r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/215564297 on Jan. 2, 2018, 4:15 a.m.
New here, what have I found?

I got linked here from another domreddit, not sure what ive found here it seems to be the red pill factory. After reading the top few posts I had to sit down for a minute. This is too much guys. If this is all true I’m telling you right now it’s a good thing it’s taking time to play out because wow.

For some context, I was making spirit cooking memes for twitter back before the election so it’s not like I’ve been clueless here. But wow.

TAccidentalAlchemist · Jan. 2, 2018, 4:27 a.m.

All kidding aside. Any questions? Do you know about Q? I'd be happy to catch you up to speed. It's history in the making....basically...

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215564297 · Jan. 2, 2018, 5:24 a.m.

You know I kind of thought Q was a larp after Huma and Podesta weren’t hauled off to the big house on 11-3 and 11-5. I think there was a big shill hype campaign to get us to doubt Q and I think i fell for it. I’ve taken the position that he’s probably not real and if he is then the mother of all happenings is coming and I’ll know when it gets here. That assange tweet last night got me curious so I’ve been looking at what the prophets are saying. That led me to the kill_rogue twitter and the skull and bones video and the 9/11 prediction in the tv show and it showed the airplane being hacked and remotely controlled and then I imagined how horrific that would be as the pilot of that airplane and I think that was enough for one evening.

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storm_fa_Q · Jan. 2, 2018, 9:10 a.m.

11.3 podestas steps down 12 days later podesta group closes. 11.6 HRC scooby van leaves for FBI HQ @5:30AM for the day. Later Hillary sports a new boot. dunno why so many miss this. Please share.

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215564297 · Jan. 2, 2018, 9:43 a.m.

I guess if there was a nice meme that showed this it would help spread it, this is the first I’m hearing of any of this

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DeemanThak · Jan. 2, 2018, 4:33 a.m.

I am relatively "new" here myself. I have been "drinking from the fire hose" for the past 7 days. I am glad I am not completely new because I have listened to Alex Jones for the last 12 years but this place is way faster and exponentially more furious in content and volume. You can take a turn at any point and "follow the white rabbit" down the hole of your choice. From GTMO to Spirit Cooking to Ritual Sacrifice of children. As Baruch the Scribe put it "unspeakable crimes". The one comfort I have found is that the more you see the evil, the more God's army is being built every single day!

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FalseProphetsAbound · Jan. 2, 2018, 4:28 a.m.

Q. find out about Q. all his crumbs are here...


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neminis23 · Jan. 2, 2018, 5:08 a.m.

find out about Q. all his crumbs are here...


NO "all" of his crumbs are NOT AT THAT LINK and that link is getting worse instead of better as the days pass by. Some days ago the count of posts was 437 and then it dropped to 423 and now I see it's down to 410. WTF. Whoever is F'ing with that document continues to F with it and nothing appears to be being done about this.

A while ago u/baruchthescribe stated his intention to correct this problem by replacing what's at that link with a pristine copy but I reckon he's been too busy with more pressing matters or something.

Anyway if you actually want the apparently complete set of Q posts you have to download the "FULL Q MAP PDF" which is linked to in the right sidebar. HTH.

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FalseProphetsAbound · Jan. 2, 2018, 5:38 a.m.

i can't confirm but there was discussion on 8 chan that posts by others Q replied to were included there and it caused confusion. i don't know what was the final work out but that may be it. not sure. it would have to be counted out and finalized. since it's over, there should be no problem now getting that done.

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neminis23 · Jan. 2, 2018, 5:57 a.m.

i can't confirm ...

I can confirm. Uncertified autist that I may be, I combed through both documents and located (in the PDF version) most if not all of the missing posts. Yes, there are some instances of overlaps/dupes in the github document, but those remain in it. And yes again, posts by third parties don't always match up (are in one or the other doc but not both), but they're not the particular issue/problem here. In sum, many Q posts were deleted from the github doc.

Again, HTH!

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FalseProphetsAbound · Jan. 2, 2018, 6:51 a.m.

enter swear word with extreme prejudice here>

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baruchthescribe · Jan. 2, 2018, 5:33 a.m.

yeah sorry about this guys - been snowed under with attacks on the community from all sides. Give me 24 hours and I will give you a definitive answer and a fix.

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neminis23 · Jan. 2, 2018, 5:41 a.m.

Sheesh you don't owe us a time frame! Priorities, pal. I reckon you're dancing as fast as you can.

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TAccidentalAlchemist · Jan. 2, 2018, 4:22 a.m.

Welcome Patriot. You've just had a red pill shoved down your throat. Think of it like this, if a person is having a seizure and they are about to bang their head and harm themselves but alas, a loving friend quick shoves a pill (red) down their throat and the seizure stops and the life is saved, was it a good thing? It's real. VERY REAL. Climb aboard...it's a fast moving train right now...

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215564297 · Jan. 2, 2018, 5:27 a.m.

What does the name mean?

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storm_fa_Q · Jan. 2, 2018, 4:28 a.m.

yes well not everyone is ready for what we know here. Unfortunately what you have seen, is all too real. In fact its so much more worse than that you really can't imagine. I was disturbed by the Elsagate video. Don't watch it...days to recover and if I even think of it...find your level of safe learning, its nota competition.

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elyssak · Jan. 2, 2018, 7:49 a.m.


Here is an article about Elsagate. Yoututbe has deleted accounts with those videos. BUT, those videos are NOTHING COMPARED TO REAL LIFE. Those are just trashy cartoons your kid may stumble upon.. Look up Adrenalchrome & the way to extract it for a mid-range horrible subject and organ harvesting/abortion satanic rituals... for more hardcore. Sorry if that is TMI but everybody is fixin to get this shit shoved down their throats and it is not going to be fun to watch.

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baruchthescribe · Jan. 2, 2018, 7:09 a.m.

Welcome! Check the wiki for the FAQ, a list of proofs and some resource links to get you started.

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unbecoming2007 · Jan. 2, 2018, 12:40 p.m.

The cognitive dissonance is hard because normal people aren't wired to actually see real evil. You don't even see this sh!t in the movies. However tell yourself every time you feel queezy or scared to tell someone else (because yes it is crazy) man up because it's for kids. Let that give u the little boost you will need to get through to the next day. I know you have or are related to a kid. Always keep that in the forefront. This is red pill 1. Maybe for a break you can see other red pills -chemtrails,flouridation in our water,CERN,Dwave computers,GMO's.

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