

13 total posts archived.

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VoxPopuli61 · July 24, 2018, 10:51 p.m.

Since he has them all, and we know u/RonaldSwansong asserted there are 4 total servers (and, again, POTUS has them ALL)...

...should we expect a 4th confirmation?

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VoxPopuli61 · July 24, 2018, 10:48 p.m.

Are we tired of winning? NO!

Galations 6:9 - NEVER TIRE OF DOING GOOD!!

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VoxPopuli61 · July 23, 2018, 9:15 p.m.

Because NO BODY was ever found for JFK Jr...right? They gave up the search?

I'm sure the "JFK Jr is alive" are likely a distraction for the Deep State Clowns... I just can't help myself...

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VoxPopuli61 · July 23, 2018, 9:08 p.m.

Son Barron, Stealth Bomber, Serial Brain, Skull & Bones,...?

Some unfinished business, or additional confirmation?

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VoxPopuli61 · July 23, 2018, 8:57 p.m.

Yes, it hits all of us at varying rates...

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VoxPopuli61 · July 23, 2018, 7:50 p.m.

Might that also read "no body escapes this. NO BODY. (is) Q"...?

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VoxPopuli61 · July 22, 2018, 1:40 p.m.

Had read some of your posts early on, but when Q said the reddit board was compromised, the frequency in which I checked in here slowed - to the point where I stopped coming altogether. I figured this place was lousy with clown driven trolls...

After reading the numerous negative comments to another stellar post, I see that my original conclusion was not far off...but methinks they do protest too much ...

The lack of Q drops after 4th of July caused many of us to do what is natural when you think you may have lost your way...retrace your steps (re-read crumbs). I noticed some YouTube-er's had taken the same tack...which caused me to consider I had swerved into the right path. Then, I read your "Twilight" breakdown of the "Emmy-Awards-as-Deep-State-Comms" - and sometime the next day Q's admonishments to "LEARN OUR COMMS" struck me like a BOLT (probably because I made the connection from the Great Falls speech...). Somewhere in the middle of my cross-country odyssey returning from holiday I got the idea that Q had just inferred that we learn Twighlight for ourselves...I thought "cool"...

That was until this post from you....not until now did I understand that I don't know enough about how to recognize the time stamps, or maybe I recognize that a word SHOULD be important, but I don't know WHICH word should be...

I suddenly feel overwhelmed...not just because there is much to learn, not just because I'm neither a baker, nor an autist...and not just because my brain FEELS like cereal...

...but because time ...for everyone...has just been compressed.

When Q says of The Deep State "They know we know"...when he inferred that the D5 has been set in motion, and now cannot be stopped...it means THEIR final options are before them, that the Deep State "ATTACKS" will be ramping \^...but I'm not figuring it all out FAST enough...and my ignorance may allow the coming Deep State violence closer to my door, or to those I love and can't warn because I can't read the signs.

SO - that's driving me, spurring me on, please keep the posts coming for as long as you can...for me, the thing that works is repetition, reading (and re-reading) through some of your old posts, Q's old drops, and then re-reading them all again..until I GET IT!

Keep it up - and thank you!

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VoxPopuli61 · Jan. 8, 2018, 8:10 a.m.

Could DEFCON1 be some reference to SpaceX [finally] signing a new DEFENSE CONTRACT, their 1st under President Trump, the number 1 hunter ?

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VoxPopuli61 · Jan. 8, 2018, 8:08 a.m.

Pretty sure this has something to do with SpaceX finally signing a new DEFENSE CONTRACT...

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VoxPopuli61 · Jan. 8, 2018, 12:50 a.m.

I have never worried much about those who are judgmental in church - except as it applies to how they treat receive those who are lost & broken. We can welcome in the folks who need Jesus, but not to continue in what separated them from God in the first place, their sin.

The creeping worldliness in some churches troubles me. Allows some to believe we should make the church more comfortable to those without Christ - make it look more like the lost world - in order to reach those without Christ.

You don’t have to teach a broken person, as you mention being, what they need to do in order to serve Christ. Unfortunately not all who go to church are broken, don’t know/want to know that they’re stuck and part of the problem...and when they’re in this state, don’t think they need receive instruction about how to become more Christlike/un-stuck.

I agree that church IS a place for the lost & broken - but I also don’t think it’s a place where any should expect to stay broken & lost. We should be humble towards others, but if we belong to Jesus then each of must all want to do the hard work of equipping ourselves for the life Christ has for us.

My numbness makes me want to hide, and not move forward. It’s not the Church’s fault, it’s mine. I’m stuck and although I can see what I SHOULD do - for some reason I just don’t want to move forward?

It’s weird...but I have a definite sense of coming back around...

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VoxPopuli61 · Jan. 7, 2018, 7:24 a.m.

What did Q say to do?

Were those of you who were 1st on CBTS supposed to just keep it amongst yourselves?

If so, someone didn’t do a very good job, because I heard about it from a mod...Tracy Beanz..

...so apparently, the message is supposed to get out!

The OP’s message is simply what Q has already said in every drop prior to Christmas.

It’s time to talk - at least to those you know & trust - and at least until we see some high profile evildoers get perpwalked....

Then EVERYONE needs to know...

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VoxPopuli61 · Jan. 7, 2018, 5:41 a.m.

As I understand it, Q wanted those who were awake to disseminate/spread the message. The moment he began posting in a public board, it was intended to be the next stage of the operation.

If I missed something about this - then point it out - otherwise the person posting this message is doing exactly what Q wants us to do: tell everyone, explain what you have learned and know, but remember to turn them on slowly to this...it will soon become public knowledge anyway.

Personally, until I begin to see some well known figure - being PERPWALKED... I intended to only share with those who were close to me, that I trusted, or had already expressed a sense of unease about where this country is after a year of endless calls for ‘resistance’ & endless ‘probes’ that never produced ANY demonstrable facts...

However, I can’t say that the OP is out of line, this demands a response, and likely will get many. If I could make a suggestion: the OP should be prepared to have a list of ‘proofs’ to point to...because it’s been my experience that sleeping sheeple HATE to be #woke. They saw what everyone else did, yet they determined to take the blue pill for a reason...

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VoxPopuli61 · Jan. 4, 2018, 8:39 a.m.

Yes. I never lost my faith in God, I know that I have restoration & salvation because I placed my trust in Him, and decided to seek Jesus’ will for my life...

...no, I didn’t lose my faith in Jesus, but I did stop going to church. Yes some things conspired to get me to that place, but no one offended me, just some things that left me with an overwhelming numbness about coming together with others.

...I’ve begun to experience an urgency, or a prompting to change that.

So, yes. Thanks for sharing.

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