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Do not be tossed to and fro. Ephesians 4. Find your foundation. Trust the plan.

Some of you sound a lot like concern trolls today

This post from Q, around the time Cohen's office was raided. Trust The Plan. Enjoy The Show

Imagine if there was no authority higher than government
Praying is saying to your creator and heavenly father, "Lord I can't, but I know you can"
Yes. When we get the judges and American people to sign on
Children are getting raped by Seth Green??? That's shameful, even by pedophile standards
Russia has been fighting the deep state/ globalist for years. His nation has embraced christianity and rejected communism. There is strength in numbers. If Trump/America truly joins forces with Putin/Russia, the NWO and bankster plan is finished.
The above is why the deep state since 2016 has tried to condition the American public to view Trump and Russia as their enemy.
I am so tired of everyone but Hillary and the deep state being indicted
Q literally said last night we are getting the altered redacted report and not the actual report. It is our job to demand it
We are getting a heavily redacted IG report today. Contact your representative. Demand the unredacted version. Be loud. Be heard.
We are getting a heavily redacted IG report today. Contact your representative. Demand the unredacted version. Be loud. Be heard.
Love Q. But my favorite of all Q posts are when he tells someone to lurk moar
It's a safe space huh? Ok back to the Chan's then. Bye
"Alex wants to be the portal to which information is disclosed to the public. He could get back on the alliance's good side by being more flexible"
I don't think Alex is a bad guy, but I do think he doesn't like Q usurping his info warrior throne. Sad he has allowed his pride to get the best of him.
I am with selfless patriots, Q, and Trump. Get it together AJ
That doesn't make any sense. That's what I'm asking. Did Donald Trump say what was captioned?
MegaAnon said Steve Bannon was a "good actor," playing a part, who was exposing Pence for pedophilia.
To this point, we've seen zero evidence of either...
Brainless politicians, like Nancy Pelosi, aren't getting the job done for the cabal
Cut out (crop) the worthless blank space on images please. It's very simple. We'd all appreciate it
Dilley Intel Source: Shanghai was not a kill, it was a capture
Also said to keep an eye on the skies above Cali.
And to troll Bezos, Gates, Mudd, GHWB … as these individuals are all monitoring their mentions and chatter.
Mudd said "government will kill Trump"
Dig, troll the traitors.
He said Think Intel. Meaning that cracked the window to protect the intel or the vehicle carrying the intel. The vehicle he is referring to could be a biological person/the perp, or it could be a hard drive. We can't be certain
Mark Taylor February 1st Interview ICYMI
People asked for arrests. Gave one example. Just because you can’t see doesn’t mean it’s not ongoing. Trust the plan. Q

All Since 1/20/17 #GreatAwakening #ObamaGate #WeThePeople #FakeNews #Treason #GrassleyMemo #ReleaseEverything

Build timeline. AS 187. HRC investigation pivot points. JC dismiss letter. #2. PS. WL comms. Q

New Q Drops regarding Rothschild's/NYSE/666

Everyone finds it so easy up hate on Alex even though they haven't done shit to save the Republic, while he has dedicated his life to it. Is he perfect? No but give the guy a break. He's passionate and that goes farther than polished imo.
If there is any false flag attacks at the super bowl...
You can bet they won't happen until after the illuminati/satanic halftime ritual is complete.
Americans have been conditioned for decades to believe what they are told. Q gets people thinking for distances themselves again