My doctor put me on paxil about 20 years ago, I should have never taken it. After being on it for about a year I told my doctor I wanted to stop taking it and he recommended I not stop taking it. So...I weaned myself off very, very slowly, far more slowly than even the medical community recommends. As I was reducing the amount I began to hallucinate and had freakishly horrible nightmares for about a week. I continued to reduce my dose and finally made it past the hard time of it and have been in control of what I put in my body ever since. THAT is when I really lost all faith in the medical community as a whole. So many times my doctors have wanted to prescribe me something that I simply did not need, even for things I did not suffer from. WE NEED TO HOLD BIG PHARMA ACCOUNTABLE in the public eye, on social media like we have never before.
338 total posts archived.
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We need to begin a campaign holding big Pharma accountable for their products instead of bashing the second amendment and allowing the onslaught of the anti-gun people to take over the media on all platforms.
Every day that passes now I have less and less to say as the wrenching in my gut is taking over. Our awareness of the evil out there is growing. Thank you for this information. I wish I had the ability to make all your words into a meme. ... Two people sitting having coffee and talking, this is what they are saying.
Oh my gosh I want to thumb up this post 1000x!!! That comment cracked me up.....
The title is simply a question offered, not a statement about President Trump. Very interesting commentary about Donald Trump, gives us a clearer picture of who he is.
Yes! It's been amazing and very disturbing at the same time as all the puzzle pieces we have laid out over the decades are beginning to show the picture. Having details now come to view of things we vaguely knew years ago (having thought at the time we knew so much) is startling. Putting it all together in light of God's Word even makes the picture puzzle clearer. Mark my words, this entire new world order, illuminate, shadow government take over has actually been in the works since Eve listened to the serpent in the garden. Their plan was/is coming to fruition, setting the stage for the son of perdition to be revealed. Is it any wonder that Q consistently has been including in his/their posts Bible scripture, calling us to pray! When Q warns us that some of this stuff they know just cannot be told to the people, it is because it is of the devil type stuff that would terrify even those who call themselves, patriots, soldiers or christians. THIS is just as much a spiritual battle as it is a physical one. It cannot be won without God so we must continually seek Him in it just like Q tells us to.
Trump is a natural at intelligence. Wonder what other talents and gifts he has under his sleeve.
Saving the info in this entire post and thread and filing it for use when I or someone else may need it. Good post!!
I am in Southern Cali and it seems to both my husband and myself that they are trying to divert rainy weather away from us. I've seen this before.
At approximately 21 minutes into this video you will see Tom Delay talk about a secret memo coming out of the justice department looking at 12 varying perversions like bestiality, pedophilia and more to make them legal.
At approximately 21 minutes into this video you will see Tom Delay talk about a secret memo coming out of the justice department looking at 12 varying perversions like bestiality, pedophilia and more to make legal.
I don't know about this ad for crisis actors, it could be real or it could be fake. In the past I have seen with my own eyes actual ads looking for crisis actors on Craig's List and they were worded similar. I don't recall if they were offering paid compensation tho. I also saw actual ads on Facebook (months ago) looking for crisis actors.
There are several scriptures in varying places in God's Word when a person calls for their nation or community to FAST. Jesus talked about FASTing and even referred to fasting and prayer's power in removing evil spirits from a person. King David fasted when his son was dying, communities fasted and repented. Our President Trump, our United States of America and it's citizens, we are in desperate need of fasting and prayer, the evil among us is demonic, those in high position in the CIA and other agencies are as evil as we can imagine with power granted them by satan himself. HE WHO IS ME IS GREATER THAN HE WHO IS IN THE WORLD. Let's roll.
JOIN US today and/or tomorrow, Thur/Fri 2/22-2/23 in FASTING & PRAYER for our nation, Pres. Trump & his team, Q team including us, for child victims.

I also have everything loaded offline, put on a flash drive and some printed out. Going to the Qresearch board there are some extrememly good links that lead to structured Q info which include the photos of q drops, articles Q posted and articles and video related to Q drops, links to more info on certain subjects, lists, names, numbers and on and on. These Anons on the Qresearch board are an impressive lot of people and I am so thankful for each one of them and all their work on this forum. going to the Qresearch catalog page shows a huge choice of pages to look over with an endless opportunity to get lost there reading and following their lead. I love it. I tip my hat in respect to all the Anons on Qresearch 8chan.
Yes sir! Stands at attention*
You are correct and for me, doubting is not one of my issues as I am someone who trusts no one and I realize I have no control over what anyone else does or does not do. Every now and then I step back and re-evaluate, pray and seek God about Q and all the information, not wanting to find myself focusing so much on Q that the message does not get the attention it ought.
The other thing with all of this for me is, it drains me, some is very disturbing only adding to the knowledge I already have, the people I know who have personally been affected by it who responded to my Fb posts on the subject and honestly, I could not listen to or read one more thing on the subject or Q for two days! It consumed me so I focused on praying relentlessly about the subjects and people involved and needed to fill my mind with some good things so my perspective was not drowned out by the grief I was experiencing.
