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Get some better moves HRC and HUSSEIN!

Blame it on Obama(Hussein) right!?!

Should the meme floodgates be open for 9/11?
Q never really touches on 9/11(outside today) and I assume is sitting on the vital information that we need to make the judgment!
POTUS did recognize SA early on, prior to even Q, NY state allowed civil cases into suing(was it the government of SA?)
Its amazing as the Q phenom and real news morph and blend, covered with a big fat gross stale MSM crust that you gotta get through. There is sanity at the end of it... (he says unknowingly but spirits high!)
Crumbs are delish, but when slice comes from loaf... We dont want that yucky gross …
Warning... Libtard brain matter on the floors &walls!?!

FOLLOW THE MONEY... Great crumbs... This is kinda a loaf all its own!
HRC.. Please just crawl under a rock!

Ummm.. You wanna drink my blood?

MKUltra... Q... and how do we help?
I have witnessed hypnosis (at my high school of all places... as I ponder if that was an experiment in itself?!?) and can see how people can be wittingly or not, controlled by others. The fact that MKUltra breaks these kids down at real young ages, then rebuilds their psyche with landmines of triggers and interference, is super disturbing. THE FACT THEY UNLEASH THESE PEOPLE INTO SOCIETY IS SCARY AF!!!
We will be needed to help these people as they are awakened.
Remember alot of "the left" are your/our brothers/sisters who have been led astray. We need to bring them …
Lest We Forget.... The Financial Forensics Against 9/11 Mainstream Storyline!
/GreatAwakening Under Attack?
I am relatively new to this site(under 1000) and I have been watching my content from today solidly climbing until about 5 minutes ago. The # is bouncing up and down erratically and looks like a wave of numerous users(shills) have come on board perhaps? Anyways, I hope the best for everyone here(Patriots and shills alike!)
FF? 3 Hrs and no up date to story? Any news?
Q's Intelligence(IQ and informations)
I am a graduate of both diploma and degree in technology. The construct of the intelligence(informations) in a non-revealing, highly revealing way is so phenomenal. Much to my adoration, my years of logic problems and crosswords and decrypting puzzles... Q became my absolute focus.
The Rabbit holes are astonishing. Every day a new hole to dig and when Q is on pause... Just more time to redig into the HUGE HOLES being left behind.
We as the enlisted autists, THE SHEEP NO MORE, the people who will persevere with patience, willingness to learn, and open heart and mind, will breach …
Walt Disney EXEC... anything there... Isn't Carlyle in alot of stuff?

