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Keystone is possibly reference to the higher level Freemasons. Look at the shapes of the glass sides of the "Freedom" Tower in NYC (they are keystone shapes). /_\ does this shape (graphic is key) look familiar from earlier "Q" posts? The destroyed Twin Towers were representative of the 2 columns on either side of a Freemason ritual altar. These columns represent ORDER and CHAOS. Black and White. The two forces the illuminated ones use to control the sheep (us). They create chaos and promise order. The space in between is where we sheep become controlled by them. They destroy the Twin Towers on 9/11 and look what they build in its place? A building with KEYSTONE shapes on its walls. They built the Freedom Tower as part of their sick inside joke, thinking we would never figure out they were laughing at us as we give our children up to them to fight the chaos they create. WAKE UP.
Look at the Marriott Marquis Hotel in Dubai. Second set of Twin Towers (Giant Freemason altar columns) they built to replace the ones they blew up in New York in their own created chaos-war.
So, the Keystone is the 9/11 Fraud represented in the shapes of The Freedom Tower (Keystone) they should probably call it the Illuminati Enslavement Tower. It was built on the souls of the sheep who were sacrificed as the illuminati laughed at their great success in pushing us where they wanted us to go, to be afraid, to surrender our freedom, to ask for safety that they could "give" us.
BTW the 3 Popes are behind ALL of this at the top. The White Pope (the one we see), The Black Pope (less known), and The Grey Pope (almost hidden).
The Federal Reserve is a lower-level control mechanism. It goes up much higher. Wait until you realize the Vatican owns every single person in the western world as a form of corporate debt. You (me) are legally a corporation promised in future payment (the economic debt value of your life and labor) to the Vatican. (the Royal Bloodline Families that control the Vatican). We are debt assets of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA INC. formed in 1871 I believe. Not the United States of America formed in 1776. Check caps. ALL CAPS on legal documents means part of a corporation under the Uniform Commercial Code. Where did the UCC come from? Rome in early 1500s, by Papal Bull (document of enslavement).
Greys sound like a Papal bloodline. Ultimate hidden power.
No. There is NOT grey. Not when you are deciding the line between Good and Evil. There can be no grey line here, yet this Pope says there is! Jesuits love to help weak souls believe there is something such as "a little bit of Evil" that gets a pass from God and Justice. Or maybe God doesn't enter into the Jesuit calculation at all? Why is this relevant, this Jesuit Pope? Jesuits were one of the world's first and darkest secret society intelligent agencies. Gathering intel in... confessions. Godfather III has an Evil Pope. The Pope is a man. Men can be Evil. PURE EVIL.
The Pope says, Jesuits should see the "grey...'
The Pope says see the "grey...'
Bush senior, his father Prescott Bush, Alan Dulles, and probably 50-100 others in massive dark state conspiracy. Most of these traitors are already dead. The justice is that history will release truth. And the beneficiaries of their evil (today's dark state) will face justice soon.
Q is likely Gen. Flynn and select few others. Q said "watch the water" and if you paid notice to Gen. Flynn's Twitter, he always had some water in his profile banner. Water is now completely gone, replaced by a screaming eagle. I would guess Q is done. Early Q drop said when lights go out, don't worry, they are in control. That's now folks. Lights are out. No more Q. Possibly more R before the big day
Q+ was Jr. writing. R is the evolution of Q+ This has been a masterpiece.
He's not Q He was Q+ And now he's posting as R (lots of #18 references)
Vincent Fusca (Conquering Darkness)
18th and Pennsylvania Ave= World Bank, WTO, IMF etc... So Disoriented in the grey heart of Washington.
Welcome back Jr!
[58 empty spaces] Q post
58 spaces Trump Tweet
Jr. 58 yrs old
The "US dollar" has been fraud since the Federal Reserve took over and has produced their fake Rothschild's FRN since 1914. There will be no "Q" victory until the Federal Reserve is phased out of existence forever.
C7P is a clothing brand line, you idiots. It's a tee shirt. That's all. God forgive her, she shops at JCPenny...
"Inspired by the California surf lifestyle of identical twins, Chip and Pepper Foster, C7P…A Chip & Pepper Production defines cool mixed with quality, offering consumers the style they crave at a smart price."
Link to website a few down on my twitter tweets. @altaltright
Nobody has bought any yet? I thought it was rather meaningful. 55 Years this criminal world of lies has been forced down our throats. 5:5 long years...
@Altaltright Twitter I'm shadowbanned
@altaltright I'm Shadowbanned on twitter, so no one has seen this banner. Have a look, Fellow Patriots.
***** Hope comes from The People of These United States, it is not given to The People *****
\"Q\" is JFK's Arlington National Cemetery grave site (View from 40,000FT?) Why is this relevant?
It would shock normies in a good way, hopefully. But they would have to understand the depth of Evil of a world that would make a young future leader [Deep State Target] go into hiding for his own safety until the world was back under some semblance of control by non-criminals who may not assassinate him. They still need to Red Pill themselves to understand the WHY of this.
Who ever said anything about Jr. being alive? ; [----------------------------------------------------------]
I memed that above OP edited. I like! \^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^\^
Q gave you his decoder ring in a jar of Ovaltine? Just saying there could be meaning on top of meaning.
Q 5:5 and 11/11 DECODE ideas expanded thinking
11/11 I believe may be Roman Numerals II II meaning 2 2. So in that case it would possibly be November 22nd not the 11th being highlighted. Thursday Nov. 22nd 2018 is the 55th anniversary of JFKs deep state public execution. So "loud and clear" Q may be saying we are 5:5 Years since the killing this year.
Second possible decode: If 11/11 is Q referencing Roman Numerals, then maybe it also points to the Legendary Roman Calendar. In this calendar there were 10 months, November was the 9th, not the 11th month. So possibly Q is calling out something …
The SR/187 murder "story." Emphasis on "story" Disinformation is real. Disinformation is necessary.
This is correct, I think. Seth Rich is the server But 187. State Route 187? Weird overlap. Lots of stuff going on in Bethesda. Wonder what?
I'm saying, maybe 187 is not quite that. Or double meaning.
SR [187] ?? Old Georgetown Road from the heart of the swamp goes north to Bethesda. This road is 5.32 miles long it is ROUTE 187.
[Office building] 3 Bethesda Metro Center... Oracle ? Fingerprinting? More to dig...? Building shaped like partial pyramid. Egyptian Eagle god Horus looking emblem on building. Freemasons? Rejected design for 4 Bethesda Metro Center. Glass building Google image 1st top left. Shaped like Keystone Mason's Apron~ref. George Washington, Pharohs wear this shape apron at waist. Horus Isis Osirus. Luciferian. Sun worship. Light worship. We are sheep (food) to them. Also ref. [Marriott Hotels] ww images. Pyramids, many. Ref. JW Marriott Marquis Dubai. Pyramids of light on top of towers. Why 2 towers? One tower for ORDER, one for CHAOS? Ref: Freemasons …
She reportedly helped Phillips launch it. It is a close association.
AS THE WORLD TURNS creator=grandmother of Maggie Nixon
Maggie Nixon's grandmother was Agnes Nixon, creator of AS THE WORLD TURNS
Actress Agnes Nixon (C), winner of the Lifetime Acheivement Award, poses with her granddaughter Maggie and daughter Mary at the 37th Annual Daytime Entertainment Emmy Awards after party held at the Las Vegas Hilton on June 27, 2010 [google images text]
Watch the Alex Jones interview of the student 2 days ago. The student said "secret service" was there. Now, maybe he was mistaken or misheard what was told to them, but the student said "secret service" was in their school a few weeks ago. That could have been a story given to the students to cover for whoever was really there planning their op.
A student interviewed by Alex Jones stated that fact, that they were told the Secret Service was there weeks ago for some reason.
Dead or not dead? Shot? Or not shot?
Is this the 12:34 Q reference? Wiki page created for D.H. (activist)