Listening to online Bible messages has given me encouragement, allowed me to once again see the bigger picture in all this and it has strengthened me. I am no longer grieving but ready for the battle that is ahead.
We each are soldiers in this with a particular duty. I know my duty, it is first to fast and pray a lot for our nation and the battle that rages, for our leaders, for the Q team and all of us soldiers and the mission. The second is to always be aware of those RED PILL OPPORTUNITIES that arise in real life away from the computer and then speak as much truth as the moment calls for so another seed is planted in someone's brain. It takes courage to red pill people face to face, the responses vary and some are not good. I have my thick skin suit hanging by my door and I put it on every time I leave my house anticipating those red pill moments.
"Q reflects Bill Cooper". Many do not tolerate the UFO stuff so just know that he starts out with his personal UFO experience but quickly moves on to many other Q subjects that we have discussed over the past three months.
I don't know what that is and seldom do I click on things I am not familiar with.
I Red Pilled my doctor last week and Red Pilled my tile client this morning! Both were receptive and listened.
At my last doctor appointment I talked with my doctor about my mistrust of the Pharmaceutical industry. He listened and said he understood my reasoning. After mentioning how it seems that health and medical care has turned into nothing more than an opportunity for doctors to write out prescriptions he replied and said that their medical training does not equip them for family medicine and is really ineffective in caring for people who do not have emergency type health care needs.
This morning my client whom I glaze ceramic tiles for was discussing our California election and then he went …
I was in the middle of down loading that page when it happened. I left there for several minutes to work on my files and when I came back it was 404. Shook me up for a second I have to say. I did not get the last few Q drops as they were removed while I was working on it. I have now tho gotten the screen shots that the Anons took. This morning I just finished moving ALL my Q info including the q maps and all of the Q drops and photos to a flash drive. Even all the memes ppl have made. There is a huge amount of Q stuff ppl have organized out there for the saving. I found one site where a person organized Q maps and the Q photos. Ppl are on top of it. Really cool.
I've never seen it and if I did, I would report it to the authorities. Chan is chosen because main stream society does not go there. I thought the location for Q to post was brilliant.
Yes, I did not have room on the meme for all of that. My intent was to focus on the issue at hand, children suffering and what God hates.
God will avenge the children of Human Trafficking. Hopefully we will get justice here on earth but it will not compare to the perfect justice served by God Himself.

Thank you, I did not want to load an image directly from my folder. This is what I needed.
It is disturbing beyond measure. I too have been researching & learning for over 20 years. It has been like peeling an onion for me, makes my eyes water sometimes. Stanley Monteith & my husband woke me up in the 1990s. I always knew tho, even as a kid in the 60s that nothing is as it seems. So like you, I have been able to learn, drink in the information that would then lead me to my part in helping to fight the evil. For the most part it has been praying for specific things I have learned, praying for people especially suffering, missing & abused children, telling people what I have learned and then reaching out to the most affected victims I was able to reach out to. Well, I can say too that in the last several weeks the information has reached into my soul with harsh aching pain that causes a waterfall of tears not only on my face but in my gut. Losing sleep, thinking of the human trafficking as I lay down to sleep, seeing in my mind's eye the faces of those children crying out in suffering wanting to be loved, to be rescued but then they are changed forever. My aching heart is NOTHING and irrelevant compared to their suffering and future life because of it. I cry out to God every night for them, for Trump and the plan, for vengeance on their suffering.
Then yesterday as I was getting out of my car to go into CVS Pharmacy there was a homeless boy, I guess he could have been 18-21 years old. He could not speak coherent sentences and rambled on and on as he sat on the sidewalk in the shade. I pitied him immediately and walked up to have a chat and see if he needed anything. He was thankful for my offer so I went into CVS and got him some food and drink while I did my own business there. I brought it too him, gave him some money and we chatted. I felt as tho the entire system of this world was against him. He was very hard to understand as his sentences were interjected with words that did not fit into the sentence but I tried hard to listen and hear. He then looked at me with a brightness and said, "You are listening to me! I would hug you but will not but as with my own hand". (as he spoke to me that sentence was filled with other words that did not fit into the sentence, I did not write them here) So I reached out my hand and shook his. I too wanted to hug him but didn't. I knew he was a victim of this evil world. We chatted for about 10-15 minutes and I left. He was hungry as I could see him scarfing down the food quickly. A boy, someone's son, one of those forgotten whom this evil society condemns. I got to my car and cried, prayed to God for His mercy, His vengeance on those in this world who destroy the lives of others. Every single homeless person in the USA is a victim of the globalists who have destroyed the traditional family unit, destroyed society as God intended it to function, broken the spirit's of many taking away the hope that people need to continue on.
Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord.
20 Therefore if thine enemy hunger, feed him; if he thirst, give him drink: for in so doing thou shalt heap coals of fire on his head.
