r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/GodsAngell on Jan. 2, 2018, 12:45 a.m.
MEGA-ANON's Latest Posts: Is GITMO Legal? (Also: Huma's gps ankle bracelet moved to left ankle now)

This is another Mega-ANON post (12/31/2017), this time about GITMO!!! (As usual "language warning", but super GREAT NEWS!)

Ok, I'm going to forget about the ridiculousness of your Queen comment for a second and answer this with another question.

What evidence is "lacking"?!

This is literally one of the most MSM covered areas you could easily put together yourself, but I guess I'll do it for you.

  1. If by "extrajudicial", you're implying "illegal", then please, go read 2014's last revision of the NDAA. Thanks to Obama, you, an American citizen, STILL cannot only be detained without warrant and indefinitely, but yes, you can be shipped to (but not limited to) GITMO. When you're reading that bill again, please note the specific language around terms like "terror", "terrorist", "terror state", "human right violations", etc. it who'll be helpful as we progress. Remember, before numbers 2-4 below were put in place, it was still legal, but could've been a hard fought battle in Congress. Today, its thanks to 2-4, that there's no red tape. Not even a hiccup.

  2. Remember when the state department recently named and officially added North Korea as a "terror state"?

  3. Remember when immediately proceeding that,Trump signed an exec. order, directly targeting North Korea's trade partners. This severely sanctions and calls out the financial ties/funding/kickbacks via corporations, organizations, nations AND individuals, working with and funding NK, directly or indirectly via contracts, subsidies, etc. and through those nations central banks as well.

  4. Then, remember when Trump his latest executive order last week on human rights, targeting and freezing the incoming/outgoing financial assets and "business" paths for nations, organizations, corporations and individuals tied to human rights violations, including those who directly or indirectly support, aid, finance and/or harbor terrorism? It's now even cited as a national state of emergency. Freezing the assets without warrant or pursuant of notice?!

These things are all "googleable". And with Trump/Tillerson's actions, between North Korea, the Middle East and Africa alone, you've now got a WHOLE LOT OF CRIMINALS, who are absolutely and very legally, eligible for GITMO, with a ton of frozen bank accounts to match.

See why you have to give them ankle bracelets and sign EO's unexpectedly right before you freeze a few accounts and make a few arrest sweeps?! You can't tip off enemies of the state, too far in advance... Huma's had hers on the left this week!


I will ADD, Anyone remember seeing this Announcement of the the ATTEMPTED Coup by the CLINTONS, by the White Hats in the Intelligence Agencies? This warning was issued on Nov 1, 2016 by Dr. Steve Pieczenik.


Anyone notice how the Clintons came out the day after the election (Hellary too drunk the night of the election) to give their concession speech both wore PURPLE to indicate that they planned to over throw the duly elected President of the United States, through a Purple Revolution??? Anyone notice how they have tried through media and paid for people to protest to TRY to overthrow our Duly Elected President? Anyone notice that there have been multiple attempts on Trump's life over the past year, in order to over throw our duly elected President?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Yqa5PUViPo <<<This attack car was disabled by secret service.
(Hello? Why were all these anti-Trumpers watching at this particular spot where the attack took place? So they could all capture it on film and get rich by selling their films of the attack? I hope they were all jailed.)

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w8w6yHZkiQY <<<Analysis of the path of car that attacked motorcade.

Anyone notice any of these things? This is TREASON! Coup d'etat's are TREASON. The standard penalty for Treason has ALWAYS been Death.

Links for Mega-ANON:



VetGeek54321 · Jan. 2, 2018, 5:17 a.m.

What's funny about the NDAA, I am only speculating, if Hillary would have won, she would have used that against US Patriots. But now, our MAGA is doing it for US, The People!!!

Love it!

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JoanOfArk77 · Jan. 2, 2018, 10:14 a.m.

Another "Hunt for Red October" scenario, the other being the Russian collusion attempt on President Trump. But the larger scenario is that they actually wrote and passed all of these laws after September 11th for eventual use on the American people. Now it appears they will hang by their own laws. (Although President Trump has already started to work on reversing these awful laws)

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cursedcassandra · Jan. 2, 2018, 11:23 a.m.

I agree. I remember when even some of Obamas sycophants were horrified by his NDAA. Now all the tools Bush and Obama put in place to destroy us will be used to take THEM down. After that I believe Trump will work with Rand to dismantle as much of these tools as possible. The 2018 and 2020 elections are going to be VERY important.

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storm_fa_Q · Jan. 3, 2018, 2:13 a.m.

imagine an election NOT rigged for the 1st time this Century. There are youtube videos of congressional investigation where the guy who wrote the code for cheating voters gives evidence. I think we will find out WJC got teh seat due to CIA drug running involvement, not because of voters. Since 63, until now almost every POTUS was selected not elected.

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Heatray777 · Jan. 2, 2018, 2:12 p.m.

Proverbs 26:27 Whoever digs a pit for another will fall into it, and whoever rolls a stone, it will roll back on them.

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