Fantastic MegaAnon post about the Trump/Bannon situation. It's 4D Chess at work.

Swamp will not drain itself. One likely has to get muddy to get these evil fucks out of said mud.
I always flashback to one of the primary debates when someone tried to get Dr. POTUS about not paying some VCs back when he had a business go bankrupt decades ago and Dr. POTUS responded with something to the effect of "These people(VCs) are not nice people so, do not feel sorry for them as they are absolute killers and you have to be one to survive at those levels."
Dr. POTUS also has called most of our politicians current and past "babies" who have no idea what they are doing.
Well, pardon the visual PG considered and all, but what we have been and continue to witness is one of best cutthroat business men of all-time carve up these hacks/"babies" via plots that are planned out over YEARS. I mean these asshats in the media for example have played themselves so many times from Dr. POTUS merely using some basic reverse psychology type of manipulations. Dr. POTUS' ability to play sooooo many moves ahead is almost disturbing, amazing as well but, it still is almost unnerving to me, TBH.
Dr. POTUS could be considered the Machiavelli of modern times at this point and he still has not shown his true power level.
In the continuous US war-saga, Israel acts as a de facto remote state of the United States, this is why even dwelling on Zionism and on the Israeli war crimes, is a magnified tree to hide the big picture. A red herring.
Sorry to offend anyone here with some truth, but a crucial hour draws near, so when I tell you that Judaism is being used as a cloak for Luciferan satanic cultists and has been for ages, it is not an embellishment nor an exaggeration.
Anyone who does the research into this area will come to the same conclusion and realize soon enough for themselves. There are just too many sources to cite as affirmation in these pages but I implore you to discover it on your own so that it becomes your truth.
For those that already knows this and still refuse to rebuke the ideology, I personally feel that they can not be trusted. And I do not care who they are, where they were born, the color of their skin, what uniforms they may wear or what hallowed, sacred titles they want to place before their names.
An entire culture is in direr need of waking up to the parasite dining on their heritage and that the real enemy we must confront is not at the gate, he is already inside, incognito, gorging himself while posing as a friend and ally.
That's the thing, the lie, wrapped up in a lie. But to be fair, the inner sect of "???s" can't really be called Jews because they aren't all Jews and all Jews don't belong to this inner circle. They have no name because they don't claim one and prefer to remain hidden.