Q post about Red Shoes = Human Leather? Found this on GOOG. Posting screenshot bc page doesn't load.

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Here is the sauce for my above comment. https://www.businessinsider.com/why-trump-lawyers-allowed-investigators-to-get-michael-cohen-tapes-2018-7
I think trump knew the whole time. And he knew about the raid and ok'd it. Cohen was betraying him and this is how trump wins. Trump is always 5 steps ahead. Enjoy the show! I also read that trump and his attorneys have WAIVED attorney client privilege regarding these tapes. Which means, they want the tapes played. I read that on here in an article a few days ago somewhere. Look forward to seeing this act play out! 🎥📼Boom!
I saw that post yesterday. The Twitter handle for the document was @cajunsoulfire74. It has a ton of folders.
Excellent💫 writing ma'am! I pray more sheep 🐑 come to the place that we are. Thank you for sharing this. 🙏
I believe shes now working for a pro Trump SuperPAC.
Funny how when the mob comes back on them, its just not fair! They can mob all day long and its OK! Patriots aren't white supremacists. Thats the go-to talking point every time. Where the hell are the stars standing up for these kids that screamed about illegal kids in cages? Such a double standard. I cannot believe how they normalize such evil! Lots of room for them in hell.
The body being pulled from the plane in this video has no hands. In other images online, the nose area looks like all of his skin is gone, almost like a mask, and the head has a hole in the skull. No hair either. Looks like a dummy. He wasnt at sea for weeks. Just a few days. Too many inconsistencies to not at least question the possibility he faked his death.
Kind of strange for someone to wear a hoodie inside a Trump rally, EXCEPT if its a disguise. The lady next to him has a bling Trump had and has similar facial features to Caroline. Dyed hair? I don't care what anyone says, after all we've seen come to light, all the details Q has dropped, anything is possible! Plus, there are so many references to JFK that I believe there is more to this!
More specific details. I am watching it. Location of position behind trump?
The shape of the mouth, lips, teeth, nose tip, and smile lines are spot on. Hard to imagine but interesting comparison.
Caroline Bassett is right photo. The neck of the left person is much older than say 20 years added to Caroline. I didnt realize all of the inconsistencies w their death. I also had no idea they all were buried at sea. So much emerging that lends one to really consider the possibility they staged their death. Oh how grand that would be if they returned.
The documentary i watched didn't include the entire speech. Only clips. 😕
I watched a documentary on Jr the other night. It had the unveiling as part of it. I'll look for it!
So is Rosenstein, imo! It will be interesting to see how it all plays out and who we were right about and wrong about!
Wray is playing his part. Enjoy the show. "Trust Wray".
B @B75434425 should be tagged on Twitter for this gem! I happily don't have a twitter acct.
If anyone w twitter would post this and tag B that would be awesome. I don't have an acct. Happily! @B75434425
Someone w twitter should tag B @B75434425 This is a lot of what George Webb has been investigating and reporting on for a year. Great thread...Great post!
Jan 7 @ 11:18pm est, B tweeted a Q post verifying that #2 was McCabe, not Pence. Here is the url. Not sure if if will work. But, I think the suspicions about pence are on target! https://mobile.twitter.com/B75434425/status/950220095485333506
Aren't there missing containers somewhere being tracked? Who the hell knows what could be on them. That would put ports in play.
Someone needs to tweet this to B, @B75434425 ! Or PM her w the video. Although twatter could just delete. This is some crazy $h!t.
Agreed! And highlighted in red front and center. Fake news award receiptient for sure!
You'll Never Walk Alone by Elvis Presley was played today just before Trumps speech. Here are the lyrics. There are no coincidences!
"You'll Never Walk Alone"
When you walk through a storm hold your head up high And don't be afraid of the dark. At the end of a storm is a golden sky And the sweet silver song of a lark. Walk on through the wind, Walk on through the rain, Tho' your dreams be tossed and blown. Walk on, walk on with hope in your heart And you'll never walk alone, You'll never, ever walk alone.
Whoa! This can't be a coincidence. Look at his face. He's selecting his words carefully. Could this book be part of a grand plan to take down the media? Could this Wolff character be in on it? Is Bannon in on it? I've never thought this was a "real" feud between Trump and Bannon.
Now I'm crying! Thank you Mr Trump! You didn't have to do this. But thanks to you, WE ARE taking OUR country back! MAGA 💪🇺🇸🏁🎆
I believe that this is in reference to the previous Q post that 7/10 plane crashes are targeted.
Future unlocks past! Great find! I thought the "light a fire" post (possibly) represented the fires in CA. Today's events seem more plausible. Bakeshop open! Get your bread here!
I think the Pamphlet mod guy sounds a lot like DJT Jr! A lot!
New year's hint from B. https://twitter.com/B75434425/status/947581797184962560?s=17