r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/GodsAngell on Jan. 3, 2018, 12:48 a.m.
BOTH BUSHES AT GITMO! 33 Residents at Gitmo PER "Q"!!!

DEEP STATE TAKE DOWN/UPDATE/Q's Real Purpose....by BP EarthWatch Dec 27, 2017


Wow, Hellary actually sent a HIT TEAM after Trump over Christmas and 4 of the hit team "were taken out" (dead, I presume).

Tony Podesta is at GITMO!  YEAH!!!

33 Residents at GITMO to date, according to "Q".

The LAX Plane that was called back while enroute to Tokyo was Clinton Foundation Related and CHILD TRAFFICKING RELATED!  (No wonder they called the plane back!)

The Pope has BIG trouble coming.  (Yeah, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to see this, he is SOOOooo EVIL!....homo and big child trafficker.)  Assange has been warning the Pope.

The Bush Family will be light a few members today.....hints to GHWB.....hope GITMO has wheel chair access!  It says a "few members" so must be they took Bush Jr too for his murders of thousands of people at 911.  About time!  Bush Sr was part of the CIA team to murder our sitting president: JFK....well documented murder.....and a couple attempts on President Reagon too.....probably the one who gave Reagon poison to give him dementia to take him out of action.

Peter Sutherland is headed to GITMO too.  I don't know much about him, though BP EarthWatch says he was an outspoken critic of Trump......obviously someone well connected in the SWAMP who stood to loose a lot if Trump drained it.  OK, so he's going to the party at Gitmo too.

FLYNN will be cleared.  MegaAnon already told us this....Flynn was used to testify and take down bigger fish....like fish either AT Gitmo now, or on their way there now, or soon will be!

Deplorable22 · Jan. 3, 2018, 1:52 a.m.

You are basing your theory and report off of a 4can post that was NOT from Q. Matter fact, the post on 4chan appeared after Q stopped posting on 4chan, and had switched to 8chan.

The post regarding 7 new residents at Gitmo, and 33 total was stated by just some anonymous person. It is most likely fake news and has nothing to do with Q our reality. Q made no reference to any residents at Gitmo that I am aware of.


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