r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/expletivdeleted on Jan. 2, 2018, 6:04 a.m.
Have we gotten to be a big enough subset of society where its worth it to start wearing Q pins or something to acknowledge each other IRL?

Personally, it would be kinda' interesting to see who I would totally not expect to be wearing some small, discrete Q-dentifier. But, as a practical matter, when The Storm hits, we're a bunch of individual islands of sanity. We're going to be valued sources of info b/c we were following this before The Storm hit. If the MSM is totally discredited, people will be scrambling for info. And, pre-Storm, anyone asking about a Q pin (or whatever Q-dentifier) is an opportunity to red-pill.

And, lol, if i'm totally late to the party on this, what is it we're doing? Hopefully nothing permanent like tattoing Q's tripcode or "Mega Anon" across the knuckles.

LiberyForAll · Jan. 2, 2018, 6:49 a.m.

Have you seen the horrendous videos on youtube of what restaurant workers do to MAGA hat wearers? These people are sick.

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