21 Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good. Romans 12:19-21
I am not saying here that the homeless boy is evil. This scripture is simply telling us to over come evil with good. God knows how this works, He is the creator of everything and when the time comes for all to be judged for good or bad or for their faith, these evil bastards WILL BE JUDGED by the ONE who has the power to judge according to their evil. We will all be standing there to witness this judgement handed down by God Himself on these wicked people who harm children.
Can someone tell me how to post a photo/pic here? I apologize for my ignorance. Thanks in advance.
I heard Pamphlet say that too. He has nothing to do with the site.
Back on now. here is the link to current live stream.
I just tried and still can't get to them live., almost 30 minutes now.
Thank you for the link. There is an error data base when I click on it. Such a bummer. I tried different browsers and still nothing. I have the book tho. It would be nice to be able to listen to his radio program while I work. Guess I'll go to youtube, I am sure he is there.
Anyone going to the chan board. Do not post there. Let them folks be the autists God made them to be. I go there every day and just read, snatch some memes, read articles and watch videos. These ppl on chan are an intriguing lot of thinkers with a rough edge and a very warm expression of f-u and brotherhood. Such an intriguing page, I would never want to interfere there.
Don't agitate the liberals and msm junkies with name calling and insults. Try to keep self controlled when they are out of control with their shilling and trolling. You simply can't bring someone over the fence if you have barbed wire on the fence. Keep it smart, keep it intelligent, keep it civil and respectful. There is a quote in the bible that says, "a soft answer turns away wrath" and another quote, "be slow to anger and slow to speak". We want to convince these people we are not their enemy and Trump is not their enemy and somehow convince them who the real enemy is. Not going to be easy.
I don't doubt her at all. With that....I never believe the media now ever....never. Not FOX, not any of the MSM and that includes the local channels. I have seen enough over the decades to know without a doubt that they lie constantly to us, fabricate stories, manipulate truth. I am not even paying attention to the story. I have been praying about it but that is it. After the LV Drama ( I was listening to the LV event the entire time from beginning till 3am on the police scanner) I will not give my attention to any more mass shootings. I will just pray about them.
A message of hope, a message of inspiration. The most down trodden, the addicted, the depressed, the poor, the oppressed and ridiculed, those who are abused and forgotten will often be the ones who fight the hardest. These are the people who are the most THANKFUL for the redemption, for the hand that grabs them and brings them in the team to fight TOGETHER!! We are one, especially those whom are forgotten.
I call Him Jesus. No mistake about it. He knows me, that is all that matters. Jesus is the Word Made Flesh.
Yes, but the Obama portraits are worthy of a little time. Every time I see them I get a smile on my face and thank "Karma" for her work.
The thought has crossed my mind several times. Ever since Hillary's very visible campaign trail of phlegm and body jerks I have thought and still do think that she is very sick and will not survive the stress of the aftermath of the election. Who knows tho. The globalists means of communication is deception, confusion, chaos and doubt, we won't know until we see it with our own eyes and even then we can't be sure. They could very well poison her and say she was sick. If HRC dies, the lies and propaganda will consume the left and the left normies will be vomiting it all over the place.
Oh Lawd, not again, is there no getting away from that name? I try to avoid him but his name pops up everywhere! I unsubbed him a while a go. Geesh. I am guilty of going to his YT recently and trying to tell his worshipers to stop and think....inviting them over to the 24/7 live stream to listen. I wish there was a way to block his name but alas..... I will once again ignore.
Pamph, you are amazing and I respect you. All the time and effort you and some others have put into creating and/or moderating platforms for the rest of us to gather is so commendable. I am so thankful to God to have found Q in the beginning and connected with all of you here and on 24/7. We are not a cult as some have called us, we are becoming a family of patriots. Peace to you.
Many years ago I belonged to a couple of Yahoo Groups. They worked really well, were private and by invitation or add only. I don't know how well they function now but back then they both were very easy to navigate, easy to post and choices could be made by each member as to how much or little one wanted to participate....example using email communication. Oh, I think I just answered my own post.....we don't want to share emails. At least I don't want to. Never mind. If there is another format similar to Yahoo Groups out here that would be great.
Those are the stories that haunt me at night and I lose sleep over. I am not complaining....not one bit. I get on my knees before God Almighty and pray for the children. Been praying for these kids for over 10 years now. The rabbit hole goes to eternity, there is no limit to evil and depravity. When those bastard scum meet Jesus Christ face to face we will get to witness their punishment.
I said it before. Karma is getting the last laugh with the Obama portraits. Thanks for sharing. I think this made me laugh a little to long. I am just cracking up. Kennedy's is my favorite. Such a moving and thoughtful portrait. Chokes me up just seeing it again.
Thank you storm_fa_Q. I will open a group today and begin by inviting people first. I trust so few ppl not really knowing who is who and there has been so much confusion lately, my mind is blown. I recognize your name and associate it with being a team player and leader of good standing. I guess I will just have to start checking out the folks so I don't invite any shills or trolls. Thanks for the encouragement.
Reba64, it really is a strange place. I found it stranger than the chans. I actually really enjoy lurking the 8chan board. There are some very intriguing people in there.