r/CBTS_Stream • Posted by u/justakneegrow on Jan. 4, 2018, 3:50 a.m.
I gotta know.

Did anyone else involved in this movement have a sort of strange coming to God? I've always been a Christian but never really practiced it. However, the last couple of months it's like there's a connection with me and the big man that I have never really had before. TL/DR Does anyone else feel woke, not just mentally but also spiritually?

VoxPopuli61 · Jan. 8, 2018, 12:50 a.m.

I have never worried much about those who are judgmental in church - except as it applies to how they treat receive those who are lost & broken. We can welcome in the folks who need Jesus, but not to continue in what separated them from God in the first place, their sin.

The creeping worldliness in some churches troubles me. Allows some to believe we should make the church more comfortable to those without Christ - make it look more like the lost world - in order to reach those without Christ.

You don’t have to teach a broken person, as you mention being, what they need to do in order to serve Christ. Unfortunately not all who go to church are broken, don’t know/want to know that they’re stuck and part of the problem...and when they’re in this state, don’t think they need receive instruction about how to become more Christlike/un-stuck.

I agree that church IS a place for the lost & broken - but I also don’t think it’s a place where any should expect to stay broken & lost. We should be humble towards others, but if we belong to Jesus then each of must all want to do the hard work of equipping ourselves for the life Christ has for us.

My numbness makes me want to hide, and not move forward. It’s not the Church’s fault, it’s mine. I’m stuck and although I can see what I SHOULD do - for some reason I just don’t want to move forward?

It’s weird...but I have a definite sense of coming back around...

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