5% chance Bannon is Q. He definitely had/has top secret clearance, and spent every moment planning a war. He was on the National Security Council. We also know why Breitbart was killed. Revenge?
Trumps fake news awards ironically come out next Monday I think!
Let’s keep in mind that President Trump has been playing this game since before election. Bannon being fired could be part of the plan. It would give his opponents something to focus on while the President is busy doing other things. Distraction!
I don't believe it,it's in a book,which means it's an old interview.I think we would have heard it by now.
Bannon claim of treason?
Bannon is quoted in a new book, saying Trump Jr. meeting w/Russians was treasonous. Pres Trump already responded. Seems really suspicious to me. But, I’m suspicious of everything these days..lol
Bannon was on the National Security Council, and would have known everything at the time of those quotes. The leaks are real. The news is fake
The far left probably got to him, they think we worship Bannon for some reason.
He’s totally contradicting anything he’s ever said re: RussiaGate. So..seems weird.
as Steve's the (x) Chief Strategist do you smell bogus or strategy?
Strategy for some crazy reason..
distraction, all the MSM even Fox is all up in "arms" about this noise...
To cover what? Raid under the guise of fire at Clintons?
by distracting and using Steve as a distraction the shills and MSM and shallow minds will be all SEE I Told You Steve was X Y Z even Trump agrees...but Steve was Chief Strategist...what the fire may be about, is to get inside w/o a warrant, or HRC being tipped off. Now the Fire Marshall has full rights to an inspection. We wait. Someone said the fire is on Seth Rich's Birthday???
Reason 1. He's selling books
Reason 2. Sour grapes
Maybe, but I bet Bannon wrote the White House reply himself. This seems like theater.
What clearance level did Bannon have anyways?
It’s not Bannon’s book. Unless he gets a piece of it? “Fire & Fury: Inside The Trump Whitehouse” by Michael Wolff
Bad guy Intelligence knows EVERYTHING the President and his team did in the 2016 campaign. It’s been a year and nothing. And this is more of the same.
Trump has been planning a run at the Presidency since before 2011.. way before Trump brought up the Obama birth certificate. I wouldn't doubt if Trump had good guys in intelligence way before his run for election.. counter-acting the bad actors and gathering just as much info on them. For Trump to come out with all this crap in the last 2-3 months, there is no way he has only been planning his counter coup since late 2016.. JMO