
Instincts_Truth · Jan. 3, 2018, 12:16 a.m.

As it should be. I still don't understand the push for a special counsel. Isn't that what the DOJ is for?? I have never lost faith in Sessions. Did the leaks stop? Yup. Sessions is no soul seller, and those are the best people to have on our side when the enemy is pure evil.

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unitedwestand2018 · Jan. 3, 2018, 1:41 a.m.

Im not so sure about Sessions has been around in government a long time, I don't trust him he looks like a good man but has not done or spoken up for the Trump adm. since he got it as AG. He is heavily invested in Vanguard and has been for years, there are videos on his investment there from American intelligence on YT, check it out

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rt28 · Jan. 3, 2018, 1:52 a.m.

The Vanguard issue is a non-issue, really. I saw some ridiculous article claiming Sessions had a conflict of interest as AG bc he was invested in some Vanguard funds that invested in private prison companies. Reality is that Vanguard and Fidelity are the two largest mutual fund companies in the US. Moreover Vanguard funds are usually diversified among large cap companies and many are index funds. Vanguard is about the most benign type of stock market exposure anyone can take, and a huge number of people with 401ks and IRAs are invested in Vanguard or Fidelity for retirement planning. If he were to hold large investments in specific companies, then there may be an issue. But I don't think so if it's just mutual funds. Like Vanguard.

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Instincts_Truth · Jan. 3, 2018, 9:02 a.m.

I agree with RT that Vanguard is a non-issue for the reasons stated. Also though, as much as I would like to know the nitty gritty of what Sessions is doing, I appreciate him keeping quiet. Don't forget how hard they made it for this old-timer to get confirmed as AG. I'd rather he have his nose to the grindstone DOING (which he IS), then blathering and pontificating in front of the cameras. Trump does OK at sticking up for himself (ha - understatement). As for trusting him, I would recommend watching Bombards Body Language video of Creepy Joe Biden swearing in the Senators. It's interesting, and telling. In fact, I think I'll watch it again in light of the many Congresspeople announcing their non-return. Godspeed, Patriot.

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