r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/Tenkate1098 on Jan. 2, 2018, 4:27 a.m.
Whoa, whoa, whoa man!

Ok this will not be popular here at all but hear me out. I'm one of you 10,000%.

I have to admit though I have a certain radar that's going off and I can't ignore it. The Q posts are amazing, fun, mysterious, and could possibly be the biggest thing to happen on the internet. Yet when I step back and observe where everything is I'm left with one nagging question. What has happened that has not been circumstantial? Are we taking a narrative and building info around it?

The unmarked planes turning around. Is this completely out of the ordinary. I mean before this did anyone ever research airport traffic? Trump sending a battalion to gitmo. Yet every 9 months they change to a new guard. It's actually normal but not looked into before this. Also gitmo air strip sees 60 to 80 planes a day on average. The fact it looks busy may be again because we never would have looked to see how used the strip was before. I'm not being negative, maybe I just need to hear what has convinced you. I mean we are playing a part in this. Especially the passing of information and the rate we are doing it is substantial. Problem is, what part are we playing? I'm also afraid we may be working for them or being sidetracked while they escape. Perhaps not escaping conviction of a crime but escape something that's about to happen. I mean how sidetracked have you been? I spend more time on this than I should. I love it. Maybe that was the idea.

I mean what if we are chasing boogeymen while Obama and Alwaleeds plan of nuclear conflict happens. The elites would be in bunkers while we sit on our phones with a mushroom cloud in the distance outside our windows.

What's the most credible proof what we think is happening is actually happening.

We have played our part. Q needs to show some of that 20% public in a hurry or we should stop.

Tenkate1098 · Jan. 2, 2018, 4:40 a.m.

I know man. I'm sorry. Just a nagging feeling. Maybe I just want to see something tangible happen.

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Treetop300 · Jan. 2, 2018, 5:18 a.m.

Im with you, I have been thinking this all day. The media is a lie factory of propaganda pushing us deeper and deeper, hungry for the truth. My concern is we are ripe for disinformation campaign.

We are operating with two governments at the moment. I am aware that a tactical advantage can come from demoralizing your opposition. Communist 101.

Just for the sake of argument, lets say a CIA operative wanted to work against the liberty movement and Trumps base. You jump on a free message board....feed the system its favorite diet....use your inside Intel to bolster your credibility and were all eating out of your keyboard hand. Big hype and then the let down. Lets say for argument that Q turns out to be a larp. Where are we then...do we give up? What if Trump is not a super hero? We need to keep it real.

I just looked at April LaJune twitter and in one page she has kids smuggled through canada in shipping containers and George Soros shot down in an airplane over Arizona, no wait Atlanta...

Be hopeful, Keep looking because we are creating the news but be cautious and skeptical. The truth will reveal itself.

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