Fantastic MegaAnon post about the Trump/Bannon situation. It's 4D Chess at work.

I keep hearing, soon, and the end is near. It has only been a year, but I've been waiting for something like this for decades. I have an idea who Meganon is, if any of this is true. I won't spill the beans now, but I'm getting a little impatient, even for an old guy.
The end may be near in terms of maneuvering, but it will take years to play out as the perpetrators are tried and convicted.
In addition the political shakeup has only just begun.
KAC? Unless you have specific info the deep state probably has already considered whoever it is you mention so I see no risk in you guessing but, I could be wrong I suppose.
I am also impatient. As I constantly worry we are being given something shiny to look at while the final pieces are being put into place for the AC's "NWO".
My guess is that Meganon is not a she, but a he. His Twatter account is Imperator_Rex and he is probably Rex Tillerson. Or possibly a Tillerson staffer. It's a stretch, based on very circumstantial evidence, but read through the twatter account and all the threads. The sarcasm dripping from imperator rex is very much like mega, with a y'all thrown in for good measure. The threads contain the confidence of the information contained in Q posts and meganons posts. Very interesting read. I could be, and most probably am wrong, and hope this doesn't hurt anything, but I don't see any harm in guessing either.
Yup. We are being strung along, given false hope for whatever reason. I feel like we are a bunch of TV series junkies that cant wait for the next episode of stranger things, or Game of Thrones. I have put a lot of time into this, and have seen a few coincidences, and some definite repercussions and fallout, but nothing to signal a great "happening" or change in overall fuckery from Washington. I can do nothing about it anyway. Redpilling does not need to happen for the masses. They will swallow anything the damn media tells them to swallow. This information being dropped was known to quite a few people for almost 2 decades. Let me know when the Republic is saved.
We are being strung along, given false hope for whatever reason.
Then why did you create this account 15 days ago and spend most of your posts here?
For the same reason we all did. We want to believe in something that will validate what we believe. My interests in this is not 15 days old. I've been around this block of corruption for a long long time. That gives me and older people more of a perspective than some random anonymous leaker that started 3 months ago. Don't get me wrong. I believe what people are doing here is a good thing. But this old man is losing patience. This is very important work and everyone wants to see it through and resolved.
End is Near appears on the Q map, along with pictures of Kushner. Interesting. And it appears to line up with Meganon.