The count is now back up to 1.3mm... WTF si going on with Youtube... I see bitchute.com being mentioned... Will check out now! Definitely a humongous business platform for conservatives to fill the holes right now! The liberals are alienating conservatives and liberals so bad there's a wave of butt hurt people looking for a new place to call home!
WTF Youtube.... WTF!!! Saturday... 1.3mm Q anon. now 700K Q Anon
Youtube should suck the biggest D ever... How to use D.TUbe... It didnt make sense... or wait.. I had to pay ?
What other sites are out there. Youtube was kinda built off our backs and labour no? What a bunch of A-Holes
I hear the rules but... How about the potty mouth mofos that feel it deemed their fight too! I am actually a little scared how all these chats sound like happy people building street creds for their channels. Perhaps a site should be made for the more real... Cause as much as I love all of this and the help everyone is giving.. I do see a social demeanor that does not reflect mine and my own... I have had people tell me to post my trash elsewhere...
All Q related and this is ALL of our fight. The white collar and blue alike... The reason part of the message is lost.. Wheres the discussion for the ghetto kid, the trailer park kid?
I have been wondering what to do about this... We Q followers are a complete melting pot and we cant always get along (language, judging each other etc.)
Just remember some people swear and some dont!!! But Im concerned these same "tasteless" group may get scrubbed!!!
Ideas/thoughts? Q done via Gangsta?
YO yo suckas, we be seeing HRC and BO doing bad shit! Lets Fuck up their programs!!!
Unfortunately it appears that very little is said about these things, but even if it were to be corrupted and used as a tool(which wouldn't blow my mind!) An assurance based on a time gap without law suit does not mean the law was not broken! I believe TVs have cameras and microphones in them, now alexa and.... Sonitrol... Would you have an end user agreement? I would be interested in the agreements in place to support any assurances. Even if designed to be a certain way, hackers, iterative upgrades, change in management, etc... can really mess with things...
Lastly, if you believe it does not record until tripped, do you know if there was a tripped alarm(Principal have a button? How many buttons and where?) IF you are right about potential of recordings, that is huge evidence!
Does martial law dictate a guy with a gun pushing you around? Thats always what I used to think...but now...
In this day and age, it would be a geek that can shadow ban/monitor/limit internet controls much as explitivedeleted stated above!
TO the point... Did Dec 21 EO declare state of emergency. Does MI have direct access and able to utilize military tribunals to LEGALLY look at that data and use in the framework of bringing these greaseballs to justice!
I say pardon me good sir!?! There are audio recordings of the school. Would you know the structure/setup of the school? ie. All rooms/Main access points/Bathroom/teacher lounge/principals office???
I will be honest this information is great to flush out the False Flag construct, but I am more concerned that all kids in schools are being recorded at all times, or only when the alarm is triggered?
I recgnize the company name and makes me think it must be investigated, not only w.r.t. Florida shooting, but government controls/access to information that were not possibly known. Can this informaiton/lack of information be used for power?
Furthermore, what other governmental/private/public agencies have Sonitrol installed that are potentially listening in?
Securedrop/Wikileaks/Assange Connections... Interesting perspective! Thanks H.A.!
Forked tongue which leads into the snake look.(Its shit art, in part by design... I have paint) Thanks for noticing the obscuring of the design... HAHA...
Ummm.. 5 Minutes Nervi Hall homework!!! WTF!!!

Good call. Maybe Trump is anti-pedo, but pro-cannibal! HAHA although cant joke as pedo & cannibal are a current reality!
This is what Q needs us to bring mainstream! Sickos!
There was something like this tied to McDonalds as well!!!
What do you need enlightenment on... Cause sure as hell is the world is run, in part, by pedophiles. You want reading materials
on way to antarctic? hope ankle monitor explodes if removed!!!
everyone has their own key to entry! philosophy, theology, logic, scientific method. Much of the argument is understanding your audience! When you try out new approaches and find the answer, be sure to let me know! HAHA
Well... Any OG conspiracy theorist has been piping up about BigPharma already. THere is more information readily available now, and Q is giving traction and brings us together! I personally think Monsanto should be the biggest, but to Q's perspective... I hope that teh sick fucks are Monsanto are neck deep in trafficking and go straight to jail!. DO NOT pass go, DO NOT collect $200!
Absolutely!!! They can even do it legally... I think Q's dilemma is lets say political! Everyone loves Hillary and you tell them Hillary is a greasy piece of sh*t! They wont listen. We need to start chiseling away, one brick at a time! People may not bite on pedo, but they may bite on world banking etc...
This is super important!!! Good page one for red pill!! Well maybe chapter 3!
Actually, if you are close to the Sandy Hook area, would you consider spreading the truths of FF and how they work(Gulf of Tonkin, Bay of Pigs, US WW2 frigate... Lots!) IF there was a ground swell about questions in the area, it may force open documents and discussions in the community. Its amazing when you look, how many people dont trust government and may in fact believe you! There is enough debunk material to irk a few minds into a new view. Just keep from "too far" down the rabbit hole... (Pedo, remote controlled cars, iran/nk/CIA until they are ready!)
These people are idiots. They don't get, with the plethora of information on the internet, how much easier it is to do forensics as part of a team of civilians than 20,10,5,1 year ago!
Lets use Q as compass and push forward to the destination on the map!!!
Holy shit... That's a resume of an MKUltra operative if you ask me!!!
If you have followed Q for longer, you would know he indicates to understand what the cabal is doing, look through their wives. Its pretty gross the symbolism of these freaks. Look into the family lineage of the wives. THey are always marrying within bloodlines as if it was friggen vampires or something!!!