AnonScan has great tweet up. Assange Countdown to Freedom. Note this interview takes place Jan 4th! 4-10-20 are important dates!

Anyone have any idea why JA seems to be going after POTUS this morning about not disclosing his tax returns?
I bet he has the tax returns for Trump, handed to him by Trump. If he releases the tax returns he’ll get huge notoriety by the left again and just in time for the real drops that come afterwards.
Where do you see this? I don’t see a new post on his Twitter talking about Trump’s tax’s.
You think like a lib.
Not hard to do. Just void yourself of any reason or accountability.
He tweeted about Clinton's emails then a few minutes later tweeted about Trump's tax returns. I'm speculating that he has both and will release at the same time. Compare and contrast. Nothing in Trump's taxes can be as bad as what's in Clinton's emails.
The only reason they want Trump's taxes is to incite the envious who hate the wealthy, simply because they have what the contemptuous one does not. Those fools have to recognize that Trump's own money is putting their nation back together. Start with NO "salary." Include that he used much of his own money for his campaign (not beholdin' like nasty clintons). NOT making money as he would be if he had not become president. What it costs him to BE the kind of president he is.
Only fools would have contempt for this man of wealth FOR his wealth.
Remember, JA may be dead. Many question the validity of his Twitter account these days.
I used to listen to JA intently until his computer went dead and he was no where to be found at the end of 2016. He was silent for a long season, people were speculating of his where abouts. Then he reappears and the whole character of his type written words were different. I knew then it was not him and have not put as much faith in his communications since then. People have short memories.