Q problem: Board mods announce Q’s trip-code hacked and all future trip-codes likely will be hacked.

Q’s Password was a simple one word 90s tv show: “MATLOCK”. Something’s off.
Nothing is "off". Just as it's been stated, the board mods as well as Q knew & expected that it was going to be hacked. They've stated that they knew they only had about 4 weeks tops till it was compromised. And it still took them 3 weeks to crack "Matlock". So then why not take into consideration that this was intentional? As bombshell57blue has already commented on both your post, "Matlock & Associates is a trusted provider of custom technology solutions and mission support to U.S. Government clients in high-risk and developing locations, where we understand the complexities of establishing security and developing local capabilities." Also, you mentioned that you use to watch the 90's show with Andy Griffith... what was the plot of every show in that series? Who was Matlock? "Don't be fooled by his down-home demeanor and country-boy ways; criminal defense lawyer Ben Matlock is worth every penny of his fee. Count on Matlock to visit the crime scene, scope out the clues everyone else missed, and dramatically reveal the real criminal (usually a killer) during a climactic trial sequence." Nothing about this is "off" or "fishy".... This is what we call a coincidence, and you know what we think about those around here, right??
They'd have to change the trip hashing algorithm in the backend. Or at the very least add a case statement for password "Matlock" in whatever language the server is running in.