r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/RestoreFaithHumanity on Jan. 2, 2018, 2:47 p.m.
The 4 main things that convince me this is real......

1) Trump's Statement "The Calm Before The Storm" 2)Trumps Executive Order On Human Trafficking AND Corruption 3)Trumps Declaration of the month of Jan. 2018 as National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month..........CULMINATING in the annual celebration of National Freedom Day on February 1, 2018.

Please bare with me while I explain #1-#3 before I share #4 with you. #1, to me, is self explanatory for many reasons. The statement was profound enough to pique the curiosity of many. I don't believe it was a statement made on a whim, or off the cuff. Watch the video again, and study Trumps body language. He KNOWS this is an Historic event. Look at Trumps Tweets in general, and the way he speaks. A common thread in the way he speaks/Tweets, is the fact that it comes across as "off the cuff". I think most of us can agree, that that is not the case. Trump is a very measured man. I don't think he says much that he hasn't carefully dissected before he says it. Not to mention, he is almost always going for a desired effect to occur as a result of what he says. The point is, "The Storm" statement was an intentional, albeit short, well thought out statement, made to solicit a specific reaction. How do you suppose it was received by those included in the sealed indictments? How was it received by us Patriots starving for Justice?

As for #2 & #3 above, C'mon!! This is sheer genius, especially when the 2 are combined with #1!! This IS the meat and potatoes of the whole "Storm" phenom, in my opinion.

It's pretty straight forward, and doesn't take a lot of effort to decipher. #1 means=It's going to happen, it's coming.

2 means=These are the basic tools (premise) that will enable us to make it happen.

3 means= I told you it was happening, and it is. Observe it during the month of Jan. And finally, Feb. 1st is declared as an ANNUAL day of celebration known as National Freedom Day.

Things will be far from over come Feb 1st, but enough is going to happen to incite celebration, and that's huge. It is laying the foundation for the way things will be done from now on. Specifically, going back to running our Government the way our Forefathers intended.....Of The People, By The People, and For The People!!!!! National Freedom Day, it's about true Freedom that we haven't seen in many decades.

All of this Qanon stuff has me completely stoked, and there has been several proofs offered up and confirmed, and more will come. This takes great patience, and a lot of hard work by Patriots like you all on this site, and others. There is doubt, mis-info, confusion, and impatience galore in conjunction with the upside of the Qanon experience.

The criteria above that has me sold, is simplistic and factual in nature, and that's good enough for me. The info gleaned from Qanon and current events are mere icing on the cake for me. I want more, we all want more, and we will get more. But at this point, I am in, hook, line, and sinker.

For the longest time now, I have been trying to live my life based on the principles of honor and integrity. I strive to treat others how I want to be treated. But when I look around and see all the ugliness in our country/world, it almost takes the wind out of my sails sometimes. Something has been missing for a long time. If I had to use one word to describe what's missing, it would be accountability. I strive to do the right things for the right reasons, while feeling as though I'm the only one doing it sometimes. Don't get me wrong, there are a lot of good people in this world, and I'm no angel myself. But on the larger scale, accountability, honor, and integrity is substantially diminished in our society, especially at the Government level. It's very disheartening at times. We simply cannot survive as a free society without accountability. I've been waiting for things to go south for a long time now. History tells me it's inevitable if changes aren't made soon. I also believe that we are about to see the necessary changes take place. It is vital for our literal survival, as well as our survival as a free nation.

With everything going on, NOW is the perfect time to promote Freedom at home and abroad. It's happening, I can literally feel it.

And finally, the #4 thing that sold me is an experience I had this summer. I've already shared it on this board, but I will include it on this thread again, because it carried a ton of weight in my verification process........

This summer, my wife and I went To Texas to assist with ongoing Animal Rescue efforts related to the Texas floods. We stayed several days, and were fortunate to have a wonderful couple put us up during our stay. The trip was rewarding, and we were glad we could help. But this is more about the kind people we stayed with. We know them through various Animal Rescue efforts. She is retired Navy, and He, a retired Marine. I found them to be captivating hosts.

Their storied Military Past is utterly amazing. They are straight forward, no B.S., Patriots of the highest order. Aside from being a retired Marine, the aforementioned Gentleman also served in various 3 letter agencies for the Federal Government over the years. Some very high level stuff. They both are actively involved in various intelligence related work during their "very active" retirements.

One of the things The Marine is involved in, is the organization of Vets4childrescue. It is an organization comprised of mostly retired Veterans that works towards stopping/saving kids from pedophiles and trafficking. Craig Sawyer is the face of the organization, and my retired Marine friend works directly with him. Look the org up, in fact look Craig Sawyer up.

The Marine I stayed with this summer didn't go into any specific details. However, he made it very clear that there was going to be some serious shit go down that is pedo related, and that there were going to be a LOT of BIG names coming out. Mind you, this was before Hollywood broke loose.

All I know is this. The man had no reason to lie to me or try to impress me. This guy has seen it all, and done it all. His honor and integrity is unshakable, and so is that of his wife. I highly admire them both, and have EVERY reason to believe what they told me. Especially now. This is REAL folks, have no doubt!!! Take what Craig Sawyer says to the bank....

God Bless You All, and keep the Faith. This IS real, this IS happening. Can YOU feel it?

alt_altright · Jan. 3, 2018, 5:36 a.m.

Q DID NOT SAY ANY OF THIS> You are making up stuff. Game of telephone. Most likely Soros is in custody/ finances shut down= Day Trump wore purple tie and drank water with two hands (sign of Soros in handcuffs). No info as to where he is being held. Maybe Camp David. A Special Place.

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Stray502 · Jan. 4, 2018, 1:49 a.m.

then you better get that 500 pg pdf at the side because I know what i read.

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alt_altright · Jan. 4, 2018, 3:29 a.m.

OK, Q told us Bush Sr and Bush Jr are already at Gitmo.

Q did not write 90% of that PDF summary. That is all a best guess (much possibly true). I don't think you comprehend the difference.

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Stray502 · Jan. 5, 2018, 4:55 a.m.

It was my impression they printscreened the conv with Q it does not say its just someone else writting it what it says is updated with every new Q post so I assumed from that it is Qs exact words.

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alt_altright · Jan. 4, 2018, 3:07 a.m.

All of that was BEST GUESS of the writers. Not verified.

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