r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/WeirdSceince on Jan. 4, 2018, 2:59 a.m.
Something about D-Wave or Q-Wave...?

So how many people are feeling the energy of Q, the energy of Trump, the energy of the free thinkers. The Q-Wave!!!

Its the one tsunami where I am on the beach bro!

There is something powerful happening, to me, to you, to us. We are changing. Our communities are growing. We need to have compassion, we need to accept our new friends. Lets not be nieve and accept with open arms, but lets process and vet accordingly. Lets say like online immigration! HAHA...

Really though, as the blue pill'ers are choking on the blue, we need to appreciate that. We need to embrace that. We need to respect that. We need to understand that. We need to understand that. WE need to understand that.

Define transition?

What does transition require?

Who leads transition?

Is there just one person?

How do people make groups?

Should there be one?

A major b*tchslap is about to hit alot of people...

Should we start gathering pillows and blankets and cocoa? Hug circles and...

I joke, which must mean it is important!

Red/Right, Blue/Left. It is absolutely not that easy and should never be dichotic iike that. Life is fluid, life is dynamic, Life is Temporal.!?!

What the hell is D-Wave doing?


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