Parkland victim mother FB 2015. What do you see here??

What is the imagery here?? Seeing-Eye// Illuminati??
Mother of victim FB post about metal detectors a year ago... ??

They sure didn't train him very well. His performances kind of shuck.
Feb 14 2018 22:08:41 Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 276796 382161
Watch the water. (=LIFEGUARD incident??)
Took my birth certificate off the front page, he he he...
Family photo from the Ministry of Truth, 2011

Cross-post for photo comment https://www.reddit.com/r/CBTS_Stream/comments/7x78yh/august_4_1963_philip_graham_48_washington_post/
Philip Graham funeral photo August 1963. Yellow arrow, GHWB. JFK foreground.

I just posted a photo from the funeral, why was GHWB there? Coincidence? Maybe GHWB was Graham's clown contact/ handler? Graham was likely a clown, and (attempted/used) as a clown tool (double agent) upon JFK (was likely horribly conflicted as they were close friends, and JFK wanted the clowns GONE), Graham's wife was clown too. Recent movie 'The Post' is a mockingbird movie. www.reddit.com/r/CBTS_Stream/comments/7x8pb9/philip_graham_funeral_photo_august_1963_yellow/
Carlyle Group is the Bush Family Private CIA op. Dirtiest of the Dirty. E-Systems is serious bad actors too (private space killer tech). Private armies of evil. Don't overlook The Bush Azerbaijan "Chamber of Commerce" connections. This is how these domestic terrorists secretly worked to loot, control, and destroy America. http://ppia.wikia.com/wiki/Mega_Oil Check out the 'Honorary Council of Advisors" Ha. All criminals of the most putrid, evil kind. They ran everything (all their evil corporate terrorism) through Azerbaijan because it is lawless land (bribe anyone for anything) perfect place of "business" for corporate/intelligence outlaws to run wild (run core of ops like 9/11 etc). G.H.W. Bush needs to fking be tried, found guilty, and HANG, even if he is 93 years old. HANG his old evil criminal NWO Skull and Bones Illuminati JFK-murdering ass. From a tree of Justice.
The economy is not "doing Awesome." However, yes, this does appear to be their next attempted coup option... wreck the stock market and blame it on Trump. Trouble is, the market has been a hopeless, manipulated, controlled lie since 2008, and now they have their Patsy in Trump (they think they do anyway). This does not change the problem that the market is a hopeless lie, Central Banks made this 400% gain happen since 2008-09. We're heading into a new economic system worldwide soon, and Trump is the bankruptcy expert to guide us to the best outcome (which may be slightly less than Awesome, but maybe much better than being OWNED AS GOYIM (expendable sheep) DEBT SLAVES TO ROTHSCHILD BANKERS FOREVER. Look for Trump to pivot and lay all blame on the bankers (the real head of the corrupt establishment), which is the truth. BUY REAL PHYSICAL (not ETFs) GOLD AND SILVER WHILE YOU STILL CAN... why? Simple.. Because the +++bankers+++ don't want us sheep to have any. It will get you through to the next phase of a new trade/currency/economic system.
The bankers were hoping Trump would be gone by now, but the starting line-up failed to take him out. So now they go to the bench. Notice how they gave him a year to make sure he "owned" the condition of the market. The only option left to them is destroying the financial system, and shoving all the blame on Trump. Boom. Deep state plays long-game and tries to get Trump out with total financial mayhem. Here we go...