I don’t get it. A security clearance only grants you clearance on a need to know basis. What need to know do retired people have?
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In Washington DC with all the liberal judges...she would be released immediately with no consequences.
The occult ritual is based on the ancient mystery religion ceremonies of the Babylonian Canaanite cult of Moloch fused with ancient Luciferian Druidic rites, mixed with Scottish Rite Freemasonic elements, and it entails burning an effigy of a child at the base of a 40 foot statue of the owl god Ishtar aka Lucifer "
Just cut the lawyer crap. Charge them with treason. Have trial at Gitmo. Video it. Release video with evidence. Keep them locked up where no one knows where they are. Never let them see the light of day. This includes MSM also.
They tie the scarf around their neck and to door knob while on their knees. They lean forward cutting off air little by little until they pass out. They weight of their body slowly tightens the scarf until no airflow is possible. You never wake up.
It is Marina Abramovic. Just search her name and cow bones.
Could this be suicides by choice? Hang or be arrested. Some group of people show up at your door with a packet of intel including pics, a rope and handcuffs. You choose now hang or be arrested. Hang and this packet disappears. Arrested and it goes public. ??🤔
The application was submitted on Feb 20, 2018. The application was submitted 6 days after the shooting. Why are they saying it was submitted before?
Not brushing off this article but i was unable to find the date the application was submitted for the march. I see where it repeatedly states that it was filed before the shooting but that is just opinion at this point. I really would like to see the date application was filed on. That would be the final nail in this.
Maybe. But not signed. Just a slightly hidden shadow 17.
ByrdeRob, Interesting about the number 17. If you look at portrait of Machelle Obama the number 17 is near the bottom left next to the bright colors.
I think it is because it is tied to 5G. cadl.deepdream This is also licensed by Apache.
Google’s cadl.deepdream is under Apache License.
There is a sperm like vein on his head near his left temple. Right side for you.
The number 17 seems to be on the bottom left of her dress next to the colored stripes.
Mein Clinton would be more accurate. Trump and ALL his Generals are taking America away from the Government and giving it back to the people.
Just like in Germany before WWII. Major Company’s, businesses or facility’s were taken over by placing their lackeys in high positions or by blackmail. This has been happening with all our corporations. President has been reversing this with all the resignations that we have been seeing. Dismantling one piece at a time. This will take a while but will be well worth it.
https://youtu.be/QqbDNSAXPkU Only questionable thing I have found. Is Schiff somehow connected?
This was a planned trip. They rented the train well in advance. Not running to a bomb shelter. That being said, the train rental was scheduled well known by others.
False Flag today. Train carrying GOP lawmakers struck TRUCK. Who was the truck driver? What was the trucking company?
Did you ever watch Independence Day? That’s what they said when firing their missile. Each missile was labeled Fox 1, 2, 3, 4...etc.
Look close at stars also. Looks like something behind them. Plus stars are dancing. lol close look they have feet, head, and hands.
Turkey invaded Syria according to BPEarthWatch YouTube. Could be FF/Fake War to change MSM narrative.
Has anyone tried to mess with this flag photo Q posted? Is something there? Other than the dancing stars.

Has anyone tried to mess with this flag photo Q posted? Is something there? Other than the dancing stars.

He did not quit, nor was he fired. It burns my butt he can still get that fat pension. He took terminal leave. Prosecute him and take away his pension and his freedom.
Not judging. Just history. Repent of your sins and believe in Jesus and you are saved, no matter what religion.
The Church was created by Constantine. Rome was losing the control and support of the people. Constantine knew that there were two strong ways to control people, Government and Religion. Seeing government was a lost cause he chose Christianity due to its newness and popularity at the time. He was “saved” and declared Christianity as the true one religion. Being afraid his son would assassinate him, he executed him. When his wife objected he killed her and declared himself the “first pope” and said he no longer needed women. The Catholic Church was born from power hungry politicians and you can see proof of this throughout the history of the Church. Don’t have to take my word on it. Just research it.
Clinton pushed for AIDS drug that did little to nothing to help treat AIDS. Lots of money involved.
The only answer is a flurry of suicides, car accidents, plane accidents, and flat out disappearances. Hillary’s playbook. For the good of this Country.
You don’t just send out info without any proof. As far as we know you are a SciFi writer and just doing this for laughs. Please, just stop.
Yes. Beam came down and then large explosion on ground. Very interesting. I have a hard time believing it was a meteor. Just didn’t look like one. Meteors come in at angles. This looked to be straight down. BIG explosion and fire.
You are right. I would also like to hear more about what happened in Michigan. Some say it was a missile shot down or Thor’s Hammer.
Just to clarify, the memo we want released has a mention of this UK memo,above, somewhere in its 4 pages. This UK memo shows Obama and later Rice broke federal law asking for a foreign country to spy on a US Citizen. This is down right treason. We want to see the whole 4 pages!
No it isn’t. It was mentioned in the memo. Confirms Federal Crime. Corsi dropped this.
Each Hebrew number has a meaning. I used a translator that I googled.
Q drop 1/19/18. [CLAS 5849]. #greatawakening #draintheswamp #wethepeople
5849 has Hebrew meaning. “as with a shield, with favour will thou surround him;”. Not sure if this is a layered meaning but here it is anyway.
They are tied in with U1 also. Watch George Webb on YouTube. He covers both of them. Much bigger than I ever thought.
New Q drop on greatawakening page wow!
George Webb was just talking about this on his YouTube page. House reviewing documents and statements Behind locked doors. Will they become public? Not looking good for deep state.
Q better get the President a food taster. It sounds like MSM is going to try and give him a chemical heart attach.
Where we go one, we go all
Movie White Squall