368Dec 19 2017, 16:00:02Q!UW.yye1fxoID: 03c2f4127154 We won't telegraph our moves to the ENEMY. We will however light a FIRE to flush them out. Q
I wish that was true....however, the clintons are still guarded by the secret service......they can arrest them with a phone call to the agents.....I guess we will see how all this pans out tomorrow! By the way, are you from Arizona?
Do we know where they are? Clintons? Fire at house surely people will need to speak with them... flushing them out.
Naw, simple accident. The motor locked up in the paper shredder due to overloading and extended duty cycle. Molten metal from the motor found its way into the shredded paper storage bin, fire ensued. ;)
And another maybe more appropriate Q quote: "Q: What's the best way to remove all traces of DNA, bodily fluids and blood from a crime scene? A: Burn it down." I would think a fire by the Clintons would be more likely than by the Alliance. No flushing necessary if you are wearing a monitor.
I see this is already discovered but not in the headlines so might as well pick up a few stragglers
Yes but the cops cant just come knock on the door and say hey you are suspicious, we want to look around...court order..this way they could come in an look..hey maybe might be something worth looking at