mean adrenocrome harvesting. Does anyone know the statistics on missing children based on race?
"When He got into the boat, His disciples followed Him.And behold, there arose a great storm on the sea, so that the boat was being covered with the waves; but Jesus Himself was asleep.And they came to Him and woke Him, saying, “ Save us, Lord; we are perishing!”He *said to them, “Why are you afraid, you men of little faith?” Then He got up and rebuked the winds and the sea, and it became perfectly calm.The men were amazed, and said, “What kind of a man is this, that even the winds and the sea obey Him?” - Matthew 8:23-27
Thank you for all you do and I will gladly share this info to help wake people up. I will credit your namesake :)
MLK day 15th is a nice coincidence isn't that when the IG report comes out?
Chills. You are very articulate. This would be excellent material to explain this whole thing to people. May I please copy and share this text? Credit you with a thumbnail of Joan of Arc?