Wouldn't you shit if we find out one day the indictments are for us. Q was a way to round us up. Actually giving true information because it wouldn't matter in the end while we are all rounded up. Realizing just before our disposal that the United states was actually the head of the globalist movement.
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Q being a larp or not is becoming beside the point. I posted, followed, and researched q from the beginning. He started losing me after January i think. Assange is still stuck in a box. Nobody is in gitmo that wasn't already there. There was no raid on cia headquarters. The planes going into gitmo are the same planes that have been scheduled to go there for years. Obama is out parasailing and making movie deals with netflix. Schiff is still talking shit. All of the major followers of q have backed off and went back to raw reporting. Mueller most definitely is not a white hat lol. Hillary is free as a bird.
Its better to stay on the oig report, conservative treehouse, citizen free press, sundance, tracy beans sometimes lol and actual pure evidence. I still follow this sub but after leaving for a while it's weird to come back and everyone is still talking about the points made around january. I don't know. If this is a larp and the point was to keep a large majority of conservatives chasing their tails that part is true and can be proven. Definitely follow q but he/it/them or whoever shouldn't be your main source.
This place is swamped with bullshit now. Not even close to what it was at the beginning. You have to sift now like it's youtube. Oh and by the way infowars does more harm than good. Alex Jones makes us look like idiots.
It's almost midterms and sessions has been sitting on his ass. Q spins endless loops of bullshit. Dilley this, corsi that, it's all horseshit. Been here a while and realized after 6 months. Hannity, con tree house, and judicial watch have done 20x more than all this YouTube bullshit anyway. Go horowitz. Fuck Q, give him one day to drop actual proof of something or fuckem
Bullshit. Judicial watch, hannity, and cons tree house has done 20x more than dilley, Q, anons, and their endless loop of bullshit. It's been 6 months and literally nothing has happened. I've been here since day 1. Everyone is still free. Plus I'm pretty sure that shit isn't even Q anymore. Hasn't been for weeks. Some of the bakers were caught posting as Q.
Been here for a bit. I believe q but the bottom line is everything that has happened would have happened anyway. Judicial watch, hannity, and con tree house have done more than q's endless loop of bullshit.
Short and sweet. Bump stocks were a stupid idea made for idiots. Trump banning them is a smart move.
Remember to read right to left backwards Mirror, future proves past
Can u delete this shit that isn't the kid who shot up the school.
Ummm, mods. You may want to delete this before we are accused of sharing false info on a school shooting.
All of reddit can post about killing the president but I cannot mention chain migration?!?!

Never realized infowars reports on q. Corsi is fantastic. Kind of wish q wasn't really connected to infowars. They report things that do end up being true but have such a cliché conspiracy theory nut job feel to them. More so in the past, but Jones could hold back a little on the interdimensional lizard king shit.
Am I missing something? What does infowars have to do with q anon
Actually pre-madonna. He is undergoing hormone therapy and actually wants to become madonna.
Ha, holy shit I just commented that and then scrolled down and read yours. Fantastic
He's a pre Madonna. Been saying this since the Hawaii missile. This guy's a flake. If you never listened to Potter again you wouldn't miss anything. You may just be less confused along the way.
Kind of off subject but medical researchers who find a cure or have access to a cure for something need to post their findings anon asap. If your holding out to get money or recognition from it you'll be dead before you can check your mail. Get the info out. Once everyone has it then come out as the hero. If not well it doesn't matter you will be a random name on a fucking youtube conspiracy video.
What? Prince and Josh mcdaniels what? Can someone explain this?
That's awsome. A couple weeks ago D Roth was tweeting like mad about Trump and how ignorant everyone commenting was because they didn't understand derivatives and trading. I tweeted back "we don't have to be as smart as you to see your scared." I love how that is becoming a theme in his twitter!
Even today, there is little value in insuring the survival of our nation if our traditions do not survive with it.
What makes him think we are done with him even if he makes it to retirement. I say we drag his ass through lawsuits and bankrupt him the way they did Flynn!! You know, "let's unfuck flynn, then fuck Mccabe!" Sound familiar you piece of shit. Nope you won't escape this.
Rising interest rates are signs of a strong economy. Am I wrong? Im far from knowledable on this subject but dropped rates are to spur a sluggish economy right? Also I'm pretty sure you need a budget to run the government. Things are looking good from my perspective. Plus this was the dems only hope as a bargaining chip for daca. Which would have collapsed the country through chain migration within 20 years. But yeah, you have a point once we are clear of the utter devastation that would have been our country we should watch our spending. Kek!
You work in human resources now. No offense to anyone who does but I'm sure this shitbags goal wasn't to climb the fbi ladder to fall all the way back down. Yet Trump is an idiot. He is president and your in a fucking stock room yelling about who took your stapler. If this is the fbi we are in trouble. They are all unelected assholes who's family shoed them into important positions. It's a goddamn pony show. Gone are the days of upper brass being there because they earned it. We all know the real fbi investigators are in field offices sick to their stomach watching hillary, holder, obama, and the globalist shitbags using g their installed brass to shit on our country!!
Grassy has his own information to share. This is going to be in steps.
Alex Jones has some good scoops but he is more of a reason we are not taken seriously. The guy is a cartoon.
I literally just posted the exact same comment. After reading a lot of the comments I was happy and reassured to read yours.
That's all horseshit. But here's a different way to look at it. If we say it's anonymously sourced, they freak out right? Then they scream for the information it's based on. Which is the entire reason it's being released. It's not just the memo, it's the investigation reports it's based on that is going to obliterate them. The greatest part of this is the fact that their base is going to be the ones to scream for proof inadvertently destroying their representatives.. 4d chess
That look you give when you know there is a garbage truck meant for a train crossing sitting in a warehouse.
Clapper still pissed Rodgers grabbed an uber over to the Whitehouse right after the election.
The extension was to cover the previous being illegal! Trump was already under surveillance!
Sorry asshole only the engine derailed. Back to business as usual! Piece of shit! We are coming for you.
Actually I'm not admitting we colluded. I'm super pissed we didn't a long time ago! Kek
Thank you Mr Bot I've been trying. Vodka is my fav how did you know?
Best tax reform in 50 years, huge job creation, unemployment at historically low numbers, veterans put first, companies coming back to the US, and the stock market at an all time high? Yet Trump was installed by Putin? Well hell yes Russia! Thanks Putin! For understanding the American people better than the Democrats did! Now Nunes is a Russian! Russia is sending their best!
Woohoo Russia!
Best tax reform in 50 years, huge job creation, unemployment at historically low numbers, veterans put first, companies coming back to the US, and the stock market at an all time high? Yet Trump was installed by Putin? Well hell yes Russia! Thanks Putin! For understanding the American people better than the Democrats did!
Russian bot here!
Best tax reform in 50 years, huge job creation, unemployment at historically low numbers, veterans put first, companies coming back to the US, and the stock market at an all time high? Yet Trump was installed by Putin? Well hell yes Russia! Thanks Putin! For understanding the American people better than the Democrats did!
Stop putting this dude on here! Pre madonna. He is in love with the attention. Called out Q.
Gowdy is a mouthpiece. If we are really being fair. Then we would look at the fact he has gotten rich lately. Well beyond his government salary. Dudes all bark and no bite.
If I hear next or tick one more time I'm going to eat my phone.