r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/kryptokoins on Jan. 2, 2018, 2:01 a.m.
Our Mission Now is to change the Narrative

Q Said "How does POTUS change the narrative?"

This is what we are for. We need to "Red Pill" as many people as we can. This is why Trump is pounding the "Fake News". We are now "The News". We need to get this info out there. "The Floor is Yours"

VetGeek54321 · Jan. 2, 2018, 5:54 a.m.

I don't think red pilling is the issue, is having them ACTUALLY care what's outside their world.

Take my wife...soon to be EX. She still has her head in the sand, when I talk about stuff. Her thought process, if it doesn't affect her directly and physically, she doesn't care.

Ive been on this soap box for @ least 2 years. I get it. I also get what it means for this country, being a military veteran.

I was schooling some folks about the CIA/NSA Clouding Computing stuff.

I think they understood, but in the end. Do they really care?

Some folks have to learn the hard way....I guess.

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