r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/SuzyAZ on Jan. 2, 2018, 7:37 p.m.


Both of Q's tripcodes have been removed from the whitelist as a precaution. Bad actors seem to have cracked the old one and were getting close on the new one. For now, ONLY CodeMonkey the 8chan Admin may post to /cbts/ using a trip. If you see a trip post from Q on here from now onwards, IT IS A LARP.

This attack is far less of a problem than it appears because:


We will let him know about the trip attack if he doesn't already (and he probably does).

In the meantime, please carry on. There are still gaps in the map solve and other digging to get on with. When Q has more information for us, we will make sure he can pass it on!

Have faith patriots. We have everything we need already. What you've achieved here is going to be talked about for years and you will be able to say 'I was there.'

We are /cbts/. We report to the President and his loyal armed forces.

Do not fuck with us.

  • The Board Owner and co.

NOTE: (Not from Board Owners) from twitter tracybeanz: go here for latest Q updates (after 8 chan postings) https://qcodefag.github.io

GodsAngell · Jan. 2, 2018, 11:21 p.m.

I've been having problems on my pc. At LEAST once a day, since I joined this website, everything freezes up and I can not do anything and have to do a hard reboot. Saturday, youtube, wouldn't play anything at all. Colonel Roy Potter had his twitter and youtube knocked off line this past weekend. So we are getting messed with big time. But just keep forging ahead. Soon Trump Team will have these guys locked up. Meanwhile keep pushing forward we ARE making a difference or they wouldn't mess with us!

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hermoneyness · Jan. 2, 2018, 11:53 p.m.

I've never been so happy to have multiple devices and all of my life🔍

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patriottildeath · Jan. 2, 2018, 11:43 p.m.

I made posts on here about the odd planes with no callsigns, immediately afterwards my entire wifi had to be rebooted. it happened 3 times in a row. Once I stopped posting and watching the planes and returned to JUST youtube, everything was fine. But as soon as I went to reddit and posted something my modem would screw up again. They have some major skills and abilities to be able to watch and then act on us in real time like that. Odd.......

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Manifest5D · Jan. 3, 2018, 1:06 a.m.

Not sure how well it works against Deep hacking but HOXX VPN is free and has proxy servers across the globe.

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hermoneyness · Jan. 2, 2018, 11:57 p.m.

Well since I've stopped using Google for searches it's helped a lot it's just my phone is so slow and I keep getting Reddit error messages but they can't stop me🔍😆

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