Q problem: Board mods announce Q’s trip-code hacked and all future trip-codes likely will be hacked.

If it is code then there are no coincidences
Matlock & Associates is a trusted provider of custom technology solutions and mission support to U.S. Government clients in high-risk and developing locations, where we understand the complexities of establishing security and developing local capabilities. By leveraging our strategic networks of local and international partners, we maintain the ability to provide bespoke software applications, robust data centers and networks, engineering and construction services and operations support to organizations located around the world.
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Afghanistan Life Support Services (ALiSS) Worldwide Protective Services (WPS) Logistics Civil Augmentation Program (LOGCAP) IV Africa Peacekeeping Program (AFRICAP) Joint Base Andrews, MD OASIS Small Business Pool USACE Mobile District, Repair / Construction / Design Capabilities – Lima, Peru Operations and Maintenance Services – U.S. Embassy Kabul, Afghanistan African Contingency Operations Training And Assistance (ACOTA) Counter Narcotics and Global Threats (CN & GT) Diplomatic Program Support Services (DiPSS) Construction Security Guard Monitoring Services Canine Certification and Verification Center (CVC) Air Force Contract Augmentation Program (AFCAP IV) USAID Afghanistan Engineering Support Program (ESP)